The Infobase verification and repair procedure is used for Infobase error diagnostics and correction. The procedure is available for both file and client/server Infobases, which have different data storage formats.

The verification and repair procedure includes the selection of verification types and modes. For client/server Infobases you can check logical data integrity and recalculate totals. For file Infobases, in addition to these checks, you can reindex Infobase tables and compress the Infobase.
You can run just verification or both verification and repair. You can choose from multiple repair options.
The verification and repair process can be split into several stages. The following options are available:

  • Limiting verification and repair time
  • Preserving verification parameters between stages
  • Resuming paused verification and repair
  • Performing verification and repair in chunks from the command line

Note that Infobase verification and repair can only be performed in exclusive mode (which means that users cannot access the Infobase during the verification and repair).

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