The command interface editor available in EDT combines the features of three 1C:Enterprise Designer editors:

  • Configuration command interface editor
  • Home page command interface editor
  • Subsystem command interface editor

To edit the configuration command interface, open the command interface editor and then, in the Section column, click Command interface. The right editor pane (Section commands) displays all available subsystems. You can specify subsystem visibility for all roles at once or for specific roles. To add roles to the editor, use the Add role visibility command. You can create subsystems directly in the Section column.

To edit the home page command interface, in the Section column, click Quick menu. In the right editor pane (Section commands), specify the commands available in the home page command interface sections.

To edit a subsystem command interface, in the Section column, click that subsystem. The Section commands pane displays all of the commands that can be added to the subsystem command interface. You can specify their default visibility for all roles at once (the Visibility column) or for specific roles.

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