• When items of catalogs, charts of characteristic types, charts of accounts, and chart of calculation types are read from XML files using the ReadXML() method, the PredefinedDataName item of the read data is not processed. You can load exchange files generated in 1C:Enterprise 8.3.3 and later versions.
  • Ordinary forms containing picture fields that were created in 1C:Enterprise version 8.3.3 in Version 8.2.16 compatibility mode now can be opened.
  • When thin clients connect to an Infobase using HTTPS, the web-server certificate is verified, provided that the root certificate for the web-server certificate is included in the cacert.pem file on the client computer from which the connection is attempted.
  • Improved 1C:Enterprise server reliability.
  • Improved view of dotted lines when printing PDF spreadsheet documents from a web client that is running in Mozilla Firefox web browser version 20 or later.

    To have the dotted lines printed correctly in spreadsheet documents in Mozilla Firefox, and also to ensure the correct size of all printed elements, it is recommended that you set the PrintAccuracy property of the spreadsheet document to Accurate. In this case web client will save the spreadsheet document as a file. In other cases, it will open the document in a preview window.

  • 1С Enterprise server clusters are now more robust against network connection losses. If a TCP connection between a working process and 1C:Enterprise cluster manager is lost, the working process is not shut down immediately, it attempts to reestablish the connection first. Working processes are only shut down if the attempt to reestablish the connection is unsuccessful or if the connection is lost due to a cluster manager shutdown.

Table of contents

Next page: Changes requiring changes to the configuration and administrative settings

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