This forum is intended for specialists to discuss technical questions regarding 1C:Enterprise platform usage.

All posts should be in English.Links to other sites are allowed in case of citations or additional explanations and should display English text.

In conferences (forums) it is prohibited to be vulgar, obscene, hateful or threatening. It is prohibited to post duplicate messages, use CAPS when entering the thread title, except for acronyms.

It is prohibited to post messages, directly or indirectly assisting use of 1C:Enterprise or other vendors' software without license, including:

  • Discussing ways to obtain and publish offers to buy counterfeit software;
  • Discussing ways of hacking the software license protection;
  • Publishing information violating standards and methodology of application development established by 1C Company;
  • Other similar themes;
  • Publishing links to information of that kind.

Messages which do not match those requirements will be deleted by a moderator and authors will be suspended from conferences.

Messages off the thread topic are not welcome.

Objective and constructive criticism is welcome.

Use Instructions.

To create a new topic of discussion click on "Add new topic".

To post a reply to a message click on "Add comment".

If a discussion is answered and the problem is solved (by forum users or by the author) it is recommended to post a message in which the solution is formulated at the end of the topic. For example: “Thanks to everyone. The problem is solved. The following was done: …” or: “Thanks, I’ve got the solution. I was trying to do this: … but had to do this: …”. Such a summary will be beneficial to the discussion participants and will help people with the same problem in the future.

1C:Enterprise Technical Support.

In some cases based on the forum discussion 1C Company employees might decide to register a bug. This is done very rarely, the bug is registered internally without providing fix updates.

For correct and guaranteed bug registration send a message to this technical support e-mail: or through the member area on this website. Before routing the bug to the developer team the technical support might request additional information.

E-mails of 1C Company developers should not to be used to solve or discuss technical problems.

Copyright and Citations.

Citing forum messages and publishing them on other resources is allowed only under the following conditions:

  • It is required to identify the author and the source;
  • The citation must be surrounded by quotes.

Citations not in compliance with these rules, or copying entire threads or multiple messages are prohibited.

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