Generation based on stored data is a part of the platform applied functionality. It enhances the user experience by eliminating the need to re-enter data that is available in the Infobase.

For example, a Purchase order document, which reflects the intention to buy goods from a specific vendor, is recorded to the Infobase.

Once the purchase invoice is issued, this should be reflected in a Purchase invoice document, which will most likely contain the same list of goods as the purchase order.

The Purchase invoice document can be generated in a single click using data stored in the Purchase order document.

The Generate command creates a Purchase invoice document and fills its attributes and goods based on the purchase order data. The user only has to make corrections if the list of invoiced goods does not exactly match the list of ordered ones.

Therefore, generation based on stored data is used for the creation of applied solution objects (catalogs, documents, and so on) based on data stored in other applied solution objects.

The algorithm for filling new objects with data available in the Infobase is described in 1C:Enterprise script during the development of the applied solution.

Generation settings wizard

The platform includes the generation settings wizard, which automates the creation of generation algorithms.

Next page: Help system

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