Functionality After Before Result of changes
Configuration properties.
Version 8.3.8 is added to the list of available values of the Compatibility mode property. Compatibility modes were available for the following platform versions: 8.1, 8.2.13, 8.2.16, 8.3.1, 8.3.2, 8.3.3, 8.3.4, 8.3.5, 8.3.6, and 8.3.7. In version 8.3.9 you can run configurations created in version 8.3.8 or earlier without making changes to the configuration and without changing its data structure. This allows you to perform quick transition to version 8.3.9 without making any configuration changes, then work with the configuration as usual and remove the compatibility mode at later time. This also gives you the option to use version 8.3.8 for working with the infobase even after the transition to version 8.3.9. You can use this option both before and after removing the compatibility mode (in the latter case you have to turn the compatibility mode back on).
Configuration extensions.
1C:Enterprise script.
In configuration extensions, the option to adopt the following objects is implemented:
  • Common modules
  • Object modules for all object types
  • Manager modules for all object types
  • Session module
  • Managed application module
  • External connection module
  • Command modules

The option to adopt ordinary form modules and ordinary application modules is not available.Therefore, you can adopt any module except for modules that are used solely in ordinary applications.

The following operations are now available:

  • Call any methods of the extended module from the extending module
  • Add event handlers to adopted modules of abovementioned types

Export methods and variables of the extended module form the uniform context of the extended module.

Adopted form modules are now handled differently.

You have the option to allow or deny extending all modules of abovementioned types (the all module extensions security profile property). You have the option to provide a list of modules where extension is allowed (the Modules available for extension property) or where extension is denied (the Modules not available for extension property).

You have the option to create common modules in configuration extensions.

For ISecurityProfile object, the following properties are implemented: AllModulesExtension, ModulesAvailableForExtension, and ModulesNotAvailableForExtension (software administration of server clusters based on COM objects).

For ISecurityProfile interface, the following methods are implemented: getAllModulesExtension(), setAllModulesExtension(), getModulesAvailableForExtension(), setModulesAvailableForExtension(), getModulesNotAvailableForExtension(), and setModulesNotAvailableForExtension() (Java interface for server administration).

In the server cluster command-line utility (rac), for the profile command, the following parameters are implemented: all-modules-extension, modules-available-for-extension, and modules-not-available-for-extension.

The option to adopt modules was not available, except for form modules. The option to create common modules in configuration extensions was not available.

Adopted form modules were handled differently.

The option to specify which modules can be extended was not available.

The configuration extensions feature now provides the option to extend all 1C:Enterprise script modules, except for those used solely in ordinary applications.

New security profile options related to configuration extensions.

Web services and HTTP services.
OData interface.
Configuration extensions.
Server clusters.
The option to manage session lifetime when using Internet services and the standard OData interface is implemented:
  • Automatic reuse of the current session when a new request comes from the same user.
  • Session lifetime management using HTTP request headers.

For web services and HTTP services, the ReuseSessions and SessionMaxAge properties are implemented. If a web service or HTTP service is a native configuration extension object, these properties are read-only.

The following additions to the default.vrd file are implemented:

  • <standardOData> element, which is subordinate to <point> element.
  • reuseSession, sessionMaxAge, poolTimeout, and poolSize attributes for <point> and <service> elements.

The enableStandardOData attribute of the <point> element is deprecated.

If a web service or an HTTP service is a native configuration extension object and it is either not published in the default.vrd file or published without the session reuse option, session reuses are not available for that service.

A server cluster service that manages the automatic pool of reused sessions is implemented. The service name is SessionReuseService (Session reuse service).

This feature was not provided. A new session was created for each Internet service call and each standard OData interface query. Improved performance of Internet services and the standard OData interface.
Formatted documents.
The behavior of the Tab key is changed:
  • If a text is selected or the cursor is located at the beginning of a paragraph, pressing Tab increases the indent.
  • Otherwise pressing Tab adds a tab character.

The FormattedDocumentBookmark object is linked to a character within a paragraph, not to a character position. If a text is changed, the bookmark position better matches its original position.

Pressing Tab always increased the indent. The FormattedDocumentBookmark object was linked to a character position within a paragraph. Formatted document behavior better meets user expectations.
Binary data.
Tools for operations with binary data are implemented. They provide the following options:
  • Specifying byte order
  • Operations with memory buffer that stores binary data
  • File operations where files are treated as binary data
  • Byte-by-byte data access
  • Reading and writing some data types (String and Number).

The following objects are implemented: BinaryDataBuffer, Stream, FileStream, MemoryStream, DataReader, DataWriter, ReadDataResult, FileStreamsManager. The BinaryData.Size() method is now available in the web client.

For the BinaryData.Write() method, the option to write data to a stream is implemented.

The OpenStreamForRead() method is implemented, it opens a stream for reading binary data specified in the BinaryData object.

