Functionality | After | Before | Result of changes |
Internet-enabled functionality. Web client. System requirements. |
The web client no longer supports Microsoft Internet Explorer versions 8 and 9. | The web client supported Microsoft Internet Explorer versions 8 and 9. | Legacy versions of Microsoft web browser are no longer supported. |
1C:Enterprise script. Development tools. |
In the thin and web clients, detection of attempts to assign a value to a nondeclared variable whose name matches a common module name is implemented. As a result, in this scenario the value is not assigned and an error message is generated.
This change is not implemented in 8.3.10 compatibility mode. |
In the thin and web clients, attempts to assign a value to a nondeclared variable whose name matched a common module name were not detected. In the web client, this caused an unexpected shutdown of the client application. | Eliminated unexpected system behavior. |
Queries. |
The Move() method of QuerySchemaQueryBatch, QuerySchemaOperators, QuerySchemaColumns, QuerySchemaIndexExpressions, QuerySchemaOrderExpressions, and QuerySchemaTotalCalculationFields objects shifts the specified collection element by the specified number of positions.
This change is not implemented in 8.3.10 compatibility mode. |
The behavior of the Move() method was different from the standard one:
The behavior of the Move() methods is unified with the behavior of Move() methods in other collections. |
Managed forms. Dynamic lists. Access rights. |
If the current user does not have enough rights to access form items related to table or form extensions for dynamic lists, the items are hidden, regardless of the method used to add them (added explicitly by application developers or automatically by the extensions).
This change is not implemented in 8.3.10 compatibility mode. |
If the current user did not have enough rights to access form items related to table or form extensions for dynamic lists, the items were hidden only if they were added automatically by the extensions. If they were added explicitly by application developers, they were still visible (but not available to the user).
This was applicable to the following commands:
Eliminated unexpected system behavior. |
Dynamic lists. |
You can hide folder pictures in hierarchical dynamic lists. To hide the pictures, clear the RowPictureDataPath property of the table that displays the hierarchical dynamic list.
This change is not implemented in 8.3.10 compatibility mode. |
Hiding folder pictures in hierarchical dynamic lists was not available. Clearing the RowPictureDataPath property of the table that displayed the hierarchical dynamic list did not hide the pictures. | Eliminated unexpected system behavior. |
Client application installation. |
The timeout for downloading a client application distribution kit over HTTP is removed.
You can cancel downloading by clicking Cancel in the dialog box that displays the progress. |
Downloading a client application distribution kit over HTTP was terminated if it took more than 600 seconds. | Downloading a client application distribution kit using a slow connection channel is now possible. |
Common objects. |
In the TextReader object constructor, if LineSplitter parameter is omitted, this is treated as setting it to Chars.LF. If ConvertibleSplitterOfLines parameter is omitted, this is treated as setting it to Chars.LF + Chars.CR.
This change is not implemented in 8.3.10 compatibility mode. |
In the TextReader object constructor, if LineSplitter or ConvertibleSplitterOfLines parameter was omitted, this was treated as setting it to a blank string. | Eliminated unexpected system behavior. The values of omitted parameters now match the Syntax Assistant descriptions. |
Infobase operations. |
A composite index that includes attributes with Index property set to Index with additional ordering no longer depends on the attribute order. The order of the atttributes in the index is fixed.
The index is rebuilt during the first object restructuring after disabling compatibility mode. This change is not implemented in 8.3.10 compatibility mode. |
A composite index that included attributes with Index property set to Index with additional ordering depended on the attribute order. If the order was changed, the platform rebuilt the index. | The effect of the attribute order on the database index structure is reduced. |
Queries. |
The attempt to execute a query that contains MIN() or MAX() aggregate function with the following parameter types generates an error:
This change is not implemented in 8.3.10 compatibility mode. |
The attempt to execute a query that contained MIN() or MAX() aggregate function with the following parameter types did not generate an error:
Such a query might return an incorrect result or cause an unexpected shutdown. |
Eliminated unexpected system behavior. |
Queries. |
A query that contains ISNULL() or CASE() operation that applies to result of MAX() or MIN() function (provided that parameters of these functions include values of UUID type or system enumerations, and provided that the other operand of ISNULL() or CASE() is a value of primitive type or another system enumeration) returns the correct result.
This change is not implemented in 8.3.10 compatibility mode. |
A query that contained ISNULL() or CASE() operation that applied to result of MAX() or MIN() function (provided that parameters of these functions included values of UUID type or system enumerations, and provided that the other operand of ISNULL() or CASE() was a value of primitive type or another system enumeration) returned UNDEFINED. | Eliminated unexpected system behavior. |
Charts. |
In charts that use the default palette, the default colors of chart scales and series are changed. New system enumeration value is implemented: ChartColorPalette.SoftAdaptive.
This change is not implemented in 8.3.10 compatibility mode. |
In charts that used the default palette, the default colors of chart scales and series were different. | Imoroved view of charts with default settings. |
Managed forms. |
In the standard processing of a ChoiceDataGetProcessing event handler of configuration object managers, correct handling of Undefined value of Parameters.SearchString parameter is implemented. If this value is set to Undefined, the system behavior is similar to quick choice, it returns the list of all database items for this configuration object.
