Explore Our Stand-alone platform components.
This section contains stand-alone components of the platform that extend and complement its functionality.
By following the links in subsections, you can access the installation files, a brief description of the components, and request demo versions.
The platform consists of many different technologies, parts. Such as Designer with Rapid application development (RAD) environment, Execution environment, Business Components, Web server, and other tools necessary for business application development.
The mobile platform is designed for developing applications for mobile devices running on Android, iOS, and Windows 10 Mobile. The mobile platform includes Android and iOS SDK, and Mobile application builder.
1C:Executor is an automation and administration tool for 1C:Enterprise 8 information databases. This is a great solution to automate deployment, ensure continuous integration, interact with 1C:Enterprise 8 server clusters or collaboration systems, and more.
1C:Analytics is a business intelligence (BI) tool used to retrieve, analyze, and transform data into useful business insights include data visualization, data warehousing, dashboards, and reporting.
1C:Fresh Cloud subsystem is a modern technology for creating online services that ensure the work of users in applied solutions on the 1C:Enterprise platform via the Internet (in the "cloud").