These options were not provided. The only available options were reading files from disk and writing files to disk without any means to perform any other operations with those files. Extented capabilities for operations with binary data.
Support of vector images in SVG format is implemented. The PictureFormat.SVG system enumeration value is implemented. The picture editor in Designer does not support editing pictures that have SVG format. The specifics of SVG format support are described in the documentation. This feature was not provided. Extended list of supported picture formats. You have the option to use scalable pictures that can be displayed in areas of any size.
Administration tools.
For the /regserver client application command-line option (registration of COM objects), the following optional parameters are implemented:
  • -AllUsers. Perform registration for all computer users.
  • -CurrentUser. Perform registration for the current user.
  • -Auto. Automatically select registration mode based on the user rights, without displaying any questions.

The behavior of the /regserver option without parameters is not changed.

When a client application was started with the /regserver command-line option (registration of COM objects), it attempted to perform the registration for all users. If the current user did not have the rights for this, they were prompted to confirm the registration for the current user. Simpler usage of the /regserver command-line option in 1C:Enterprise batch startup mode.
XML and XDTO support.
Support of Canonical XML 1.1 specification is implemented.

The ConversionToCanonicalXML object is implemented. For the XMLCanonicalizationType system enumeration, the following values are implemented: XMLCanonicalization1_1 and XMLCanonicalization1_1WithComments.

The XMLCanonicalizingWriter and DOMCanonicalization objects are deprecated. These objects do not support Canonical XML 1.1 specification.

Only Canonical XML 1.0 specification was supported. Extended capabilities for integration with third-party systems.
DBMS operations.
Administration tools.
The option to attempt the restoration of database structure from Designer batch mode command line is implemented. The /IBRestoreIntegrity Designer command-line option is implemented.

Running Designer with the /IBRestoreIntegrity parameter is recommended if a previous database configuration update (performed either interactively or in batch mode) have not been completed successfully because of unexpected Designer shutdown or power outage.

This feature was not provided. Improved infobase fault tolerance in scenarios that include database configuration update.
Predefined data.
Event log.
Recording events related to predefined data restructuring to the event log is implemented. This includes the following events:
  • Infobase.Set predefined data update
  • Infobase.Predefined data update
  • Data.Set predefined data initialization
  • Data.Initialize predefined data
  • Data.Add predefined data
  • Data.Modify predefined data
  • Data.Delete predefined data
  • Data.Initialize predefined data, data not found
This feature was not provided. Simplified diagnostics of predefined data issues.
Spreadsheet documents.
The export of spreadsheet documents to Microsoft Office OpenXML (Microsoft Word 2007- 2010) format includes the export of pictures stored in spreadsheet document cells.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.8 compatibility mode.

The export of spreadsheet documents to Microsoft Office OpenXML (Microsoft Word 2007- 2010) format did not include the export of pictures stored in spreadsheet document cells. Spreadsheet documents exported to Microsoft Word better match the original spreadsheet documents.
Internet-enabled functionality.
The following algorithms can be used together with TLS protocol: GOST R 34.10-2001, GOST R 34.10-94, GOST R 34.11-94, and GOST 28147-89.

GOST R 34.10-2012 and GOST R 34.11-2012 algorithms are not supported.

This feature was not provided. Internet services that use the listed GOST algorithms together with TLS protocol are now supported.
OData interface.
For the standard OData interface, the option to get the following data is implemented:
  • Predefined data item flag and name.
  • Data attribute presentations. The ____Presentation field name suffix is used for getting presentations. Presentation fields are only available for use in the $select operator and only if you specify them explicitly.
  • Specific attributes of tabular sections or record sets (in the $select operator).
These features were not provided. Extended capabilities of the standard OData interface.
OData interface.
For queries to the standard OData interface, support of the $expand operator is implemented. This gives you the option to include referenced entities in the response body. This feature was not provided. The option to get values of referenced entities together with the main query result is implemented, which eliminates the need to use a separate query for each referenced entity.
Dynamic lists.
The following changes are made in the dynamic list query builder:
  • The option to edit batch queries is implemented (the Query batch wizard page).
  • Specifying the number of selected records is not supported but disabling this query option is supported.
  • When the query builder is closed, it checks the query for the TOP keyword and, if the keyword is present, reports that.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.8 compatibility mode.

The dynamic list query builder did not provide the option to edit batch queries. The option to specify the number of selected records was available but this number was never used. The option to edit query batches using the dynamic list query builder is implemented. Better error diagnostics for dynamic list queries.
Configuration extensions.
The option to change access rights (including data access restrictions) in adopted roles is implemented.

The option to add roles to configuration extensions is implemented, this requires the use of 1C:Enterprise script. In Designer, the only operation available for such roles is deletion.

The option to apply data access restirictions added in a configuration extension to the resulting configuration is implemented through the use of security profiles (the access rights extension property).

For the ISecurityProfile object, the RightExtension and RightExtensionDefinitionRoles properties are implemented (for the technology of programmatic cluster administration based on COM objects).

For the ISecurityProfile object, the RightExtension and RightExtensionDefinitionRoles properties are implemented (for the Java administration server interface).

For the server cluster command-line utility (rac), the right-extension and right-extension-definition-roles parameters of the profile command are implemented.

