Functionality | After | Before | Result of changes |
Configuration properties. |
Version 8.3.5 is added to the list of available values of the Compatibility mode property. | Compatibility modes were available for the following platform versions: 8.1, 8.2.13, 8.2.16, 8.3.1, 8.3.2, 8.3.3 and 8.3.4. | In version 8.3.6 you can run configurations created in version 8.3.5 or earlier without making changes to the configuration and without changing its data structure. This allows you to perform quick transition to version 8.3.6 without making any configuration changes, then work with the configuration as usual and remove the compatibility mode at later time. This also allows you to use version 8.3.5 for working with the infobase even after the transition to version 8.3.6. You can use this option both before and after the compatibility mode is removed (in the latter case you have to turn the compatibility mode back on). |
Development tools. |
In Designer, in module text, bookmarks can be preserved between different work and module editing sessions.
To access the full list of bookmarks, on the Edit menu, click Bookmarks. |
This feature was not provided. | Improved Designer usability, |
Development tools. |
When renaming a configuration object, you have the option to update the object name usage instances in the entire configuration.
When deleting a configuration object, you have the option to search for the object name usage instances in the entire configuration. When modifying or deleting a managed form item, attribute, or parameter, the check for usage instances of its name in the form module is performed. When renaming an item, attribute, or parameter, you have the option to update its name usage instances in the form module. The Find references to object operation now includes the search in module texts. You can specify whether you want to use these options in the Designer options window. |
These features were not provided. | Reduced chance of making errors when renaming or deleting configuration objects. Improved usability for developers. |
Managed forms. |
Planner (a visual tool for managing schedule data) is implemented. A new "planner field" type is implemented for managed form fields. The Planner object is implemented.
In the TimeScalePosition system enumeration, the following values are implemented: Left and Right (when applied to a Gantt chart, both are treated as Top). |
This feature was not provided. | Improved user experience for scheduling (appointments, calendars, and so on). |
Configuration repositories. |
In Designer batch mode, you can bind an infobase that is not yet bound to the configuration repository (command-line option /ConfigurationRepositoryBindCfg). |
This feature was not provided.
Infobases could be bound to repositories only interactively. |
You can automate more configuration repository operations. |
Command interface. Managed forms. |
For managed form extensions for objects, catalogs, documents, charts of characteristic types, business processes, tasks, and information register records, the Show in list command is implemented.
For managed forms, the ExecuteNavigation() method and NavigationProcessing event handler are implemented. |
This feature was not provided. | Improved system usability for automatic object selection in a list being opened. |
System enumerations. Client application. |
For the SectionsPanelRepresentation system enumeration, the following values are implemented: PictureOnTopAndText and PictureOnLeftAndText.
In the client application, in the sections panel editor, the following section view features are available:
For the SectionsPanelRepresentation system enumeration, the following values were available: Picture, Text, PictureAndText. |
Extended section view capabilities for the sections panel in the Taxi interface. |
Managed forms. |
The option to specify a graphical schema field as a source of command bar and managed form button commands is implemented.
The only commands available in the web client are print and preview. In the Russian interface some of the graphical schema commands are renamed to the following:
The option to specify a graphical schema field as a source of command bar and managed form button commands was not provided.
In the Russian interface some of the graphical schema commands had different names:
Increased graphical schema usability. |
Administration tools. |
An object integrity check utility is implemented. It checks the state of file system objects and database objects used by 1C:Enterprise and monitors their changes.
The 32-bit and 64-bit versions of the utility are available for Windows and Linux operating systems. |
This feature was not provided.
File change monitoring was only available using third-party tools. Monitoring of database object changes was not available. |
The option to perform system integrity checks to provide protection against unauthorized modifications is implemented. |
Internet-enabled functionality. |
For the Get() method of the InternetMail object, the MarkAsRead parameter is implemented. This parameter only makes sense when the platfrom uses IMAP for email operations.
If the platform uses POP3, an attempt to use this parameter when it is set to False generates an exception. The platform behavior in 8.3.5 compatibility mode is not changed (for the part where the parameter is set to False). |
If the platform used IMAP for email operations, the execution of the Get() method of the InternetMail object gave different results depending on the value of the ArrayOfMessageHeadersOrIdentifies parameter.
Eliminated inconsistency in the platform behavior during email operations that use IMAP. |
Technological log. |
For the SCALL and CALL technological log events, new IName and MName fields are implemented. They store additional internal system call data. 1C Company experts might use that data while handling support requests. | This feature was not provided. | The technological log provides additional data that can be helpful for solving complex issues. |
Dynamic lists. |
The option to get data from a dynamic list (adjusted for column visibility settings and search options applied) is implemented.
