Built-in internationalization functionality allows you to use multiple languages both at the development stage and in the user interface. Besides that, the platform supports regional standards for displaying dates, numbers, and so on. The following internationalization features are available:

The 1C:Enterprise system provides multi-language support because all configuration and database texts are stored in Unicode format. This format permits the use of characters from one or more languages in any text data simultaneously. Users thus have the option of entering data in different languages (for example, they might need this when a product description or the text of an agreement must be presented in the language of the vendor country). The system not only displays multi-language texts correctly, but also supports searching through and sorting them.

Regional numerical, date, and alphabetic sorting standards are supported for all major European languages. Applied solutions can use the regional settings of specific countries. Infobase administrators have the option to use standard operating system settings for a specific region or custom regional settings which may differ from standard ones.

Multilungual platform interface

The platform can generate a command interface in multiple languages.

Internationalization support in 1C:Enterprise script

1C:Enterprise script includes functions that support internationalization: NStr(), PeriodPresentation(), NumberInWords(), and Format().
Reports that are based on text or spreadsheet documents can be generated in languages different from the current user's interface language.

Localization of applied solutions

In addition to using the standard commands of the multilanguage platform interface, developers can create custom multilanguage forms and interface elements.

  • A configuration can include one or more Language configuration objects. Once the languages are added, a developer can specify how each configuration text (such as a button label) is presented in each of these languages.
  • A language can be assigned to each user who connects to an infobase so that each user will see the interface texts in their native language. Learn more...
  • Since an applied solution interface can be very large and complex, the platform includes a tool for editing interface texts. It stores all interface texts in a single location, which simplifies localization. Learn more....


Questions generated by the cryptography component will appear in the platform interface language.

Accompanying files provided in two languages

Accompanying files that contain platform update descriptions are delivered in English and Russian.

Setup program interface language

The setup program automatically switches to the language that best matches the operating system language settings. For example, on an operating system with Latvian regional settings, the setup will automatically switch to Latvian, while on a system with English regional settings it will switch to English.

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