I have an error while working with query builder; platform gives fatal error when executes a query (only when tring to take data from Accounting register). The error details in attached *.png files, the error text is:
"Error executing query Error executing the query POST to resource /e1cib/logForm: , reason: 1C:Enterprise fatal server error. Application will be closed" and then drops the session, so I can only close or restart program.
I so the same (or maybe similar) topics here, but the solution was to update the version of platform (from 8.3.5 to 8.3.6), but I have this error in
Tried the "verify and repair" from configuration, didnt help.
More information: OS: Windows server 2012 R2 Standart Woring mode: Client Server Platform version: Server: PosgreSQL 9.2.1
Can you please help with solution, what can I do? maybe try to update the platform, but not sure which version to use?
The error shown on screens above in first message occurs in user mode (both thick and thin client modes. tried to clear server cash, it didnt help) - in designer mode no errors then working with query builder. Now, when trying to update database from designer mode, or when trying to dump/restore databese, windows just closes 1C, if needed, can also share windows logs with error.
In your case, it is best to raise the platform version, that is, upgrade.
You have a very old version of the platform and the easiest way will be to upgrade to a new version, in which this bug has probably already been fixed.
Updated the platform version to (other datas are same with first message: client-server mode; BDSM - postgresql 9.2.1; OS Windows server 2012 R2 Standart), error still exists, but in error details there is a little bit different information (screen 1 and 2 below).
Tried to "verify and repair" but also couldnt do it, gives error: "DMBS error 42P01:ERROR relation "_document172" does not exist" (the last screen in the end of message).
It maybe a postgre error, I will try to update the postgre version this weekend and share the result here (of course, if you have any other suggestions or oppinions about this mistake, will glad to here you).
I think I have solved the problem, dont know, if its a true solution, but I did next steps:
* In Postgres (bia pgAdmin III) manually serched the table named "_document172" ("postgreSQL server" - databases - "database name" - Shemas - public - tables), and founda that I dont have the table with such name, but found the similar one with "og" at the end (the full name of table in postgre was "_documeng172og"). Edited the name of table manually, by just deleting "og" at the end.
After, tested to do the operations, those was causing the error in program, and found that all works correctly, no error occurs more.
Not sure, how is this solution true (of not), but now I dont have any errors (in work mode at least). After the work day ends, I will try to "verify and repair" from configurator and check if it also works correctly.
Yes, we have chechek the data, everything seems in place.
I guess, that the error started after one of "dynamic update". We decided not to do dynamic update (if its not so necessary and we dont have any other choices).
In my experience, there have been a couple of times when using dynamic update that I have had problems with. Once it was a long time ago, on an old version of the platform, and the second time was relatively recently.
This is my personal recommendation - if possible, it is better not to use dynamic update.