
  • Left panel 

    • Translation - the translation of the text title.

    • File name - the translation of the file name.

    • Publication name - the file name for publication on the site.

    • Search - the search string for searching in the translation.

    • Next field after Search - the replacement string to replace found search string.

    • Replace - replaces the found search string with replacement string in the translation.

    • Translate selected translation part automatically - translates the selected translation part automatically. If during the translation there will be not all used dictionary entries translated, the list of dictionary entries for this text will be opened. This tool is useful when you translate changes. In this case copy changed original text parts from the original text to the translation and translate selected.

    • Check the translation does contain no character of the source language - searches the translation for the source language characters to make sure that the translation was made entire the text.

    • Switch translation changes highlight - enables and disables changes highlight in the translation.
      Warning! If changes in the translation are highlighted, you can not edit the translation.

    • Switch show HTML sources - enables and disables the viewing and editing of the source code for HTML texts. Both original text and translation sources are displayed or hiden. 

    • Undo for translation - reverts last changes in the translation.

    • Redo for translation - repeats last changes in the translation.

    • Reorder selected translation words - changes words order in the selected part to the opposite.

    • Insert image into translation - opens the list of the translation stored files to insert into the translation. You can add files to this list from the disk. For HTML texts.

    • Bold for translation - marks the selected translation part as bold or removes bold highlight for it. For HTML texts.

    • Italic for translation - marks the selected translation part as italic or removes italic highlight for it. For HTML texts.

    • Open HTML editor - opens the specified in user settings text editor and passes the current text to it. After the editor is closed the text is returned back to the text edit form.

    • Switch refresh translation highlight periodically - enables and disables the syntax highlight in the text. If the text is large, automatic syntax highlight update can be slow. In this case it is convenient to turn the syntax highlight off.

    • Go to definition - searches for the definition of the selected in the original text of translation function or variable.

    • Import translation - imports the selected file to the translation.

    • Export translation - opens the text export data processor with the current text specified to export and selected option to export translation.

    • The visual editor field - the translation.

  • Right panel 
    • Original text - the original text title.

    • File name - the original text file name.

    • Search - the search string for searching in the original text.

    • Next field after Search - the additional string to search in the original text.

    • Add selected original text part to dictionary without context - opens the form of a new dictionary entry for the selected original text without context.

    • Add selected original text part with context to primary dictionary - opens the form of a new dictionary entry for the selected original text with context for the selected text part.

    • Switch original text changes highlight - enables and disables syntax highlight in the original text.

    • Switch show HTML sources - enables and disables the viewing and editing of the source code for HTML texts. Both original text and translation sources are displayed or hiden.

    • Go to definition - searches for the definition of the selected in the original text of translation function or variable.

    • Scroll translation to the same original text row - scrolls the translation to the same position where the original text is scrolled currently.

    • Export original text - opens the text export data processor with the current text specified to export and selected option to export original text.

    • The visual editor field - the original text.

Next page: Advanced
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