New features in version 8.3.13

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User interface

Corporate style support

You can adapt the color scheme of your applications to comply with your corporate style. New Style configuration objects let you customize the five style colors of the Taxi interface. The new DefaultStyle configuration property lets you assign the default application style.

A similar feature is available in the mobile client. Due to mobile user interface specifics, fewer style colors are available for customization.

You can hide the splash screen if the standard splash screen was replaced by customer request with 1C company's approval.

Compact spreadsheet document

You can convert a spreadsheet document to its compact version, fit for displaying on devices with narrow screens. In compact spreadsheet documents, table columns are rearranged to avoid horizontal scrolling whenever possible.

Selected table cells

Tables with conditional formatting have a better look. The text and background colors of selected cells adjust to match the conditional formatting.

Data history

New objects

The data history engine tracks changes of exchange plans, charts of calculation types, and constants.

Switching between data history versions

Now you can handle switching between data versions with the new GenerateFromDataHistoryVersionProcessing() event. For instance, you can use it to add a comment to a version, exclude an object attribute from the standard processing procedure, or change the data (version number).

Data history forms

You can redefine data history forms, both statically (by specifying custom forms in the new configuration properties) and dynamically (by using the FormGetProcessing() event).

Collaboration system

The collaboration system supports communication between users of different applications. For instance, users of 1C:Drive can exchange messages and video calls with users of 1C:ERP 2.

Push notification support is available.

If another user is typing a message for you, you can see the word Typing.

Private conversations for two users are available.

User statuses (like DND, Is available, and Оffline) show if you can reach your colleagues.

Video call quality diagnostics are available. If any issues occur, the diagnostics data is sent to 1C Company for investigation.

The new 1C:Enterprise Notifications and startup application is available. It displays notifications from various 1C:Enterprise applications in a centralized manner and provides access to the collaboration system when none of 1C:Enterprise client applications is running. Also, you can open the appropriate client application and switch to the selected conversation directly from 1C:Enterprise Notifications and startup.

The collaboration system design and usability of its notifications are improved.

Configuration extensions

Exchange plans

New options for extending exchange plans are available. You can add adopted objects to native exchange plans. You can add native attributes, tabular sections, and tabular section attributes to adopted exchange plans.

New objects

More native extension objects are supported. You can add accumulation registers, accounting registers, charts of accounts, charts of characteristic types, calculation registers, and charts of calculation types to extensions.

Disabling extensions that store data

You can temporarily disable extensions . A disabled extension remains in the configuration but does not affect it. This lets you see how the configuration works without the extension while preserving the extended data.

Configuration style

You can extend configuration styles, add extending styles, redefine the configuration style, redefine the main section picture, the logo, and the splash screen.

Extension info

The new extension properties aimed at storing extension info are available: Brief information, Detailed information, Copyright, Vendor information address, and Configuration information address. This information is displayed in the About dialog box.


File operations in the web client

Dragging files to the web client window is available. Also, web client users can perform more file operations without the need to install the file system extension.

Resource consumption management

The new resource consumption management engine is available. It monitors 1C:Enterprise server resource consumption and collects the statistics. It can stop operations that hinder the server performance.

Mostly, the engine is beneficial for customizing 1cFresh cloud services. It protects the services from configuration extensions that might deplete the service resources. Also, the engine can evenly distribute 1cFresh service resources among the service subscribers or users. You can set resource consumption limits for specific service subscribers or users.

Phrase declension

With the new phrase declension engine, you can put a phrase to a specific grammatical case. This is only applicable to the Russian language.

More methods for processing HTML code

New 1C:Enterprise language methods that process HTML code are available. They provide operations like deletion of potentially unsafe HTML code and getting an HTML document as plain text. Also, they streamline operations with HTML document's DOM model.

Extracting reference data from configuration files

1C:Enterprise can extract reference data (name, version, and vendor) from configuration files (.cf), configuration update files (.cu), and configuration extension files (.cfe). It builds automatic update sequences based on this data.

OpenID Connect providers

The web client supports OpenID Connect providers. Thus, 1C:Enterprise application users can authenticate with credentials stored at web sites that support OpenID Connect authentication.

Complete list of changes

The full list of changes is available in the V8Update.htm file.

On Windows, if the platform is installed to the default directory, the file is located in C:\Program Files\1cv8\8.3.13.<build number>\docs\en\

On Linux, if the platform is installed to the default directory, the file is located in /opt/1c/v8.3/i386/docs/en/

On OS X, if the platform is installed to the default directory, the file is located in /opt/1cv8/8.3.13.<build number>/docs/en/

Next page: New features in version 8.3.12
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