1C:Enterprise mobile technologies facilitate the development of applications which can be easily run on tablets, smartphones and other mobile devices powered by Android, iOS and Windows.

Mobile applications are developed in the 1C:Enterprise environment similar to conventional applications by 1C adhering to roughly the same fundamental principles applicable to application development.

Offline operation of mobile applications is enabled when there is no Internet connection. All data is stored on the mobile device. Various scenarios of integration with the central information system (back office) are supported, including in online mode.

Moreover, mobile applications can be operated online with 1C:Enterprise based server applications.

The platform for mobile devices is designed to debug and build mobile applications that are run on devices powered by Android, iOS and Windows.

There are three mobile platform versions. Each of them supports different features which enable interactivity across different infobases:

  • Mobile client facilitates interaction with infobases online similarly to client applications supported by a desktop platform.

  • Mobile client with offline mode facilitates interaction with infobases either online or offline using a local infobase stored on a mobile device, depending on whether an Internet connection is available, or not (version 8.3.16 or later).

  • Mobile platform uses a local infobase only, which is stored on the mobile device.

Mobile device configurations are developed in a similar manner to the development of desktop applications. The only difference is that restrictions applicable to mobile devices that are imposed by a platform have to be taken into consideration. For currently applicable restrictions, see the documentation.


After configuration set-up is completed, Mobile Application Builder is used by a developer to build distribution packages for Android, iOS and Windows and to be published in app stores. A mobile application can be installed by a user on his or her device by way of downloading it from the App Store, Google Play or Windows Phone Store, as the case may be. 

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