Business processes are a part of the applied functionality of the platform. This feature includes the description, creation, and management of business processes in applied solutions. It is used to automate sequences of linked operations aimed at achieving common goals, usually in the context of the company's structure, which defines functional roles and links.

The business processes feature includes the following configuration objects:

This object describes the business logic within a route map and manages the entire lifecycle of business process instances.

This object is intended for task management. It describes the task assignments for employees taking into account the company's structure.

The feature also includes tools for describing business processes maps and their role-based routing, generating tasks to be executed at each route point, managing business processes, and linking them to other applied solution features.

Developers are provided with flexible management options for generating tasks and forking business processes. For example, in addition to regular conditional forking developers have the option to describe the parallel execution of multiple route branches using visual tools and to specify their junction point. A single task can be sent to a group of prospective task owners (for example, when one of the department managers should sign an invoice). Alternatively, you can generate multiple tasks at a single route point (for example, when all department heads must provide financial reports).

Role-based routing allows you not only to assign the tasks generated to specific employees, but also to assign them according to roles, departments, and other criteria set by the applied solution developer. Role-based routing includes options for specifying current employee responsibilities, which may include temporary assignments, multiple occupations, and more.

The business processes feature provides a ready-to-use strategy for automating the collaborative work of several company employees. To describe a simple business process, just specify the route map with forking points and forking conditions using visual tools, and the platform will handle the rest. For complex business processes, the help of a developer is required mostly for binding the processes to other applied solution features.

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