The subject-oriented rapid application development (RAD) environment implemented in 1C:Enterprise platform is a part of the Designer. It provides developers with a built-in set of tools for the rapid development, deployment, and support of applied solutions that automate business processes. In addition to all of this functionality, the platform includes tools that are lacking in the Designer.

The following list includes the most important development tools and features.

Applied solution development standards let developers focus their efforts on application business logic and avoid having to code technological details such as DBMS interaction, handling transaction locks, and the specifics of creating on-screen forms. To facilitate this approach, 1C:Enterprise applied solutions have been developed based on a set of task-oriented objects. The set of objects is determined at the technological platform level.

One of the basic configuration development tools. It provides a graphical presentation of the configuration structure and allows you to perform operations on specific configuration objects.

Subsystems are parts of an applied solution that define its logical structure.

This window facilitates the creation and editing of "complex" configuration objects. In this window developers can create and modify the configuration object structure, specify object properties and connections to other configuration objects, and edit object forms, templates, modules, and other subordinate objects.

The property palette is intended for editing configuration object properties and opening forms that are related to the object being edited. Each object, regardless of its complexity, has a property palette.

This window displays the full list of object properties that are related to other configuration objects.

Applied solutions can contain objects used for generating the layout of the applied solution itself or the layout of the data displayed to users. These objects include templates and pictures.

The designer provides the option to save the description of the entire configuration structure to a file. This can be very helpful during the development of large configurations or when the entire history of changes to the applied solution must be stored.

The Syntax Assistant facilitates the development of modules that include 1C programming language. It provides context help on the 1C programming language

Text templates allow you to save frequently used text fragments for reuse in text documents or modules.

Wizards facilitate the development of standard 1C:Enterprise elements. They help you to create the visual components of configuration objects, and in some cases (such as generation based on stored data or printing) they can help you to generate application modules.

1C:Enterprise Designer includes a set of editors that simplify making changes in applied solution components.

This feature includes the ability to search for a specified string in all applied solution components including modules, dialogs, spreadsheet documents, descriptions, and external files.

External reports and data processors streamline the development process because they are stored in files that are not part of the applied solution. Therefore, developers can reuse them in various applied solutions without having to change the applied solution’s structure.

This feature can be used to compare two applied solutions in detail and merge them. Partial merging based on comparison results is also possible.

The system allows you to save applied solution configurations to files and load them from files (this fully overwrites the configuration that is currently open).

1C:Enterprise Designer supports group development of applied solutions. Access rights are specified for each applied solution object. Multiple developers can make changes at the same time.

This is an auxiliary tool for use during the development of applied solution modules. It includes the ability to monitor the execution of application modules, view variable values, etc.

This feature automates communication between applied solution developers and end-users. Applied solutions do usually evolve, and therefore new functionality is added on a regular basis. The delivery and support feature allows developers to automate the delivery of applied solution updates. It also allows users to automate any modifications of their applied solutions according to the updates which have been released.

You can use 1C programming language to write an algorithm that performs interactive user actions and checks the results of these actions by comparing them with the results you were expecting. Interactive user actions can be recorded to a file for future analysis or for later use as a basis for new tests.

This feature checks configurations for any issues that may impede the performance of the applied solution or even cause errors in specific application modes. It is recommended that you perform this check before delivering an applied solution to a customer or releasing a boxed product.

1C:Enterprise Designer allows developers to create distribution kits for mass-market products. A distribution kit contains the installation program Setup.exe and archived delivery files. End users can, therefore, install the applied solution by running Setup.exe, which has a standard installer interface.

1C:Enterprise Designer features performance diagnostics for both the entire configuration and its components. This facilitates the optimization of 1C programming language algorithms.

The system allows you to dump specific configuration object properties to files and restore them from files.

This feature allows developers to test applied solution performance by emulating its operation over the customer's communication lines, adjusted for realistic delays.

The 1C:Enterprise system supports the creation of multilingual solutions. Developers have the option to develop their configurations in multiple languages simultaneously, and end-users have the option to choose their interface language. During the development of a multilingual interface, developers specify the string values that comprise the interface texts in each localization language, so that the users can see the names of menu items, applied solution objects, and other interface elements in the language they select.

The functional options feature allows you to define the functionality of your configuration that can be used or not used in deployed applications, depending on the needs of your organization.

In 1C:Enterprise mode, the performance indicators provide developers with the following data: the number and duration of server calls and the total size of the data sent and received by the client.

This contains a set of universal functional subsystems. Developers have the option to use some or all of the subsystems in the configurations being developed. Each subsystem implements a standard functionality, which is frequently used in applied solutions. To add subsystem functionality to an applied solution, the developer has to add the corresponding subsystem and specify its settings.

Configuration extensions make it possible to significantly simplify the adaptation of a standard application to the needs of a specific deployment, a specific customer.

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