More than 600 participants joined the Third International 1C Skills Camp
On the 1st of April 2022, we started the Third International 1C Skills Camp to bring together both young and professional developers from around the globe. This year, more than 600 participants joined the camp.
Now we have already completed the 1С:Enterprise First Step Course, which is the first stage of the training. During this course, the participants were able to learn about how the concepts of low code development apply to the 1С:Enterprise platform, get some practice with the platform's training version, and pass their first tests. The biggest number of participants who successfully completed the 1С:Enterprise First Step comes from Morocco (94), Colombia (59), and El Salvador (16).
Now the camp is ready to proceed to the next step, which is 1С Development Basics. Junior Course. Its primary purpose is to let students learn about developing fully functional business applications for desktop. This course teaches the basics of the 1C:Enterprise language, introduces the 1C:Enterprise platform built-in objects, and presents the query language used for generating business reports.
The participants get assistance from mentors who can speak English, Spanish and French. The mentors host webinars, help the participants work through tasks and answer questions that arise during the training. Despite the number of students, all of them get the required attention and support. It has become possible by allocating the participants to groups and assigning a dedicated mentor to each group.
Also, it is worth mentioning that the success of our students is closely monitored by the camp partners and 1C companies in Cape Town, Dubai, Madrid, Ulan Bator, Hanoi, and Moscow. The best students will get an offer for a salaried internship that might be followed by full-time employment as a 1C developer.
We would like to wish all our participants success in mastering the 1C developer career! Good luck!
Interim Results of the 1C Skills Camp 2022 Announced
On July 21, we were pleased to announce the interim results of 1C Skills Camp 2022 based on the participants’ achievements in the first two modules of the 1C Development Basics Course. Junior Course.