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User interface

Pop-up groups

You can add pop-up groups to application forms. It is a new group type. Normally, only a title of a pop-up group is visible, while its content remains hidden. Clicking the title displays the group content on top of the other form items. A form can contain several pop-up groups, with a single pop-up group content displayed at a time.

You can use pop-up groups to improve the usability of your applications. They make your forms more compact by hiding less important data. However, an expanded pop-up group focuses user attention on its content.

Spreadsheet documents

Saving multiple documents to a single file

Saving multiple spreadsheet documents to a single file is now available. The following file formats are supported: PDF, TXT, ODS, DOCX, HTML4, HTML5, XLS, and XLSX.

This feature is handy for saving reports that have several sections. Once a report is saved, each section of the report is available as a separate spreadsheet document.

Full-fledged editing in the web client

Full-fledged editing of spreadsheet documents in the web client is available. It is similar to editing spreadsheet documents in the thin and thick clients. In addition to the previously available features, new ones are added, including operations with images and groups, editing spreadsheet documents that have unlimited length, showing or hiding the grid and the headings, specifying print settings, and much more.

Spreadsheet document is added to the list of options of the File – New command of the main menu. So, web client users can create and save spreadsheet documents now.

Specifying the first page number

Specifying the first page number for a spreadsheet document is available via a new document property FirstPageNumber.

This feature is handy for making up extra pages for a purchase ledger. The resulting ledger will consist of several spreadsheet documents having consecutive numbering of their pages.


Detailed customization of chart axes and their labels

The following positions of chart axis labels are available: above or below the horizontal axis, and to the left or to the right of the vertical axis.

The following positions of chart axes are available: above or below the chart (for the horizontal axis), and to the left or to the right of the chart (for the vertical axis). Moreover, you can draw the horizontal and the vertical axes at custom positions anywhere in the chart plot area.

The customization of chart axis labels includes specifying the axis step, displaying label text in several lines, and displaying label text at a custom angle.

Displaying negative values in stacked charts

Stacked charts display positive values on one side of an axis, and negative values on the other side of the axis. This view is supported by both bar and column charts.

Automatic calculation of chart area sizes

Automatic calculation of chart plot area size, title area size, and legend area size is available. It is enough to choose one of the predefined location options for each of these areas, and then 1C:Enterprise platform automatically optimizes the chart area sizes.

This feature is handy when a chart can be viewed in different sizes. You can simply specify that "the legend is on the right", and then 1C:Enterprise calculates the legend area size based on the chart size and legend text.

Reference lines and reference bands

Chart reference lines and bands are available now.

You can use reference bands in a variety of scenarios. For instance, you can use them to highlight areas with low, medium, and high sales. A reference line based on multiple points can indicate the advertising campaign start date.

You can specify labels for reference lines and bands, customize their colors, background colors, fonts, and so on. You can display reference bands in a portion of the chart plot area, rather than in the entire area. This lets you create nested bands that refine larger bands.

Skipping values

For each chart, you can specify one of the following ways to handle skipped values:

  • Draw a straight line that interpolates the data in the intervals having skipped values.
  • Connect the displayed values to the base value. As a result, even isolated values that are surrounded with blank intervals are clearly visible.
  • Do not display skipped values.

Data history

Configuration extension support

The data history engine tracks all of the changes in the objects that are added or changed by configuration extensions. In the data history, these changes look similar to the changes in the native configuration objects.

The data history for objects that were added by extensions will appear as if the object was deleted from the configuration if the extension is deleted.

The data history for objects that were modified by extensions will appear as if the object was modified again if the extension is deleted.

Support of charts of characteristic types and charts of accounts

The data history engine tracks changes of items of charts of characteristic types and items of charts of accounts.

Collaboration system

Collaboration system users can add smileys to their messages.

Users can edit and delete sent messages, as well as edit conversation topics. Once a conversation is modified, the system automatically notifies all of the conversation participants.

The system automatically resends all messages that were not sent. For instance, it resends the messages after a temporary loss of the connection to the collaboration server.

