Mobile clientAutomated testing.

Now you can use the mobile client as a test client. The mobile client in standalone mode can be a test client only during connection with the main server.
You can record user actions on a mobile device and playback a test written earlier in the 1C:Enterprise language.
New commands for the command-line to start the mobile client: /UILOGRECORDER and /TESTCLIENT.
The developer mobile client is always started with the option to record user actions (with the /UILOGRECORDER command).
If the mobile client is started with the /UILOGRECORDER command, the Record user actions item appears in the Mobile client tools menu.

Error handling.

Improved mobile application error categorization.
New values for the ErrorsCategories system enumeration:
NoPermissionToUseFunctionality describes errors that occur because the mobile application does not have permission to use some features correctly.
MultimediaToolsError describes errors that occur while using a mobile device camera or microphone.

Mobile device-specific features.

Improved audio information operations in the mobile application.
Now you can manage audio recording in the background. If this functionality is enabled, the audio recording will continue when the application is minimized and the device screen is turned off. New system enumeration value: MobileApplicationFunctionality.AudioRecordingInBackground.
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