The 1C:Enterprise - File Workshop is stand-alone software that is distributed free of charge. It is designed for viewing and editing 1C:Enterprise format files at those computers where 1C:Enterprise platform is not installed.

Download File workshop

The following file formats are supported:

  • text document (*.txt);
  • spreadsheet document (*.mxl);
  • HTML document (*.htm, *.html);
  • graphical schema (*.grs);
  • geographical schema (*.geo);

During the installation the mxl, grs and geo file extensions are registered for this application, after that to view and edit those files it is enough to click with a mouse:

You can work with files in this program in the same way as in 1C:Enterprise. This program provides view, edit and print functionality. In addition, this program has a built-in calendar and calculator.

This application supports the command line. It is possible to pass the file name to open. For example, use the following command to open WorldMap.geo:

"D:\Program Files\1cv82fv\bin\1cv8fv.exe" D:\FileWorkshop\WorldMap.geo

1C:Enterprise - File Workshop supports file comparison mode which is implemented in 1C:Enterprise platform. Using this mode a user can, for example, visually compare two balance reports:

Installation Package

The 1C:Enterprise - File Workshop is available as an international installation package. 

It includes additional interface languages which are the same which are supported by 1C:Enterprise platform.

For international package it is possible to use /L command line option. For example, to open WorldMap.geo file with English interface language (en) use the following command:

"D:\Program Files\1cv82fv\bin\1cv8fv.exe" /Len D:\FileWorkshop\WorldMap.geo

Get more details: Downloads

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