Users can assign custom keyboard shortcuts to sending messages.

When a new message or an incoming call appears, the application plays a sound alert.

New client application: mobile client

A new client application is available: the mobile client. It is similar to the thin client for desktop computers, but it is aimed at working on mobile devices. Its user interface resembles that of 1C:Enterprise mobile platform.

The mobile client provides access to all of the configuration features. It always works with the infobase in online mode.

The mobile client distribution package contains all of the executable files required to build an application for a mobile device. It is similar to building mobile applications on the mobile 1C:Enterprise platform.

On the one hand, a mobile client application can directly interact with a 1C:Enterprise server cluster in the same way the thin client does. On the other hand, the mobile client converts all of the application forms to the view similar to that of 1C:Enterprise mobile platform.

The mobile client rearranges the layout of forms that were developed for a desktop version of 1C:Enterprise platform for maximum usability on mobile devices. Adapting your configurations for the mobile client requires minimum development efforts.

Configuration extensions

Register records

Both native and adopted documents can add records to both native and adopted registers.

Deactivating extensions

You can deactivate configuration extensions. Once you deactivate an extension, it remains attached to the configuration but no longer affects the configuration. This lets you see how your configuration works without the extension.

This feature is essential for data extensions because deleting such an extension actually deletes data.

Collaborative extension development

You can bind configuration extensions to configuration repositories. This lets multiple developers contribute to extension development.

Replicating extensions in a distributed infobase

You can have extensions replicated in a distributed infobase. This is important in scenarios where an extension affects the data structures of the main node because these changes must be replicated to all subordinate nodes as well.

Subordinate nodes can have custom extensions that are not replicated to the other distributed infobase nodes.

Enumeration support

You can create and edit enumerations in configuration extensions.

Extensions for all infobase areas

Now you can apply extensions to all areas of a distributed infobase. This is essential when you use an infobase in SaaS mode. Administrators can use the new Scope property of configuration extensions to specify that an extension is applied to the entire infobase, not just to the area where it is attached.

Development in EDT

You can fully develop configuration extensions in 1C:Enterprise Development Tools.


Selecting client application bitness at startup

You can specify client application bitness (32-bit or 64-bit) during the application startup. Also, you can specify client application bitness for a particular infobase either via the startup dialog box, or by starting the application with a specific command-line option.

Form preview improvements

In Designer’s form editor, new preview options are available. You can choose from typical screen aspect ratios and resolutions, for instance, "1280x1024 SXGA 96 dpi", including 4K and 5K.

When previewing a form for the mobile client, you can select the following new target mobile devices: iPad, iPad Pro 10.5, and Samsung Galaxy S8.


New features are available for IMAP mailboxes: moving messages between mailboxes and setting message flags (new, read, or deleted).


New data restructuring algorithm

Data restructuring is optimized for documents, catalogs, information registers, accumulation registers, and accounting registers that have extensions that modify their data in one or more infobase areas.

Building full-text search index

1C:Enterprise supports multithread building of the full-text search index. You can manually specify the number of threads for index building. Alternatively, you can have the number of threads selected automatically based on the cluster workload (1 to 4 threads).

As a result, the full-text search index building becomes several times faster due to more efficient usage of the cluster resources.

Converting binary data to strings

The performance of functions that convert binary data to strings is improved (this includes both execution time and memory usage).

Client application

Drawing the client application user interface is now faster and consumes less memory.

Updating configuration extensions

Database configuration update for configuration extensions that do not affect the database structure is faster now.

Complete list of changes

The full list of changes is available in the V8Update.htm file.

On Windows, if the platform is installed to the default directory, the file is located in C:\Program Files\1cv8\8.3.12.<build number>\docs\en\

On Linux, if the platform is installed to the default directory, the file is located in /opt/1c/v8.3/i386/docs/en/

On OS X, if the platform is installed to the default directory, the file is located in /opt/1cv8/8.3.12.<build number>/docs/en/

Next page: New features in version 8.3.11
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