On local computer I am trying to add Infobase located on 1C:Enterprise server installed on virtual machine with Ubuntu OS hosted in the cloud of my hosting provider and so far no luck. What's wrong?
For PostgreSQL DB installed on a remote virtual machine what's the difference between '1C:Enterprise server cluster' and 'Database server' parameters in Add Infobase form?
For PostgreSQL DB installed on a remote virtual machine what's the difference between '1C:Enterprise server cluster' and 'Database server' parameters in Add Infobase form?
Database server - is address of you DB server (where your postgresql works)
In your setup you have to set 1C:Enterprise server cluster = pennypc (and pennypc must be available and resolving from your client) Database server = pennypc (as I understand you install both services on same virtual machine)
By default uses port 5432, so you don't need to point in somehow. But if you change it on you DB server, you can point it like "DBServerAddress port=1234"
More information you can find in pdf manual here5.2.1.3. Creating an infobase in client/server mode
Also if you want just check if it has troubles somewhere between client and server. You can use utility rac (of course it must be installed before), and create infobase from your virtual machine. More information about command line utility rac you can find here in pdf manual.