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Dmitry Sergeev wrote:
with a self signed SSL certificate

Hi Dmitry,
perhaps this is the reason for the error.

Could you temporarily use another SSL certificate for verification, for example from Let's Encrypt? This certificate is very easy to obtain. You can read how to do this, for example, here:

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Hello Dmitry,

just checked how it works on platform, ISS 10 and SSL certificate from "Let's encrypt" - everything works fine.

Moreover, both on a mobile device and on a desktop Linux.

Let's deal with your problem. Which SSL certificate are you using? What device are you trying to connect to the 1C base from?

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We use Apache 2.4 web server with a self signed SSL certificate to Cloudflare, then from Cloudflare the user gets ther SSL certificates.
Devices - Windows 10.

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Dmitry Sergeev wrote:
with a self signed SSL certificate

Hi Dmitry,
perhaps this is the reason for the error.

Could you temporarily use another SSL certificate for verification, for example from Let's Encrypt? This certificate is very easy to obtain. You can read how to do this, for example, here:

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Company: A.R. Merkeleon GmbH

We tried to use Let's Encrypt SSL. It works, but only on localhost:443, connection via Cloudflare - a button still disabled. For obvious reasons we will not refuse to use Cloudflare - it is much more convenient and also provide an additional secure.

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