Data exchange mechanism depending on wich user is logged in

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Can anyone provide a configuration example of data exhange mechanism (exchange plan or other method) between main infobase and mobile devices(1C mobile) depending on which user is logged in on the device?


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Timofey Bugaevsky


Hello, Marius Gidu.

Please see Data exchange demo.

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Hello Timofey and thanks. But i don`t understand the mechanism implemented in Data exchange demo. Can you please give me a more accurate example for my point of view (on mobile receive from main infobase only data corresponding to authetificated mobile user)?


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Timofey Bugaevsky


You will need to use same mechanism that is implemented in the example in Data exchange demo. The message transport method you should use a web service for data exchange. The user authentication described in the Users/Login topic.

   Address = "<web service URL>?wsdl";
   Definitions = New WSDefinitions(Address, <user name>, <password>);
   URI = "<namespace>";
   Proxy = New WSProxy(Definitions, URI, "WebExchange", "WebExchangeSoap");
   Proxy.User = <user name>;
   Proxy.Password = <password>;

Here are most interesting parts:
// Writes a new message to the exchange file
// Parameters:
//  FileName      - the name of file to which the exchange message will be written
//  ExchangePlan - the reference to an exchange plan which for the exchange message is generated
// Returns:
//  MessageNo    - the number of message which have been written to the exchange file
Function WriteNewMessage(FileName)
   MessageNo = 0;
   // Creating an object for writing an XML
   XMLWriter = New XMLWriter;
   // Creating a new message
   MessageWriter = ExchangePlans.CreateMessageWriter();
   MessageWriter.BeginWrite(XMLWriter, Ref);
   // To reduce the file message size writing a namespace
   XMLWriter.WriteNamespaceMapping("xsd", "");
   XMLWriter.WriteNamespaceMapping("xsi", "");
   XMLWriter.WriteNamespaceMapping("v8", "");
   MessageNo = MessageWriter.MessageNo;
   Message("    Message number: " + MessageNo);
   // Getting the selection of changed data
   Counter = 0;
   ChangesSelection = ExchangePlans.SelectChanges(MessageWriter.Recipient, MessageNo);
   While ChangesSelection.Next() Do
      Data = ChangesSelection.Get();
#If Client Then
      Counter = Counter + 1;
      Status("Exporting data: " + String(Counter));
      // If the data transfer is not required, maybe it is required to write the data deletion
      If Not DataTransferRequired(Data) Then
         // Getting the value with the possible data deletion
      // Writing the data to the message
      WriteData(XMLWriter, Data);
#If Client Then
      // Displaying a diagnostic message about the written data
   // Finishing the message writing
   Return MessageNo;

// Reads the new exchange message from the file
// Parameters:
//  FileName     - the name of file with the exchange message
// Returns:
//  MessageNo  - the number of the received message
Function ReadNewMessage(FileName)
   // Creating an object for reading XML
   XMLReader = New XMLReader;
   // Setting the XML data read parameters not to loose the data of 1 character length
   ReadingParameters = New XMLReaderSettings(
                     ,     // Version
                     ,     // Language
                     ,     // Whitespace
                     ,     // IgnoreXMLDeclaration
                     ,     // ValidationType
                     ,     // IgnoreDocumentType
                     ,     // IgnoreProcessingInstructions
                     ,     // IgnoreComments
                     ,     // IgnoreWhitespace
                     ,     // CDATASectionAsText
                     True // UseIgnorableWhitespace
   // Opening a file for reading
   XMLReader.OpenFile(FileName, ReadingParameters);
   // Importing from the found file
   MessageReader = ExchangePlans.CreateMessageReader();
   MessageNo = MessageReader.MessageNo;
   If MessageReader.Sender <> Ref Then
      // The message is not intended for this node
      Raise "Invalid node";
   // Deleting the changes registration for the message sender node
   // by the number of the received message which is got from the message
   ExchangePlans.DeleteChangeRecords(MessageReader.Sender, MessageReader.ReceivedNo);
   // Reading the data from the message while it is possible
   Counter = 0;
   While ReadDataAbility(XMLReader) Do
      // Reading the next value
      Data = ReadData(XMLReader);
#If Client Then
      Counter = Counter + 1;
      Status("Importing data: " + String(Counter));
      // The collision resolving when there are changes in both nodes
      If Not MessageReader.Sender.Master 
         And ExchangePlans.IsChangeRecorded(MessageReader.Sender, Data) Then
         Message("- Changes rejected:");
#If Client Then
      // Displaying a diagnostic message about the loaded data
      // Setting the sender to make the change not to be registered for it
      Data.DataExchange.Sender = MessageReader.Sender;
      // Sets the Loading mode as the data can be loaded in an arbitrary order and 
        // it is required to turn off the control data such as checking the numbers uniqueness
      Data.DataExchange.Load = True;
      // Writing the transferred data
   Return MessageNo;

