D-Wine Group


D-Wine, a chain of restaurants and wine shops in Spain, has deployed a BI system built on 1C:Analytics and now enjoys quick and easy access to analytics and reports.  The deployment responded to the management’s need for convenient interactive reports popular among users in the western world.  Access to data in real-time enabled the management to make decisions without delays, quickly modify internal processes and plan payments and procurements.

D-Wine group was founded in 2013 in Málaga, Spain, and operates mainly in the country’s south. The main course of the business is the supply and sale of alcoholic beverages and premium wines. The group consists of four boutique restaurants, a wine supermarket, and a wine bar & lounge. It offers several thousand wines from Spain, Italy, France, Argentina, Australia, New Zealand, and the USA.

The group set its choice on the 1C:Analytics solution as it was delighted with the 1С:ERP WE deployed by Rise LLC. The built-in tools in 1С:ERP WE present data in tables, and if users need visualization, it requires some additional setup plus switching between catalogs. As a result, it takes more time to generate reports, and in some cases, the information in them does not reveal the picture as a whole. At the same time, the western world is more accustomed to working with interactive boards, and this was the request from the D-Wine management.

As believed by Andrey Mazurov, CFO of D-Wine, “The powerful generator of reports in 1C is an excellent tool for those who know how to set it up. But those who are accustomed to interactive dashboards find it difficult to use charts and other “unresponsive” tables. Real-time tables are beneficial for our business. And this applies not only to top management but middle management and salespersons as well. We even developed some extensions to imitate an interactive user interface. And then comes the 1C:Analytics offering a complete set of visualization tools we are so used to here in the western part world.

Two Weeks that Changed Everything

As requested by the D-Wine management, the group picked up the solution that ensured quick single-screen access to interactive reports on the current state of the business.

Rise LLC has become the partner for the project. The data for analytics was sourced from the 1С:ERP World Edition. Rise LLC successfully integrated all existing systems in the 1C:Analytics. The most important part of the whole installation and setup process was properly setting up the IIS server as it directly impacts how the solution initiates processes and obtains data.

As a result, users got access to the following functionality:

    • Finance, managerial accounting, efficiency monitoring;
    • Key performance indicators monitoring and analysis;
    • Sales and trends analysis.

It took two weeks to complete installation and integration processes, following which the customer received 15 workstations.

For the first few days, the 1C consultants were there to assist in learning the software. Still, it did not take much time before D-Wine employees knew the system functions and started compiling reports themselves. Currently, the size of a database as the source for analytical reports comprises about 40 Gb. Representation of data in panels made it possible to offer business analytic tools even for employees with no specific technical background and knowledge. Six to seven users, mainly company managers, utilize the service on a daily basis. 

Rise LLC has been the 1C partner since 2016.  It has offices in Moscow, Izhevsk, and Cape Town. The main fields of the company expertise include 1С:CPM (Corporate Performance Management) projects and integrated deployments for 1С:ERP и 1С:ERP WE.

Presenting the State of Things on a Single Screen

The deployed 1C:Analytics granted access to aggregate data on the whole enterprise with an option to go as deep as a specific document or a catalog element.

Users utilize customizable dashboards to access the following reports:

    • Today (current state of the business);
    • Trends by Months and Years (in comparison with the period for 2, 3, or 4 years);
    • Procurement Trends (year over year);
    • Month-over-month Sales Trends (with comparative year-over-year reports);
    • Miscellaneous Expenses;
    • Current Quarter VAT Tracking;
    • Loan Information, and others.

    Reports in the dashboard provide links to particular 1С:ERP WE documents or objects allowing quick access within the ERP system for detailed check or editing.

    The deployment of the solution brought a deep integration of the 1С:ERP WE with the business intelligence system and granted the company management and its divisions and partners easier access to the information and analytics. It provided a clear picture of the company’s key indexes and improved control over corporate business processes.

    Now it takes substantially less time to process and visualize reports.  Quick access to data for the last two to three years helps the management make prompt and balanced decisions, adjust internal processes, and schedule payments and procurements.

    "First of all, we need data on sales, costs, and procurements. Add to it the report on company current resources versus previous years," says Andrey Mazurov, "We also like the visualization and ability to adjust periods and levels of details on the fly. Nevertheless, the most important thing is to have several key charts and diagrams on one screen. Things have become much more simple now. We can see current statuses, use interactive sales and procurement reports and compare indicators per each restaurant, going as much into details as we need."

    A Pilot Project in the Time of the Lockdown

    It is a bit early to evaluate how D-Wine benefited from using analytical data.

    “It was the lockdown when we deployed the solution,” explains Andrey Mazurov, “Shops and restaurants were closed in Andalucía. The commercial life was 100% on pause. Things depended not on our analytics but on the government decisions. When we started testing the product, there was no current data at all, and we had to use zero as the point of reference when evaluating 2018 and 2019 revenues. We have not seen any increase in numbers. Though we had our shop open in the daytime, and the revenue was 15% higher compared to 2019. Still, the wine sales were running high not because of analytics but due to closed restaurants and people’s need to cope with the stress caused by the pandemic. Now the life is gradually getting back to normal. We have all restaurants open, plus we have opened a new one; the Wine Gallery is functioning, and the revenue is pretty good for the crisis. The chart shows that our current sales are 93% higher than in 2020, but on the other hand, in 2020 we had a 100% drop. The business is slowly getting back on track, and there is a high season ahead. All of this brings hope for future growth.”

    As believed by D-Wine CFO, the 1C:Analytics entered the market just in time and has plenty of advantages compared to products by local developers and global corporations.  The future of the 1C:Analytics on the European market seems to be promising.

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