In configuration extensions, only the option to set access rights for native extension objects in adopted roles was available. The option to change rights in adopted roles was not available. Significant improvements for access right management in configuration extensions.
Configuration extensions.
Development tools.
The following options to check the applicability of a configuration extension without running an applied solution with this extension are implemented:
  • The Check applicability command in the Configuration extensions window
  • 1C:Enterprise script methods
  • Designer batch mode option

When a client application is started, extension compatibility issues are no longer displayed in the message window. Instead, they are added to the information for technical support (which is available from the About 1C:Enterprise window). If any compatibility issues are encountered, a warning dialog box is also displayed, with a link to the full list of issues.

For the ConfigurationExtensions object, the CheckCanApplyAll() and GetSessionApplicationIssuesInformation() methods are implemented. For the ConfigurationExtension object, the CheckCanApply() method is implemented.

For Designer batch mode, the /CheckCanApplyConfigurationExtensions command-line option is implemented.

For the Configuration extension management standard function, the Check applicability when adding and loading extensions check box is implemented.

These features were not provided.

When an extension was attached, the diagnostics messages were displayed in the message window.

Improved diagnostics for configuration extension attachment issues. The option to automate the diagnostics by running them in the batch mode is implemented.
Event log.
When the event log is exported to an XML file, the state of predefined data update is exported as the value of the Data field.

The PredefinedDataUpdate system enumeration is now available in the thin and web clients.

This feature was not provided. The event log export to an XML file is adjusted to reflect the new events.
The French localization of the client applications is available. This feature was not provided. 1C:Enterprise is available to French-speaking users.
The Hungarian localization of the client applications is available. This feature was not provided. The Hungarian platform interface is available. 1C:Enterprise is available to Hungarian-speaking users.
Configuration extensions.
Development tools.
The ConfigurationExtensionsManager.ExecuteBackgroundJobWithoutExtensions() method is implemented. It runs a background job without extensions (configuration extensions available in the database are not applied in the background job session).

For all metadata objects, the ChangedByConfigurationExtensions() method is implemented. It defines whether a configuration object is available in the current session.

This feature was not provided. Simplified 1C:Enterprise script-based operations with configuration extensions.
DBMS operations.
System requirements.
Microsoft SQL Server 2016 DBMS is now supported. Microsoft SQL Server 2016 DBMS was not supported. Microsoft SQL Server 2016 DBMS is now supported.
Client application.
System requirements.
A 64-bit client application for Windows is implemented. It includes the thin client (also available as a standalone distribution kit), the thick client, and Designer. The current client application status is beta. The 64-bit client installer is similar to the 32-bit client installer. We recommend that you do not install both 1C:Enterprise 64-bit server and applications from the full 64-bit 1C:Enterprise distribution kit on a single computer. Only 32-bit versions of Windows client applications (including Designer) were available.

1C:Enterprise server was the only 1C:Enterprise component that had a 64-bit version.

Support of 64-bit Windows versions is implemented.

Issues caused by insufficient memory for operations with large configurations (such as comparing and merging configurations) are eliminated.

Accounting registers.
Database operations.
Before you start infobase verification and repair in the interactive mode, 1C:Enterprise displays a recommendation to create an infobase backup.

Infobase restructuring and infobase verification and repair now include a check for the following: the table of accounting register extra dimension values contains records that do not have matching records in the main accounting register table (lost extra dimensions). During the repair, lost extra dimensions are deleted from the table of accounting register extra dimension values if the following conditions are met:

  • The Verify and repair mode is selected.
  • The Check logical infobase integrity option is selected.

During the restructuring, the check is performed if any of the following entities change:

  • The totals splitting flag
  • The set of recorders
  • The maximum number of extra dimensions
  • The type of characteristic value in a chart of characteristic types that is used to specify extra dimensions for a chart of accounts.

If lost extra dimensions are found during the restructuring, the restructuring is stopped and 1C:Enterprise displays a recommendation to perform infobase verification and repair.

The check for lost extra dimensions during the Infobase verification and repair is implemented. If extra dimensions are lost, it is recommended that you restore the Infobase from a backup. The check is performed if the following conditions are met:

  • The Verify and repair mode is selected.
  • The following options are selected: Check logical Infobase integrity, Check referential Infobase integrity, Recalculate totals, and Restructure Infobase tables.
The diagnostics of extra dimension inconsistencies was insufficient. Diagnostics and repair of accounting register logical integrity issues that can result in data losses is implemented.
Administration tools.
The rules for generation of application and shortcut names displayed in the Windows Start menu are modified. The new name template is Application name (full version number).

In Windows version 8 or later, the 1C:Enterprise 8 folder contains all installed applications (and shortcuts) with their version numbers.

In Windows version 7 or earlier, the 1C:Enterprise 8 folder contains folders for each version number. Each of these folders contains all installed applications (and shortcuts) for a specific version, with their names generated according to the abovementioned rule.

The names of installed applications (and shortcuts) did not include the full system version number. Simplified navigation in the Start menu on Windows version 8 and later. Application names now contain full version numbers.

Next page: New functionality and changes in the 1C:Enterprise mode

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