If you need to manually change set of objects marked as having changes, you might need this example:
// Performs the changes registration for object by the selected method
// Parameters:
//  ExchangePlan    - Metadata object description for nodes of which
//                    it is required to perform registration
//  Nodes           - Nodes array which for it is required to perform registration
//  ExchangeContent - Exchange Plan content
Procedure RecordChanges(ExchangePlan, Nodes, ExchangeContent) Export
    // Registering changes of objects which correspond to metadata description objects
    For Each Row In ExchangeContent Do
        MetadataObject = Row.ContentItem.Metadata;
        If Row.Registration = ChangeRecords_CallMethod Then
            Message("Registering changes for data items '" + FullObjectNameMetadata(MetadataObject) + "' for nodes:");
         For Each Node In Nodes Do
            Message("   - " + Node);
            // calling a standard method of the exchange plan
            ExchangePlans.RecordChanges(Nodes, MetadataObject);
        ElsIf Row.Registration = ChangeRecords_WriteItem Then
            // creating objects of this type writing them
            If Metadata.Constants.Contains(MetadataObject) Then
                // constants are written using the constant value manager
                ManagerValues = Constants[MetadataObject.Name].CreateValueManager();
            // filling in the set of nodes-recipients
            ManagerValues.DataExchange.Recipients.AutoFill = False;
            FillNodeSet(ManagerValues.DataExchange.Recipients, Nodes);
            // writing a data item
            ElsIf Metadata.Catalogs.Contains(MetadataObject) Then
                // Selecting all catalog items one by one
                Selection = Catalogs[MetadataObject.Name].Select();
                While Selection.Next() Do
                    Object = Selection.GetObject();
               // filling in the set of nodes-recipients
               Object.DataExchange.Recipients.AutoFill = False;
               FillNodeSet(Object.DataExchange.Recipients, Nodes);
               // writing a data item

            ElsIf Metadata.Documents.Contains(MetadataObject) Then
                // Selecting all documents one by one
                Selection = Documents[MetadataObject.Name].Select();
                While Selection.Next() Do
                    Object = Selection.GetObject();
               // filling in the set of nodes-recipients
               Object.DataExchange.Recipients.AutoFill = False;
               FillNodeSet(Object.DataExchange.Recipients, Nodes);
               // writing a data item
            ElsIf Metadata.Sequences.Contains(MetadataObject) Then
                // The changes registration is performed by record sets
                // Selecting unique recorders of the RegisterRecords sequence
                Query = New Query;
                Query.Text = "SELECT DISTINCT Recorder FROM Sequence." + MetadataObject.Name;
                Selection = Query.Execute().Select();
                While Selection.Next() Do
                    // Creating a records set
                    Set = Sequences[MetadataObject.Name].CreateRecordSet();
                    // reading the records set data
               // filling in the set of nodes-recipients
               Set.DataExchange.Recipients.AutoFill = False;
               FillNodeSet(Set.DataExchange.Recipients, Nodes);
                    // Writing the records set data
            ElsIf Metadata.ChartsOfCharacteristicTypes.Contains(MetadataObject) Then
                // Selecting all charts or characteristic types one by one
                Selection = ChartsOfCharacteristicTypes[MetadataObject.Name].Select();
                While Selection.Next() Do
                    Object = Selection.GetObject();
               // filling in the set of nodes-recipients
               Object.DataExchange.Recipients.AutoFill = False;
               FillNodeSet(Object.DataExchange.Recipients, Nodes);
               // writing a data item
            ElsIf Metadata.ChartsOfAccounts.Contains(MetadataObject) Then
                // Selecting all charts of accounts one by one
                Selection = ChartsOfAccounts[MetadataObject.Name].Select();
                While Selection.Next() Do
                    Object = Selection.GetObject();
               // filling in the set of nodes-recipients
               Object.DataExchange.Recipients.AutoFill = False;
               FillNodeSet(Object.DataExchange.Recipients, Nodes);
               // writing a data item
            ElsIf Metadata.ChartsOfCalculationTypes.Contains(MetadataObject) Then
                // Selecting all charts of calculation types one by one
                Selection = ChartsOfCalculationTypes[MetadataObject.Name].Select();
                While Selection.Next() Do
                    Object = Selection.GetObject();
               // filling in the set of nodes-recipients
               Object.DataExchange.Recipients.AutoFill = False;
               FillNodeSet(Object.DataExchange.Recipients, Nodes);
               // writing a data item
          ElsIf Metadata.BusinessProcesses.Contains(MetadataObject) Then
                // Selecting all business-processes one by one
                Selection = BusinessProcesses[MetadataObject.Name].Select();
                While Selection.Next() Do
                    Object = Selection.GetObject();
               // filling in the set of nodes-recipients
               Object.DataExchange.Recipients.AutoFill = False;
               FillNodeSet(Object.DataExchange.Recipients, Nodes);
               // writing a data item
          ElsIf Metadata.Tasks.Contains(MetadataObject) Then
                // Selecting all business-processes tasks one by one
                Selection = Tasks[MetadataObject.Name].Select();
                While Selection.Next() Do
                    Object = Selection.GetObject();
               // filling in the set of nodes-recipients
               Object.DataExchange.Recipients.AutoFill = False;
               FillNodeSet(Object.DataExchange.Recipients, Nodes);
               // writing a data item
            ElsIf Metadata.InformationRegisters.Contains(MetadataObject) Then
                // defining fields which are in the register key
                RecordKey = New Array;
                If MetadataObject.WriteMode = Metadata.ObjectProperties.RegisterWriteMode.RecorderSubordinate Then
                    If MetadataObject.InformationRegisterPeriodicity <> Metadata.ObjectProperties.InformationRegisterPeriodicity.Nonperiodical
                        And MetadataObject.MainFilterOnPeriod Then
                    For Each Dimension In MetadataObject.Dimensions Do
                        If Dimension.MainFilter Then
                // Selecting unique recorders of the accumulation RegisterRecords
                Query = New Query;
                Query.Text = "SELECT DISTINCT "; 