The following methods are implemented for the managed form table extension for dynamic lists:
This feature was not provided. | The option to get dynamic list data that is visible to a user for future processing is available. |
Data composition system. |
The following subordinate fields are implemented for data composition system fields that have Data among their types: BegOfDay, BegOfWeek, BegOfTenDays, BegOfMonth, BegOfQuarter, BegOfHalfYear, BegOfYear, EndOfDay, EndOfWeek, EndOfTenDays, EndOfMonth, EndOfQuarter, EndOfHalfYear, EndOfYear, Day, WeekDay, WeekDayName, DayOfYear, WeekOfYear, Month, MonthName, Quarter, Year, BegOfMinute, BegOfHour, EndOfMinute, EndOfHour, Minute, and Hour. | This feature was not provided. One could use user-defined expression fields to retrieve this data. | Simplified end-user operations with fields that include date and time. |
1C:Enterprise script. |
The following string processing functions are implemented:
The SearchDirection system enumeration is implemented. The Find() function is declared obsolete, it is supported for compatibility purposes. This change is not implemented in 8.3.5 compatibility mode. |
This feature was not provided.
Developers had the option to implement the functionality introduced in the new functions using 1C:Enterprise script. |
Simplified implementation of some standard string processing algorithms. |
Web client. |
Storing accumulated web client statistics is implemented. This feature is intended for 1C Company experts. To enable it, run the web client with the SYSTEMWEBCLIENTSTAT command-line option. | This feature was not provided. | The set of tools intended for platform performance quality control is expanded with a new tool. |
Spreadsheet documents. |
Importing data from XLS (Microsoft Excel 97), Microsoft Office OpenXML (Microsoft Excel 2007- 2010), and ODS (OpenDocument) formats to spreadsheet documents is implemented. This operation can be performed both interactively and from 1C:Enterprise script.
The SpreadsheetDocumentValueReadingMode system enumeration is implemented. For the Read() method of the SpreadsheetDocument object, the ValueReadingMode parameter is implemented. Support of pasting areas copied to the clipboard from Microsoft Excel and OpenOffice Calc documents is implemented. |
This feature was not provided. | Simplified data import from spreadsheet documents of the following formats: XLS (Microsoft Excel 97), Microsoft Office OpenXML (Microsoft Excel 2007- 2010), and ODS (OpenDocument). |
Data composition system. Dynamic lists. |
For the DataCompositionSettingsComposer object. the GetAvailableSettingsSource() method is implemented. | This feature was not provided. | Simplified access to the available settings source of a data composer from another data composer. For example, you can use this feature when you open a new data composition settings editor form that uses the same source as the previous form. |
Internet-enabled functionality. Web services and HTTP services. |
You can process JSON data using both stream and object approaches.
The following objects can be serialized to or deserialized from JSON: primitive types, Array, FixedArray, Structure, FixedStructure, Map, and FixedMap. The JSONReader and JSONWriter objects are implemented. The WriteJSON(), ReadJSON(), WriteJSONDate(), and ReadJSONDate() global context methods are implemented. |
This feature was not provided.
One could implement processing JSON data using 1C:Enterprise script tools. |
Simplified interaction with applications (including web applications) that use JSON data format.
You can store various data types in JSON format, which provides an alternative to other formats, such as XML. |
Web services and HTTP services. |
Web services and HTTP services.
For the standard OData interface, getting responses in JSON format is implemented. |
This feature was not provided. For the standard OData interface, responses were only available in Atom format. |
The OData format is supported in more detail.
Using JSON format minimizes the volume of data transferred between the client and the server. |
Queries. |
You can use logical expressions in descriptions of selection fields and in query result filter expressions (in the WHERE clause). |
This feature was not provided.
If a logical expression was required for describing a selection field, you had to use a selection clause. Logical expressions in the WHERE clause could be connected only by AND, OR, and NOT logical operators, and they could not be composite. |
Simplified writing and understanding of complex queries. |
Server clusters. Administration tools. |
The automatic server cluster status monitoring feature is implemented. This includes monitoring of several cluster parameters and termination of processes that might cause any issues. The central cluster server agent performs the monitoring. The monitoring results are recorded to the technological log.
For the cluster, the Server errors threshold and Terminate corrupted processes properties are implemented. For the IServerAgentConnection object, the SetClusterRecyclingErrorsCountTheshold() and SetClusterRecyclingKillProblemProcesses() methods are implemented. For the rac utility, the --errors-count-threshold and --kill-problem-processes command-line options are implemented. For the technological log, the ATTN event is implemented. |
Automatic server cluster status monitoring was not provided. | Increased server cluster reliability by timely detection and termination of processes that might cause issues. |
Automated testing. |
The automated testing supports the Taxi interface. New automated testing features are added:
The automated testing did not support the Taxi interface. | The automated testing can be used with the Taxi interface. |
Data composition system. Dynamic lists. |
Items of report user settings and dynamic list user settings can be linked to managed form tables.
