TNG Holdings


TNG HOLDINGS Vietnam investment joint-stock company is a multi-sector conglomerate. It efficiently operates by providing optimally integrated customer solutions and adding better value to society. The conglomerate concentrates on seven sectors: real estate construction and management, trading, HR services, hospitality, agriculture, financial sector, investments in new technologies.


The project's primary purpose was to enable centralized management of documents and tasks in the conglomerate with a complex organizational structure.

The main tasks of the project were to

    • transfer the conglomerate's multilevel management structure into the digital domain and tune it up with the account of requirements set up by departments, subordinate companies, and their affiliates;
    • enable centralized management of documents (contracts, requests, and others) in departments, subordinate companies, and their affiliates;
    • ensure efficient processing of documents and handling of tasks;
    • establish an archive allowing rapid access to thousands of documents;
    • make possible to quickly generate reports related to documents, tasks, and employees' performance;
    • enable quick and easy search for documents at any time and from any place, as well as to provide for convenient exchange of information.


TNG Holding in Vietnam is among the largest conglomerates in real estate management, trading & development, real estate lease, trading and services, hospitality, energy, agriculture, finance and banking industries.

During all 25 years of its evolution, TNG Holdings Vietnam has always given much attention to information technologies as tools that help the conglomerate run operations and commercial activities, improve employees' performance, and provide better customer service.

To implement the Project for Transformation of TNG Holdings Vietnam Operational Procedures, the conglomerate has picked 1C software as the most suitable solution to improve documentation management, processing, and storage. After six months of deployment, the company received an easy-to-use document processing system bundled with improved procedures and processes for the internal management of documents.


    • Some documents were stored locally on personal computers.
    • There was a high risk of losing documents when employees changed positions or left the conglomerate. Leaving employees could fail to pass some documents in hardcopy or electronic format to a designated employee that would result in a long-time search for documents and sometimes even their loss.
    • The conglomerate incurred significant stationery, documents printing, and delivery costs.
    • The exchange of information between employees and companies relied on various text messaging services (messengers) and emails.
    • Documents, contracts, and requests were approved manually, requiring employees "to use their feet" to reach the persons in charge.
    • Employees had difficulties in checking documents status after filing them. Has the document been approved? Who is working with the document now? And similar. 


Technical architecture peculiarities:

    • Authentication via customer's OpenID server.
    • Enhanced fault tolerance through the combination of several factors:  front-end on NGINX servers managed with keepalived, joined operation of 1C cluster and Apache web servers in fault-tolerant mode.
    • The 1C server cluster that ensures fault-tolerant operation also runs in server load balancing mode.


1C:Document Management:

    • document management;
    • process management;
    • time tracking;
    • employees' performance;
    • mobile application;
    • document archive.

Number of workstations: 2500 
Project duration: 6 months


These are the key features that make the project unique:

    • scope and architecture;
    • three interface languages (Vietnamese, English, Russian);
    • size of documents archive uploaded into 1C:Document Management (the internal name of the solution is E-OFFICE);
    • process templates specific to departments and companies with several levels of rights to view and modify content;
    • manuals and instructional videos explicitly created for TNG.


    • Specific to departments and subordinate companies process templates with adjustable user access rights.
    • Centralized storage of documents. With appropriate rights granted, employees can access every document they need for their work from any part of the world.
    • Employees of different companies within the conglomerate can rapidly exchange information.
    • The time to exchange documents between departments has drastically decreased. Thanks to the mobile application, approval and endorsements of internal documents are easy.
    • No headaches and loss of time to check the status of documents in processing.
    • Quick generation of reports that helps managers precisely and efficiently evaluate the efficiency of every employee.

Without a doubt, TNG will enjoy such benefits of 1С:Document Management (or E-OFFICE) as a modern and user-friendly interface, highly efficient and easy-to-use tools.


1C Vietnam and TNG Holdings Vietnam signed a contract to implement the E-OFFICE project

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