• MarkIncomplete parameter for the following objects: DataCompositionAreaTemplateTableCellAppearance, DataCompositionAppearanceTemplateAppearance, DataCompositionAppearance.
  • It is now possible to use the fields nested data sets in the data composition system (in the data set query text – an object in the {SELECT} and {WHERE} sentences, in the data composition schema wizard, in the data composition system query wizard, in the data composition template, in the data composition settings).
  • New comparison types In List, Not in List, In List Group, Not In List Group added to data composition system settings to be used for fields with a predefined list of available values and for the custom combo fields. Ability to fill the list of values for a parameter that has a list of available values.
  • It is now possible to set filters for the Type fields in the data composition system.
  • SetParameterValue() method that sets a value for the data composition parameter and enables the Use property.
  • Ability to get data set fields appearances from query fields synonyms in the data composition system. If no synonym has been specified for the field, the field data path is used instead.
  • OnComposeResult() event handler added to the ReportObject object.
  • ChoiceFoldersAndItems property for data composition system parameter editing parameters.
  • Optional RefreshMethod parameter for the Refresh() method in the DataCompositionSettingsComposer object. This optional parameter is intended to manage the restoration of settings serviceability.
  • FixedSettings property and LoadFixedSettings() method have been added to the DataCompositionSettingsComposer object.
  • ValueListAllowed and ValueType properties have been added for the DataCompositionAvailableParameter object.
  • ValueType property has been added to the DataCompositionAvailableField and DataCompositionFilterAvailableField objects.
  • In the data composition system settings dialog, a special icon in the settings structure will demonstrate that grouping is disabled (deleted by the user). When editing the set of custom settings is finished, the developer will be notified in the event that the grouping has been created by the user and is at the same time disabled.
  • If a user selects Filter by a certain field for the report details and a filter element using this field already exists without a specified appearance and located outside of the conditions group, no new filter element will be created in the new settings and the existing one will be used instead.

Table of contents

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