Return to Designer and open the Desktop common form.

Figure 6-48. Desktop common form

 Click the Module tab. For now, the form module is empty.


Figure 6-49. Desktop Module tab

For each table (you have two) create a fill procedure. Start with the Balance table. According to project requirements, the table must show actual balance. Name the procedure FillBalance(). In the procedure, you need to get the actual balance from the Accounts register. Not to put too fine a point upon it (register methods and 1C:Enterprise script syntax), you can solve the task as follows:


Figure 6-50. FillBalance() procedure 

The AccumulationRegisters.Accounts.Balance() method calls the Accounts accumulation register and retrieves the actual balance.

Balance.Load() method puts retrieved data into the Balance table. 

To find out more about the methods you use, see the Syntax assistant, which is built into the 1C:Enterprise platform. Point to a method and press Ctrl+F1. 

Type a similar script for the second table. Here you need to get turnovers from the Expenses register. Name it FillExpenses() as on the figure 6-51.

Figure 6-51. FillExpenses() procedure

Here the AccumulationRegisters.Expenses.Turnovers() method calls the Expenses accumulation register and retrieves turnovers by categories.

The Expenses.Load() method puts retrieved data into the Expenses table.  

Only one step left to go: initiate execution of the procedures you have created. For this, use the predefined procedure that is executed when you open a form: OnOpen(). You do not need to type it, use a built-in mechanism instead. Click Procedures and functions  (Ctrl+Alt+P). 

Figure 6-52. Procedures and functions  

By the way, this mechanism helps you find your custom procedures and functions too. In figure 6-52, you can see two of your procedures on the top. 

In the opened list, find <OnOpen> and double-click it, or click it and then Go To.

Figure 6-53. Selecting <OnOpen> 

In the procedure creation dialog, click Create on client and then click OK.

Figure 6-54. Variants of procedure creating 

As a result, you have a new procedure that is executed when a user opens the form.

Figure 6-55. OnOpen() procedure

The only thing left to do is to add calls of the procedures that update the tables. You can just copy their names and do not forget to add semicolons (;) at the end of the lines.  

You can also use another built-in mechanism. Start typing the name of the procedure and then press Ctrl+Space. In the list, move the cursor to the procedure or function and press Enter. 

As a result, OnOpen() should contain calls of the update procedures, as in figure 6-56.

Figure 6-56. OnOpen() procedure

Start the application in 1C:Enterprise mode, confirm all changes, and check whether the procedures are executed correctly. 

Figure 6-57. Filling the tables

Once you start the application, the balance table is filled. The turnover table is empty. Record one expense, for example, a dinner that cost you 3.

Create a new Expense document.

Figure 6-58. Creating a new Expense document 

In the opened document fill Amount and proceed to Account

Figure 6-59. Amount is filled, proceeding to Account

Consider that you paid in cash. Select Cash as an account. You can type it or click Select .


Figure 6-60. Selecting Account

When you click the Select  button of the Purpose field, the application asks you to select the data type: Accounts or Categories. You are going to record an expense, so select Categories

Figure 6-61. Selecting data type

Add a new item to the Expenses group. Name it Dinner. Then select it as a purpose in your document.

Figure 6-62. Purpose

If you want, fill Memo. Then click Post and close to make changes in the registers.

Figure 6-63. Posting the document

When you will return to the desktop, you will see that the turnover table is still empty. 

Figure 6-64. Desktop

If you check the Expenses register (you can get to it through All functions), you see that it contains the record. 

Figure 6-65. Expenses register

Is it a mistake? No. The point is that table updating is related to the OnOpen event, the tables are updated only when the desktop is opened. You did not reopen the form, you just returned to the opened form.

To activate table updating, you can restart the application in 1C:Enterprise mode, as well as close the desktop and open it again. 

Figure 6-66. Closing the desktop


Figure 6-67. Opening the desktop

Now all data in the tables is actual. It may be considered that the tutorial task is completed. 

However, asking a user to restart the application every time he or she wants to see actual financial indicators is too much. In addition, the application has only the most primitive features and register tables are available only through the system menu. The usability is awful. On the mobile device it makes even more inconveniences. 

Spend a little more time to make your application user-friendly.

Next page: Improving interface. Main section command interface

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