The web service is a common configuration object intended to describe a web service supplied by the 1C:Enterprise applied solution.

The web service is described by a set of operations. Each operation may have a number of parameters for sending data to the web service and getting return values.

Parameter types and the web service return values are described using the XDTO mechanism.

The web service configuration object involves a module containing procedures executable when certain web service operations are called:

// Matches the Upload web service operation.

Function ExecuteExport(ExchangePlanName, InfobaseNodeCode, ExchangeMessageStorage)




         ExchangeMessage = ””;

         DataExchangeServer.ExportForInfobaseNodeViaString(ExchangePlanName, InfobaseNodeCode, ExchangeMessage);

         ExchangeMessageStorage = New ValueStorage(ExchangeMessage, New Deflation(9));


Web service publication

To make the web service available for customers, it’s necessary to publish it via the file system either to the Internet Information Services or Apache web server.

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