                SemicolonRequired = False;
                For Each Field In RecordKey Do
                    Query.Text = Query.Text + ?(SemicolonRequired, ", ", "") + Field;
                    SemicolonRequired = True;
                Query.Text = Query.Text + " FROM InformationRegister." + MetadataObject.Name;
                Selection = Query.Execute().Select();
                While Selection.Next() Do
                    // Creating a records set
                    Set = InformationRegisters[MetadataObject.Name].CreateRecordSet();
                    // setting the filter values
                    For Each Field In RecordKey Do
                    // reading the records set data
               // filling in the set of nodes-recipients
               Set.DataExchange.Recipients.AutoFill = False;
               FillNodeSet(Set.DataExchange.Recipients, Nodes);
                    // Writing the records set data
            ElsIf Metadata.AccumulationRegisters.Contains(MetadataObject) Then
                // The changes registration is performed by record sets
                // Selecting unique recorders of the accumulation RegisterRecords
                Query = New Query;
                Query.Text = "SELECT DISTINCT Recorder FROM AccumulationRegister." + MetadataObject.Name;
                Selection = Query.Execute().Select();
                While Selection.Next() Do
                    // Creating a records set
                    Set = AccumulationRegisters[MetadataObject.Name].CreateRecordSet();
                    // reading the records set data
               // filling in the set of nodes-recipients
               Set.DataExchange.Recipients.AutoFill = False;
               FillNodeSet(Set.DataExchange.Recipients, Nodes);
                    // Writing the records set data
            ElsIf Metadata.AccountingRegisters.Contains(MetadataObject) Then
                // The changes registration is performed by record sets
                // Selecting distinct recorders of the accounting RegisterRecords
                Query = New Query;
                Query.Text = "SELECT DISTINCT Recorder FROM AccountingRegister." + MetadataObject.Name;
                Selection = Query.Execute().Select();
                While Selection.Next() Do
                    // Creating a records set
                    Set = AccountingRegisters[MetadataObject.Name].CreateRecordSet();
                    // reading the records set data
               // filling in the set of nodes-recipients
               Set.DataExchange.Recipients.AutoFill = False;
               FillNodeSet(Set.DataExchange.Recipients, Nodes);
                    // Writing the records set data
            ElsIf Metadata.CalculationRegisters.Contains(MetadataObject) Then
                // The changes registration is performed by record sets
                // Selecting distinct recorders of the calculation RegisterRecords
                Query = New Query;
                Query.Text = "SELECT DISTINCT Recorder FROM CalculationRegister." + MetadataObject.Name;
                Selection = Query.Execute().Select();
                While Selection.Next() Do
                    // Creating a records set
                    Set = CalculationRegisters[MetadataObject.Name].CreateRecordSet();
                    // reading the records set data
               // filling in the set of nodes-recipients
               Set.DataExchange.Recipients.AutoFill = False;
               FillNodeSet(Set.DataExchange.Recipients, Nodes);
                    // Writing the records set data
            ElsIf MetadataObject.Parent() <> Undefined Then
                Parent = MetadataObject.Parent();
                If ExchangeMetadataObjectType(Parent) = "CalculationRegister"
                    And Parent.Recalculations.Contains(MetadataObject) Then
                    // Selecting distinct recorders of the calculation RegisterRecords
                    Query = New Query;
                    Query.Text = "SELECT DISTINCT RecalculationObject FROM CalculationRegister." + Parent.Name + "." + MetadataObject.Name;
                    Selection = Query.Execute().Select();
                    While Selection.Next() Do
                        // Creating a records set
                        Set = CalculationRegisters[MetadataObject.Name].CreateRecordSet();
                        // reading the records set data
                  // filling in the set of nodes-recipients
                  Set.DataExchange.Recipients.AutoFill = False;
                  FillNodeSet(Set.DataExchange.Recipients, Nodes);
                        // Writing the records set data


Hope, this helps.

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