Siemens Gas Turbine Technologies is engaged in the development, assembly, sale, and service of gas turbines, as well as in the localization of production.
The company required an information system capable to comprehensively automate all tasks, not only in the field of finance management and report preparation according to Russian and international accounting standards but also in the production and logistics department, sales, production and supply management.
The functionalities of the 1C:Enterprise platform were the reason to choose 1C:ERP solution: the platform enjoys high adaptability to the requirements of Russian business, the ability to comprehensively automate all key tasks of a manufacturing plant, as well as relatively inexpensive system adaptation to the changes in the company's business processes.
Project’s uniqueness
The business’s peculiarity needed making a number of improvements to the standard system functionality, including accounting for the work in process, project cost calculation and finished product accounting.
KORUS Consulting, an official 1C Company partner, was chosen to fulfill the implementation of the integrated applied solution 1C:ERP.
Key project results
1) Production: settled operational planning functionality, and it is possible now to keep records of complex custom production (production orders, route lists, dispatching).
2) Purchasing and inventory planning: the system eliminated deficiencies in the report formation and in the execution of insulation/reservation mechanisms.
3) Accounting, finances: overall automation of the enterprise’s financial system, including complicated tax accounting (separate VAT), full-featured accounting, and accounting in compliance with the international standards (IFRS).