Dictionary merging

This form allows us to search and replace strings in dictionary entries and texts.

The list of form items:

  • Refresh - searches for dictionary entries in the source dictionary and computes translation suggestions for them depending on selected methods.

  • Write selected translations - saves marked with a flag rows from processing results into the dictionary, selected in the Dictionary to be translated field. 

  • Selected dictionary entries - dictionary entries that were selected for processing (in the dictionary list).

  • Entire dictionary - selects for processing all dictionary entries from the dictionary.

  • Dictionary to be translated - the dictionary where the translation results are saved.

  • By dictionary - the source dictionary for getting data to import. It can match the dictionary to be translated.

  • Source language - the source language of the project where this dictionary is used.

  • Target language - the target language of the project where this dictionary is used.

  • Safe methods - processing methods that produce results, which require less attention before writing.

    • Translate full matches - if this check box is selected, if original texts match, the Translation suggestion field contains translation from the source dictionary.

    • Translate splitting by sentences - if this check box is selected, original text of dictionary entries is split into sentences and those sentences are searched in the source dictionary, and if translations found for each sentence, the Translation suggestion contains translation in the order of sentences in corresponding original texts.

    • Copy original text to translation if no translation required - if this check box is selected, and the original text contains only characters of the target language, these original texts are copied into Translation suggestion fields.

    • Add new items to the dictionary from the source dictionary - if this check box is selected, the processing result will contain dictionary entries from the dictionary, selected in the By dictionary field that do not present in the Dictionary to be translated field.

    • Translate splitting by sentences and highlight not translated parts - if this check box is selected, the processing will be similar to processing with the Translate splitting by sentences option, but if translation for some sentence is not found, instead of translation into the Translation suggestion field the sentence from original text will be added, surrounded with three exclamation marks.

  • Methods that require attention - processing methods that produce results, which require your attention before writing.
    • Overwrite already translated dictionary entries - if this check box is selected, instead of processing only not translated dictionary entries, both translated and not translated dictionary entries are processed.

    • Translate identifiers by synonyms and vice versa - if this check box is selected, for dictionary entries that were not able to translate using safe methods, trying to find a translation from corresponding synonym and vice versa. For example, for "FormItem" will be "Form item" translation found.

    • Fix old parsing problems - if this check box is selected, trying to fix problems that were created in the dictionary by old algorithms of 1C:Translator.

    • By text titles and file names - if this check box is selected, the processing result contains dictionary entries, assembled from fields of texts of the project where the dictionary in the By dictionary field is used. The Original text title field corresponds to the Translation title field of the text, and the Original text file name field corresponds to the Translation file name field.

    • Split 1C configuration interfaces into sentences - if this check box is selected, dictionary entries, containing more than one sentence are split into separate dictionary entries in the order of sentences in the source string. If the number of sentences in the original text and in the translation does not match, the flag defining that the current row should be imported, will not be selected.

    • Translate automatically - if this check box is selected, for dictionary entries that unable to translate, the automatic translation performed.

  • Maximum dictionary entries to process in one time - number of dictionary entries that are processed at a time. It is useful when you have less memory on your PC or unable to install 64-bit version of 1C:Enterprise platform.
  • Select all marks for selected rows - clears flags for all selected rows in the processing result.
  • Clear all marks for selected rows - clears flags for all selected rows in the processing result.
  • Edit translation suggestion - opens a form for editing the suggested translation.
Next page: Text export options
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