For the DataCompositionUserSettings object, the Filter, Order, Selection, ConditionalAppearance, and Structure columns are implemented. The report user settings form and the dynamic list user settings form are modified: instead of text boxes with the option to open editors (filter, order, and so on), tabs with tables are implemented to provide uniformity with the data composition schema editor in Designer. The Settings command of the report form is displayed in the main form command bar. |
Items of user report settings and dynamic list settings could be linked only to managed form text boxes.
The report and dynamic list user settings forms had a different layout. The Settings command of the report form was available in the More menu. |
Improved standard report and dynamic list user settings form. |
Managed forms. |
For the Enum metadata object, the ChoiceHistoryOnInput property is implemented. This property defines whether the choice history of a text box linked to an attribute of enumeration type is displayed and saved.
For enumerations whose values can be selected in a form, the input history is displayed and saved automatically. This change is not implemented in 8.3.5 compatibility mode. |
This feature was not provided.
The choice history for a text box linked to an attribute of enumeration type was neither displayed nor saved. |
You can specify whether the choice history for a text box linked to an attribute of enumeration type is displayed and saved. |
Data composition system. |
For the DataCompositionDetailsFieldValues object a constructor is implemented. | The DataCompositionDetailsFieldValues object did not have a constructor. | You can fill detailed data using 1C:Enterprise script. |
Web services and HTTP services. |
For the HTTPConnection object, you can call any HTTP methods (passing the method name as a string). In order to simplify the usage of PATCH and HEAD HTTP methods, the Patch() and Head() methods are implemented for the HTTPConnection object. |
These features were not provided.
The HTTPConnection object could only be used to call the GET, PUT, POST, and DELETE methods. |
Easier access to the full range of HTTP methods from applied solutions. |
Server clusters. Administration tools. |
External session management functionality is extended. Methods that are called when a session is hibernated or restored from hibernation are implemented. You can specify a timeout for the external session management web service response.
For the external session management web service, the onHibernateSession() and onWakeupSession() methods are implemented. For external session management web service connection string, the optional parameters are implemented: tout sets an external session management web service response timeout, and wsver specifies the external session management web service interface version. The new features are only available if the wsver parameter is set to 2. |
These features were not provided. | The web service behavior is uniform with the licensing subsystem behavior. |
XML and XDTO support. |
FastInfoSet operations are refactored. | FastInfoSet operations had a different implementation. | Improved stability of FastInfoSet operations. |
Full-text search. |
The full-text search index integrity check is implemented. For the full text search manager, the CheckIndex() method is implemented.
The full-text search index update operations are recorded to the tecnological log. In the tecnological log, the FTEXTCheck and FTEXTUpd events are implemented. In the technological log the ftextupd item is implemented. |
These features were not provided. | Improved stability of full-text search. An invalid full-text search index can be rebuilt. |
Queries. |
For the QuerySchemaTempTableDescription object, the TableName property is implemented. You can specify a temporary table name in the query builder.
For the QuerySchemaSources object, the Alias parameter of the Add() method is implemented. |
These features were not provided. | Improved functionality of the query software model. |
Development tools. Common attributes / Data separation. Configuration extensions. |
More options for modification of applied solutions (including cloud systems) without disabling their support. You can create configuration extensions and use them to implement applied solution modifications (which do not affect the data structure), so that the applied solution support is not disabled, and all modifications take place in a dedicated object (extension), which is easily connected to and disconnected from the applied solution.
You can use extensions to modify forms, create reports and data processors, and create new subsystems. You can apply a configuration extension both in 1C:Enterprise mode and in Designer. You can specify a custom extension set for each separated infobase area. |
This feature was not provided. Applied solution developers could create external reports and data processors and modify the applied solution configuration, which resulted in disabling support and did not allow making modifications in different areas of a separated infobase. | The new feature is intended for making small configuration modifications at the deployment stage (including modifications of separated infobases and cloud systems) more easily and with less dependence on vendor configuration modifications. |
Data display. |
New pictures are added to the picture library: GoForward, GoBack, GoToBegin, GoToEnd, Today, ShowInList. | The listed pictures were not available in the picture library. | More content for the picture library. |
Database configuration updates. |
The documentation describes Designer batch mode command-line options that manage background and dynamic database configuration updates. | The new Designer batch mode command-line options that manage background and dynamic database configuration updates were not listed in the documentation. | Fixed documentation error. |
System requirements. Web client. |
Support of Microsoft Windows 10 operating system is implemented.
Support of Microsoft Information Services 10.0 web server is implemented. Support of Microsoft Edge web browser is implemented, with the following limitations:
Microsoft Windows 10 operating system was not supported.
Microsoft Information Services 10.0 web server was not supported. Microsoft Edge web browser was not supported. |
Extended list of supported operating systems and web browsers. |
DBMS operations. |
Support of PostgreSQL version 9.4 is implemented. | This PostgreSQL version was not supported. | Extended list of supported PostgreSQL versions. |
Next page: New functionality and changes in the 1C:Enterprise mode