1C:Enterprise cloud computing enables worldwide access to business applications on a variety of client devices that run a variety of operating systems.
At the same time clients can use devices with low computing power and mobile devices. Users can opt not to install 1C:Enterprise software on their devices, or can install a thin client, which has low computing power requirements.
All major computations and application logic are executed in a 1C:Enterprise server cluster, which ensures scalability, fault tolerance, dynamic load balancing, and DMBS interaction. The server cluster can be extended with a SaaS infrastructure, which enables provisioning of applications to clients in the software-as-a-service (SaaS) model, consumption management, general service administration, and more.
The cloud enables customers to reengineer their business processes as applications provide additional functionality, and completely removes the necessity to manage IT infrastructure. 1C:Enterprise as a cloud platform consists of the following services and technologies:
- HTTP (HTTPS) connection to applications, which ensures worldwide access over the Internet.
- Web client eliminates the need to install an application to a client computer. It provides access to applications from a variety of devices, even mobile ones.
- Fault-tolerant and scalable server cluster supports a large number of concurrent users.
- Multitenancy support, which is powered by data separation platform feature, enables the use of a single application instance by multiple customers.
- SaaS infrastructure enables software-as-a-service provisioning of 1C:Enterprise applications. Application vendors can manage SaaS delivery of their applications, providing web access to customers. This model eliminates installation, update, hardware and software costs for customers, as they only pay for using the service.
There are four typical scenarios of using 1C:Enterprise cloud technologies:

Next page: Private cloud
See also:
Delivery of 1С Platform Applications as SaaS
3 Great Examples of Delivering 1C Applications as SaaS