This change is not implemented in 8.3.10 compatibility mode. |
In the standard processing of a ChoiceDataGetProcessing event handler of configuration object managers, if Parameters.SearchString parameter was set to Undefined, it was treated as an empty search string. | Eliminated unexpected system behavior. |
Queries. |
In the Parameters collection of the Query object, the parameter type used in a comparison operation (>, >=, <, <=, =, <>) applies to both operation parameters, however, their type qualifiers do not have to be identical. For example, if the first parameter is a string, you can specify a string of unlimited length as a second parameter.
This change is not implemented in 8.3.10 compatibility mode. |
In the Parameters collection of the Query object, the parameter type used in a comparison operation (>, >=, <, <=, =, <>) and its type qualifier were applied to both operation parameters. | Eliminated unexpected system behavior. |
Data composition system. |
When you add a condition with Empty comparison type to a query, the data composition system adds the condition to a nested query in the right part of a left join only if it cannot add the condition to the parent query. Otherwise, it never adds such conditions to nested queries.
This change is not implemented in 8.3.10 compatibility mode. |
When a condition was added to a query, the data composition system always attempted to add the condition to a nested query. If the nested query was located in the right part of a left join, the condition was duplicated in the parent query. | When a query includes a nested query located in the right part of a left join, the data composition system provides a more predictable result. |
File operations. |
The CreateDirectory() and BeginCreatingDirectory() methods generate exceptions if the directory name contains invalid characters.
This change is not implemented in 8.3.10 compatibility mode. |
The CreateDirectory() and BeginCreatingDirectory() methods did not analyze the directory name. If the directory name contained invalid characters, the directory was not created and no error messages were generated. | 1C:Enterprise checks whether the names of directories to be created are valid. |
Managed forms. |
A managed form group with HorizontalAlignInGroup property set to Center is centered relative to the parent group.
This change is not implemented in 8.3.10 compatibility mode. |
A managed form group with HorizontalAlignInGroup property set to Center was aligned left relative to the parent group. | Eliminated unexpected system behavior. |
Managed forms. |
If ShapeRepresentation property of a managed form button is set to None and its BackColor property is set to any value except Auto, the button has transparent background.
This change is not implemented in 8.3.10 compatibility mode. |
If ShapeRepresentation property of a managed form button was set to None and its BackColor property was set to any value except Auto, the button background color was taken from the BackColor property. | Eliminated unexpected system behavior. |
Web client, web service, and HTTP service publishing tools. |
If an application is published to a web server using webinst utility with -descriptor option, the pubdst, pubdst32, and pubdst64 attributes of the root point element are copied from the publication template to the resulting default.vrd file. | If an application was published to a web server using webinst utility with -descriptor option, the pubdst, pubdst32, and pubdst64 attributes of the root point element were not copied from the publication template to the resulting default.vrd file. | Eliminated unexpected system behavior. |
Documentation. |
The description of SessionParameters.Clear() method in Syntax Assistant now states that calling this method requires the right to change all session parameters that are used in the method (possibly all parameters available in the session). | The description of SessionParameters.Clear() method in Syntax Assistant was incorrect. | The Syntax Assistant topic is now up-to-date. |
Managed forms. |
If a managed form attribute is created using 1C:Enterprise script, it can be accessed only with ThisObject. prefix.
This change is not implemented in 8.3.10 compatibility mode. |
In some scenarios, managed form attributes created using 1C:Enterprise script could be accessed without ThisObject. prefix. | Eliminated unexpected system behavior. |
Administration tools. |
New version of Java-based 1C:Enterprise Administrative Service API, which is compatible with 1C:Enterprise 8.3.11, is available (read more). | The previous version of Java-based 1C:Enterprise Administrative Service API was compatible with 1C:Enterprise versions 8.3.10 and earlier. | You can select Java-based 1C:Enterprise Administrative Service API version that is compatible with your 1C:Enterprise version. |
System requirements. |
The minimum system requirements for some operating systems of Windows family have changed:
The system requirements for other Windows versions have not changed. If an operating system does not match the requirements, 1C:Enterprise generates a warning with a recommendation to install the required update. If you choose the installation option that does not have user interface and the operating system does not match the requirements, the cluster console and the COM connection module are not registered. 1C:Enterprise distribution package for Windows includes Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015. 1CEClientMakeSetup utility requires Visual C++ Redistributable to generate distribution packages for platform versions 8.3.11 and later. |
The minimum system requirements for some operating systems of Windows family were:
The platform installer installs the required redistributables and displays warnings about unsupported operating systems. |
System requirements. Administration. |
1C:Enterprise distribution packages for Windows and macOS include HASP Device Driver 7.60. | 1C:Enterprise distribution packages for Windows and macOS included HASP Device Driver 6.60. | 1C:Enterprise distribution packages include a later (more secure) version of HASP Device Driver. |
Server clusters. Administration tools. |
You can use server cluster administration tools (both Java-based and administration server-based) for administering any 1C:Enterprise server cluster version, starting with 8.3.9. You can even use features that are not available in some administration server (ras) versions and server cluster versions. | Server cluster administration tools (both Java-based and administration server-based) were compatible only with 1C:Enterprise server clusters that had the same version. In most cases, exact version matches were required. | Simplified server cluster administration. Reduced cost of adapting the administrative infrastructure to new 1C:Enterprise server cluster versions. |
Collaboration system. |
Creating a displayed context conversation with a specific list of participants from 1C:Enterprise script is not supported. In this scenario, the CollaborationSystemConversation.Write() method throws an exception. |
Creating a displayed context conversation with a specific list of participants was allowed. | Eliminated unexpected system behavior. |
Next page: Renamed objects