New functionality and changes

Functionality After Before Result of changes
Configuration properties. Version 8.3.3 is added to the list of available values of the Compatibility mode property. Compatibility modes were available for the following platform versions: 8.1, 8.2.13, 8.2.16,  8.3.1, and 8.3.2. In version 8.3.4 you can run configurations created in version 8.3.3 or earlier without making changes to the configuration and without changing its data structure. This allows you to perform quick transition to version 8.3.4 without making any configuration changes, then work with the configuration as usual and remove the compatibility mode at later time. This also allows you to use version 8.3.3 for working with the infobase even after the transition to version 8.3.4. You can use this option both before and after the compatibility mode is removed (in the latter case you have to turn the compatibility mode back on).
Common objects. In the RepresentableDocumentBatchItems object, the optional parameter DocumentAddress is implemented for the Add() and Insert() methods. This parameter stores the address of the temporary storage for the document being saved. This feature was not provided. Improved usability of generating document batches for saving and printing.
Spreadsheet document. You can save spreadsheet documents in HTML 5 format. Сharts and grafic primitives are saved in SVG format; free text rotation is supported. This feature was not provided. You can save spreadsheet documents in HTML 5 format.
Background and scheduled jobs. When specifying a value for the Parameters property of the BackgroundJobs object or for the Parameters property of the Execute() method of the ScheduledJob object, you can omit any number of last parameters, provided that their default values are defined in the method that implements the background or scheduled job. During the start of a background or scheduled job, if any number of last parameters with default values specified were not specified explicitly, an exception was raised. You can modify methods implementing background or scheduled jobs by adding new parameters to the end of the parameter list, provided that their default values are defined. In this case modification of previously created code fragments that describe creation of background or scheduled jobs is not required.
Development tools. In Designer, the following module editor features are available:
  • Selecting all entries of the identifier marked by cursor location
  • Selecting all entries of an identifier marked by a double-click
  • Selecting pairs of opening and closing 1C:Enterprise script clauses (including brackets): Procedure ... EndProcedure, If ... EndIf, and so on

Selecting identifiers is disabled by default. To use this feature, enable it in Designer options dialog box. Selecting the search expression is available in Designer, thick client, and thin client.

This features were not provided. The 1C:Enterprise script editor is improved.
External data sources. External data sources support all features of  the MySQL query language.

In the ExternalDataSourceConnectionParameters object, the MySQL value is implemented for the DBMS property.

In the technological log, the DBMySQL property is implemented for the DBMS property of the EDS event..

External data sources did not support all features of the MySQL query language. Dynamic lists, temporary tables, and other platform features are now supported for MySQL external data sources.
Interface. Management of client application interface content from 1C:Enterprise script is implemented.

The objects ClientApplicationInterfaceContentSettings, ClientApplicationInterfaceContentSettingsGroup, and ClientApplicationInterfaceContentSettingsItem are implemented. Calling the RefreshInterface() global context method rebuilds interface panels according to the settings from the system storage.

For the ClientApplicationInterfaceSettings object, a constructor and methods GetContent() and SetContent() are implemented.

The ClientApplicationInterfaceContentSettings object stored the differences between the client application settings and the settings specified in Designer.

Interface management from 1C:Enterprise script was not supported.

1C:Enterprise script-based management of application interface panel visibility and positions.
Automated testing. For the TestedFormField object, the  WaitForDropListGeneration() method is implemented. This feature was not provided. The option to wait while a dynamic list is being generated is now available. You can use it when the generation takes significant time.
Interface. A new display option intended for improving the view of item-heavy forms without introducing any significant form changes is available in the Taxi interface. The Scale property is implemented for managed forms. The property is only available if the Interface compatibility mode configuration property is set to Version 8.2. For the ClientSettings object, the ClientApplicationFormScaleVariant property is implemented.

This property modifes the scale of all forms in the applied solution for a specific user.

This feature was not provided. There was no simple way to make a form compact. For applications designed for Version 8.2 interface and not yet migrated to Taxi, a new option that regulates the scale of managed form items is implemented.

You can modify both a scale of a single form (which is not yet redesigned for Taxi interface mode) and the scale of the entire application (you might need this if the applied solution runs on a computer with a low-resolution or small-sized display).

The scale of a single form is specified in Designer, while the scale for the entire application is specified in the settings for a specific user.

