- Attaching third-party add-ins to applications does not require the configuration update.
- API to install and attach add-ins.
- Automatic retrieval and update of components from the 1C website (when used in combination with the 1C:Online Support Library (OSL)).
Import Data From File
- Upload of spreadsheets into user-defined catalogs or tabular sections in documents and catalogs.
OData Interface
- Standard OData interface for external applications to access application data.
Data Exchange
- API and ready-to-use workstations for shared access to distributed information databases and for data synchronization with other applications.
- Data synchronization at set intervals and on demand.
- Access via multiple communication channels: local and network directory, e-mail, FTP resource, and the Internet (including cloud synchronization of applications data).
- Flexible customization of rules for data synchronization between applications and a wizard to detect identical data.
- Tools to monitor the data synchronization process and diagnose possible issues.
- Exchange plans can be created with or without data conversion rules.
- Tools for convenient debugging of conversion rule event handlers inside Designer.
- Automatic update of configuration in distributed infobase slave nodes (when used with subsystem Configuration Update).
- Support for 1C:Dialog collaboration system that enables application users to communicate with each other in real time, create topics and discuss specific documents like orders, sales, or counterparties.
- Integration with instant messengers and social networks to communicate with customers.
Text Messaging
- API for sending text messages and checking their delivery status.
- Expandable list of providers, with SMS-4B, SMS.RU, Beeline, MTS, and some others included by default.
Get Files From Internet
- API to receive files from the Internet in server and client code.
- Proxy server settings to manage access to the Internet.
Email Operations
- API for sending and receiving e-mail messages.
- Email accounts list.
- Basic user interface for sending messages.
Report Distribution
- Emailing of reports to specified recipients.
- Release of reports to FTP, network directories, and folders of subsystem File Management.
- Automated activation at set intervals or manual activation with the press of a button.
Next page: Application Subsystems and User Workstations
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