Collaboration System

We have made the following improvements to the Collaboration System:

●       Multiple System Administrators: You can now assign multiple users as system administrators for the Collaboration System, enabling flexible delegation of administrative tasks within an information base.

●       Enhanced Message Interactions: A user-friendly button mechanism replaces the previous action links within messages in the collaboration panel. This facilitates intuitive interaction within the platform and with integrated messaging and social network applications.

●       Seamless Call Switching: Switching a video call between devices is now effortless, making it easier to collaborate on the go.

●       Microphone-Free Video Calls: Need to share your screen without needing to talk? No problem! You can now make video calls even without a microphone.

●       Optimized Group Video Calls for Thin Clients: Reduced processor and network load on the thin client during group video conferences translates to improved video and audio quality and allows for a larger number of participants.

●       Safari Video Conferencing Support: Video calls can now be made directly in the Safari web browser (version 13 and later) on macOS devices through the web client.

Server Cluster Management

We have made the following improvements to server clusters:

●       Granular Server Functionality Control: During server creation, administrators can now restrict the assignment of new functionalities, ensuring proper configuration before granting user access.

●       Optimized Performance for Low-Activity Information Bases: New properties for information bases with low user concurrency allow administrators to minimize the cluster load generated by routine tasks.

●       Simplified Cluster Configuration Management: Streamlined cluster configuration management is facilitated by the ability to export and import settings as a file. This is convenient for administering similar clusters.

●       Predictable Cluster Agent/Manager Launch: The launch process for the cluster agent and manager has been optimized for increased system stability and predictable behavior.

Speech Synthesis (New Mechanism)

Text-to-Speech Functionality: A new text-to-speech synthesis mechanism allows 1C applications to convert text data to spoken audio for playback or .wav file creation. Speech playback starts with minimal latency, without waiting for the entire text to be synthesized. This cloud-based service offers a selection of voices for customization within applications.

Expanded Application Functionality: This innovative feature unlocks a wide range of possibilities in various scenarios, such as:

●       Warehouse workers: Get spoken instructions while using headphones and mics.

●       Shoppers: Interact with checkout systems that "talk" to them.

●       Email users: Hear the sender and subject of emails and even have the whole email read aloud.

●       Voice assistants: Create apps you can control with your voice.Interactive forms: Doctors can dictate patient records using their voice

Efficient Corporate Environment Operations

We have made a number of improvements to simplify the operation of 1C:Enterprise solutions in corporate cloud environments:

●       Enhanced Technological Log Analysis: We have expanded the capabilities of the technological log to make it easier to analyze (including using third-party tools).

●       Modified Technological Log File Deletion Algorithm: We have changed the algorithm for deleting technological log files.

●       Event Importance Levels: We have added an importance level to each event in the technological log. We have implemented five levels.

●       Exporting Log Events: Log events can be exported to the console or to a file without connecting to the information base.

●       HTTP Interface for Performance Analysis: We have implemented an HTTP interface that provides metrics in OpenMetrics format for performance analysis using external tools.

Query Language

To improve query performance, we have made the following improvements to temporary tables:

●       Adding Data to Existing Temporary Tables: You can now add data to an existing temporary table. Previously, data could only be added when creating the table.

●       Creating Multiple Indexes for Temporary Tables: You can now create multiple indexes for a temporary table.

●       Creating Unique Indexes: You can now create unique indexes for temporary tables. Previously, all indexes were non-unique.

Binary Data Storage

We have made the following improvements to the binary data storage:

●       General Availability and Licensing: The binary data storage has exited beta status and now requires a CORP license for operation. With other licenses, only reading from the storage is available.

●       Microsoft Office Document Deduplication: We have added support for Microsoft Office documents to the storage's deduplication mechanism. This allows you to reduce the size of the storage containing .doc, .xls, and .ppt files.

●       Storage Restore in Designer: We have implemented the ability to restore the storage in Designer. This allows you to perform all the necessary actions in the correct sequence from within Designer when deploying a backup of the information base.

Automated Testing

We've expanded automated testing capabilities:

●       Added TestableTable.CopyRow() method to copy rows from testable tables.

●       Added GetParent() method to various data types to retrieve their parent object.

●       Introduced the TestableFormField.IsTitleDisplayed() method, added the TestableFormField.ClickHyperlinkInFormattedDocument() method and modified the TestableFormField.WriteContentToFile() method.

●       Added methods to the HTML document extension for testing actions similar to formatted documents: InsertHTMLDocument(), GetHTMLDocument(), WriteContentToFile(), ClickHyperlinkInHTMLDocument().