Managed form. Passing additional parameters to an object creation form that is opened from a managed form text box is implemented (in addition to passing filters and standard parameters). Choice forms are used for storing additional parameters and passing them to item creation forms. Additional parameters are specified in choice parameters and choice parameter links using parameter naming forms (the parameter names must have the Additional. prefix). When item creation is initiated from a text box, these parameters are passed directly to the item creation form. When item creation is initiated from a drop-down list in a text box, they are first passed to the list form and then, when item creation is actually initiated, they are passed to the item creation form.

The standard parameter AdditionalParameters of Structure type is implemented for managed form extensions of objects, catalogs, documents, charts of characteristic types, business processes, tasks, and dynamic lists.

For dynamic list table extensions, the AdditionalCreateParameters property of FixedStructure type is implemented.

Filter values could be passed from text fields to item creation forms as filling values. Additional parameters could not be passed. You can pass additional parameters (that are not filter options) to an item creation form that is opened from a text box.
Managed form. You can enable or disable history for text fields linked to data of the following types: catalog, document, business process, task, chart of characteristic types, chart of calculation types, chart of accounts, or exchange plan.

The ChoiceHistoryOnInput property of configuration objects, configuration object attributes, and form items defines whether the history is enabled.

This feature was not provided. For text fields whose business logic does not require keeping the history of values, you can disable the history.
Managed form. You can use the DropListWidth property to specify minimum width of drop-down lists for managed form text fields. The actual list width is the minimum value of the following: the property value and the stabdard width (40 characters). Drop-down lists in text fields had fixed width (40 characters). You can increase the width of drop-down lists that contain long items.
Configuration repository. In Designer batch mode, the following features are available:
  • Creating a configuration repository (/ConfigurationRepositoryCreate command-line option)
  • Creating a configuration repository user(/ConfigurationRepositoryAddUser command-line option)
  • Copying users from another configuration repository (/ConfigurationRepositoryCopyUsers command-line option)
This feature was not provided. Configuration repository administrators only could create new configuration repositories and users interactively. You can automate administrative operations on configuration repositories, including automatic creation of repositories for project parts that are being developed independently.
Dynamic list. Document journal. In document journals, you can use "Create" commands parametrized by the type of document being created. In a dynamic list that has a document journal table specified as its main table, a document creation button that opens a submenu with the list of documents available for the current user can be generated automatically.

For dynamic list form table extensions, a standard CreateByParameter command is implemented.

For the Button form item, the Parameter property is implemented. It is available only if the button is linked to the CreateByParameter command.

For the BeforeAddRow event handler of form tables, the Parameter parameter is implemented. It is used for passing document type values during document creation.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.2 compatibility mode.

In a dynamic list that has a document journal specified as a main table, a single Create command that did not open submenus was available. Running this command opened a dialog box for selecting document type. The type of document being created was not passed to the BeforeAddRow event handler of the form table linked to the dynamic list. In document journals that contain a small number of document types, you can simplify the type selection during document creation. Easy and fast generation of individual buttons for creating documents of specific types on the form command bar.
Server cluster. Licenses with a limited number of simultaneous sessions are implemented for the 1C:Enterprise server. The limitations apply to the following sessions:
  • Designer (except for sessions intended for infobase creation)
  • Thin client
  • Web client
  • Thick client
  • External connection

Licenses can be activated for both 32-bit and 64-bit server versions. The server cluster that uses this license type can only contain a single working server.

This feature was not provided.

1C:Enterprise server did not have limitations for the number of simultaneously connected users.

Extended list of supported licenses for 1C:Enterprise server. New delivery option focused on using the server in small businesses or subsidiaries.
Internet-enabled functionality. The thin client supports the TLS protocol since 1C:Enterprise version

For the thin client, the /HttpsForceSSLv3 command-line option is implemented. It forces the system not to use the TLS protocol (if the connection is established using a web server), even if the web server supports this protocol.

1C:Enterprise versions (and earlier) and 8.2.19 did not support the TLS protocol. You can use the TLS protocol when needed.
National settings. The following Mongolian locales are supported:
  • mn - Mongolian
  • mn_Cyrl - Mongolian (Cyrillic)
  • mn_MN - Mongolian (Mongolian)
  • mn_Mong - Mongolian (Traditional Mongolian)
  • mn_Mong_CN - Mongolian (Traditional Mongolian, PRC)
Mongolian locales were not supported. When 1C:Enterprise is started on a computer with Mongolian national settings, it is not shut down unexpectedly.

Table of contents

Next page: New functionality and changes in 1C:Enterprise mode

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