Service Subsystems

Objects Versioning 

    • Storing and viewing the history of changes in catalogs and documents (user who made the changes, the time, and the nature of the change (including object attributes and its tabular section attributes)). 
    • Object versions comparison. 
    • View and rollback to a previously saved version of an object.


Batch Edit Objects 

    • Bulk edit of any attributes and tabular sections in application objects (catalogs, documents, and similar). 
    • Editable values for additional attributes and information. 
    • Editing is done with the account of edit locks on object attributes set in the application.


Period Closing Dates 

    • Edit lock to any data (documents, register records, catalog elements, etc.) posted earlier than a specified date. 
    • Flexible settings to assign a single period-end closing date for all application objects or several dates to specific sections or individual objects.


User Notes

    • E-sticky notes accessible from within an application. 
    • My Notes on the home page, search for notes by subject, all notes list. 
    • Selectable colors for stickers, text layout tools, and support for images in notes.


Startup Notifications

    • Displaying of various information (advertisements and similar) on application start. 


Formulas Constructor 

    • API and a ready-to-use workstation to edit formulas made up of user-selectable operands and operators. 
    • API for displaying hierarchical lists on a form.  


Contact Information

    • Allows adding attributes for entering contact information (postal and e-mail addresses, telephone numbers, and similar) to catalogs and documents. 
    • Automatic or manual verification of address format (when used in combination with subsystem Address Classifier). 
    • Support for the Country Classifier. 
    • Automatic retrieval and updating of the Country Classifier from the 1C website (when used with 1C:Internet Support Library).  


Data Integrity

    • Control over infobase data compliance with the rules set in an application. 
    • Displaying of identified issues and guidelines on how to fix them for different categories of users.  


User Reminders

    • Personal reminders come up at specified time right within the application. 
    • Users can attach reminders to any application object they wish.  


Item Order Setup

    • Users can set up the order of elements in lists with Up and Down buttons.  



    • API and a ready-to-use workstation for generating print forms of application objects as desired by users. 
    • Allows output of print forms as spreadsheet or Office Open XML (docx) documents. 
    • Allows sending print forms via email, or saving them as files on a local drive or as attachments (when used with subsystem File Management).
    • Can attach external print forms, as well as print external print forms jointly with the main print forms (when used with subsystem Additional Reports and Data Processors).  


Full-Text Search

    • Customizable full-text search throughout all application data. 


Software License Check

    • API and user interface to confirm that the existing license is valid for receiving a configuration update. 



    • Allows adding extra properties to documents and catalogs of user choice. 
    • Allows adding lists of property values in any reports and dynamic lists. 
    • Provides for separate storage of properties both in the object itself (additional attributes) and outside the owner object in an individual information register (additional information).
    • Allows assigning the same properties for different objects, as well as properties that must be filled in, and other service features.  


Subordination Structure 

    • Displaying of information about parent and child documents, catalogs, and charts of characteristic types for the selected object, as well as the entire structure of their relationships. 


Digital Signatures

    • Software and user interface for accessing cryptography tools (electronic signature and signature verification). 


Next page: Technology Tools and APIs

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