●       A new method CurrentSessionIsBeingTested() has been introduced within the global context. This method enables users to verify that the testing mechanism is functioning correctly and is ready to receive commands from the test manager.

Configuration Extensions

We have expanded the capabilities of configuration extensions in 1C:Enterprise:

●       Custom Business Processes and Tasks: You can now create your own custom business processes and tasks within configuration extensions.

●       Enhanced Adoption of Business Processes and Tasks: When adopting business processes and tasks from other configurations, you can now add your own custom attributes, tabular sections, and their attributes to these adopted objects.

●       Modifying Properties of Adopted Objects: You can now modify a range of properties for adopted business processes and tasks.

●       Editing Route Maps of Adopted Business Processes: You can now edit the route maps of adopted business processes.

●       Including Extension-Added Attributes in Selection Criteria: You can now include attributes added by the extension to other objects within the selection criteria for both custom and adopted selection criteria.

Mobile Version of 1C:Enterprise

We've introduced several enhancements for mobile applications built on 1C:Enterprise:

●       Data Sharing with Other Apps: A set of types, the ShareData() method, and a set of interface commands have been introduced to facilitate data sharing with other applications. This method and commands present users with a system dialog for selecting applications that can receive 1C:Enterprise data. This enables users to share information quickly and easily using their preferred apps and services.

●       In-App App Rating: Added a method that displays the system interface for app rating within the app itself or redirects to the app store. This allows users to rate the app without leaving it or searching for it in the app store.

●       Improved Barcode Scanning: The barcode scanning window has been enlarged, and scanning quality has been enhanced.

●       Speech Recognition Support: Speech recognition service support has been added to the mobile platform. The desktop platform has supported this feature since version 8.3.23.

Performance Optimizations

●       Metadata Loading: Metadata loading is now faster when the first client connects to the information base.

●       Standalone Server Startup: Standalone servers now start up more quickly.

●       Virtual Accounting Register Tables: Virtual accounting register tables now perform better.

●       Accounting Register Locks and Parallelism: We've eliminated premature escalation of managed locks and improved parallelism when working with the accounting register.

●       Independent Reference Register Performance: We've enhanced the performance of independent reference registers by introducing new data writing modes. In merge mode, existing records with matching key field values are updated, and new records are added. In delete mode, records with matching key field values are removed from the register.

●       PostgreSQL Database Copy Updates: For information bases on PostgreSQL, we've accelerated database copy updates by supporting a new algorithm that utilizes PostgreSQL's built-in mechanisms.

●       Database Copy Selection Overhead: We've reduced the overhead associated with selecting the database copy on which a query will be executed.

●       Initial Database Copy Filling: In some cases, we've accelerated the initial filling of database copies.

●       Cluster Service Replication: We've optimized cluster service replication. In distributed clusters with a fault tolerance level of 2 or higher, this enhances replication reliability and stability under high load conditions.

●       Full-Text Search Memory Usage: We've optimized the use of RAM by the full-text search feature. This has been achieved, in particular, through the optimization of the full-text index. This reduces memory consumption and improves overall system performance.

●       Designer Operations: We've accelerated certain operations in Designer (tested on 1C:ERP):

o   Global search: 2-3 times faster

o   Object reference search: 5-7 times faster

o   Global replace: 7-8 times faster

Miscellaneous Enhancements

●       Introduced CallPause() Method: We've introduced the CallPause() method, which allows developers to pause the execution of code at specific points in their applications.

●       Enhanced Independent Reference Register Restructuring: In the case of an independent reference register with a composite data type, if certain data types are excluded during restructuring, the existing values of these types are replaced with the value Undefined. While the records themselves are not deleted, they become outdated and no longer reflect accurate data. To address this issue, we have introduced a new property for the register called Type Reduction Mode. This property allows developers to specify whether records with excluded data types should be removed during restructuring.

●       Base64 Encoding Support: We've added support for Base64 encoding when working with certificates, revocation lists, and cryptographic data.

Complete List of Changes

The complete list of changes can be found in the V8Update.htm file.

File Locations

Windows: For standard Windows installations, the V8Update.htm file is located in the following directory: C:\Program Files\1cv8\\docs

Linux: For standard Linux installations, the V8Update.htm file is located in the following directory: /opt/1cv8/x86_64/

macOS: For standard macOS installations, the V8Update.htm file is located in the following directory: /opt/1cv8/

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