- DBMS Oracle Database (Linux) support has been implemented.
- In the obtain software licenses dialog, it is allowed to obtain licenses on electronic media, even if automatic license obtaining is possible.
- The following pictures have been added to the picture library: ExpandAll, CollapseAll.
- In the access rights editor, the independent rights of subordinated objects flag have been implemented. If the flag is not set then rights for the parental object are considered when determining rights for the configuration object. The flag affects the following items: standard attributes, standard tabular sections, attributes of standard tabular sections, attributes, tabular sections, attributes of the tabular section, commands.
- Implemented the PrivilegedGetMode property for the FunctionalOption object. The property manages the possibility to get functional option value in the privileged mode.
- Implemented the possibility to manage the distribution of client licenses by "1C:Enterprise server". For this purpose implemented the following:
- Allow license distribution by "1C:Enterprise" server property of the Infobase in the cluster console.
- LicenseDistributionAllowed property for the IInfoBaseInfo object.
Next page: Optimization