Functionality After Before Result of changes
Configuration properties.
For configuration property Compatibility mode, new value Version 8.3.12 is now implemented. Compatibility with versions 8.1, 8.2.13, 8.2.16, 8.3.1 - 8.3.11 was implemented. Configurations developed using 1C:Enterprise platform version 8.3.12 or earlier can run on version 8.3.13 without any changes to configuration or to data structures. This allows for transition to version 8.3.13 in two stages: first, update the platform version (without any changes to the configuration); then, apply any required changes and disable compatibility mode. You can still access the infobase using version 8.3.12 after the transition to version 8.3.13, even if you disabled the compatibility mode (if you did, enable it again).
DBMS operations.
System requirements.
Support of PostgreSQL version 10.1 is implemented. PostgreSQL version 10.1 was not supported. Extended list of supported DBMS.
Collaboration system.
Implemented 1C:Enterprise. Startup and notifications application. It provides the following features:
  • A single notification center for all client applications (including the web client).
  • Displaying notifications from applications that are not running (available for infobases connected to the agent).
  • Opening a specific conversation when a client application is started or a client application window is maximized.
  • Disabling notifications from a specific infobase.
  • Quick access to 1C:Enterprise applications.

The application is available for Windows and Linux, and also for Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Microsoft Internet Explorer. Implemented the option to display the new messages from the collaboration system and the notification center when starting a client application.

Implemented the DisplayUserNotificationList command-line option of the client application startup in the thin, thick, and web clients.

Notifications from a specific application were displayed on a computer only if the application was running on that computer. The collaboration system notifications from a specific application are available even if the application is not running.
Web client.
In the web client an option to specify the OpenID authentication provider (or the list of providers) is implemented. Each specified provider must support the OpenID Connect protocol.

The openidconnect parameter is added to the default.vrd file.

Implemented the OidcSelectedProvider command-line option in the web client.

This feature is not available if the infobase is published from Designer.

This feature is available in the web client only.

This feature was not provided.

Only the 1C:Enterprise infobase could be used as the OpenID authentication provider in the web client.

Expanded the authentication options list in the web client.
Automated testing.
For TestedFormDecoration and TestedFormField objects, implemented the ClickFormattedStringHyperlink() method. The method emulates clicking a hyperlink in a formatted string. This feature was not provided. Extended automated testing capabilities.
InterfaceConfiguration extensions.
Mobile platform.
Mobile client.
Implemented the option to create custom styles and style elements.

The DefaultStyle configuration property is now available in the managed application.

Styles and Style elements are now available in the Common metadata tree branch.

Implemented the following system colors:

  • NavigationColor
  • AuxiliaryNavigationColor
  • ActivityColor
  • ImportantColor
  • AccentColor

In version 8.3.12 compatibility mode, style elements of Color and Font type that are included in a style retain their values, provided that the style was not used in the ordinary application and the values of those style elements were not changed.

The color of several interface items was slightly changed.

In configuration extensions, you can create and adopt styles and style elements. Configuration extensions can override the DefaultStyle property.

This feature was not provided. New options for client application appearance management.
Client application.
The application startup splash can be disabled now. Implemented the DisableSplash command-line option. It is available in the thin, thick and web client. This feature was not provided.

The application startup splash could not be disabled.

Extended capabilities for 1C:Enterprise integration with third-party systems.
Configuration extensions.
The following objects can now be created in the configuration extension:
  • chart of characteristic types
  • chart of accounts
  • chart of calculation types
  • accumulation register
  • accounting register
  • calculation register

Configuration extension native accumulation registers do not support aggregates.

The records of native and adopted configuration extension documents can now include the configuration extension native registers.

This feature was not provided. Extended configuration extension usage options.
Data display.
Implemented the text declension feature. Implemented the GetStringDeclensions() global context method. This feature was not provided. 1C:Enterprise is now capable of declining various texts, for example, in reports and documents.
Background and scheduled jobs.
Implemented the option to wait for the completion of one or several background jobs within the specified period. For BackgroundJob and BackgroundJobsManager objects, implemented WaitForExecutionCompletion() method.

The WaitForCompletion() method is deprecated.

We recommend that you review your algorithms that involve background jobs.

The message informing about waiting for the completion of a background job that is missing from the lists of running and completed jobs is more accurate.

1C:Enterprise can detect situations where the current user that does not have the Administration access right attempts to wait for the completion of a background job started by another user.

This feature was not provided.

Waiting for completion of one or several background jobs was available. If the background job completed abnormally, an exception was thrown.

The message informing about waiting for the completion of a background job that did not exist was not clear.

Simplified waiting for background job completion. Simplified other operations performing while waiting for background job completion.
Server clusters.
Implemented the feature that evaluates the CPU load during the following periods of time in the current session:
  • during the current server call
  • within the last 5 minutes
  • within the whole session

Added the following properties of the session data for the rac utility:

  • cpu-time-current
  • cpu-time-5min-last
  • cpu-time-total

Added the following properties of the ISessionInfo object:

  • cpuTimeCurrent
  • cpuTimeLast5Min
  • cpuTimeAll.

Implemented the CpuTime property of the <CALL> event. It stores the duration of completed server call in ms.

You can now create various resource counters that can register different values, such as CPU load, memory load, input/output data size and so on.

The cluster console is now capable of operating such resource counters.

Added the following commands to the rac utility:

  • counter update. Creates or edits the resource counter.
  • counter remove. Deletes the resource counter.
  • counter values. Displays the current counter value.
  • counter list. Displays the current counter settings.

You can now manage sessions depending on the resource counters values. If a specific session exceeds the particular resource limit, the following actions might be performed:

  • terminating the server call and the whole session
  • terminating the server call, but not the whole session (if possible)
  • decreasing the priority of the current server thread
  • logging the information in the technological log (<ATTN> event)

The cluster console is now capable of setting the resource load limits.

Added the following commands to the rac utility:

  • limit update. Creates a limit.
  • limit list. Displays the current limits list.

A new feature that controls resource consumption level was implemented in the Java-interface of the 1C:Enterprise server cluster administration tool (read more).

These features were not provided. You can set the resource load limits on the computer with cluster server. Improved system reliability.
Data composition system.
Implemented the DataCompositionUserSettings.GetMainSettingsByUserSettingID() method. This method returns the array of main settings by the user setting ID. It can be used to specify user settings properties that are otherwise read-only. This feature was not provided. Simplified access to user settings of the data composition system.
Spreadsheet documents.
Implemented the option to optimize the view of spreadsheet documents that do not fit the screen width (mostly on mobile devices). The optimization eliminates the need for horizontal scrolling.

For spreadsheet document, implemented GetCompactDocument() method. It returns the compact version of a spreadsheet document. For spreadsheet document, implemented SetAutoWidth() method. It sets the horizontal stretching mode for spreadsheet document columns.

For spreadsheet document, implemented ConvertToCompactMode() and RevertToDefaultMode() methods. They respectively create and delete a copy of a spreadsheet document that fits the width of a small screen. When a spreadsheet document is printed or saved, the original non-optimized spreadsheet document is used as a source.

Implemented the ResultViewMode property of the report managed form field extension. It allows you to manage the report transformation. Implemented the Compact Mode command of the report managed form field extension. It allows you to edit the ResultViewMode property value.

The current report view modes for the mobile client and other client applications are separately stored in the system settings storage.

These features were not provided.

The spreadsheet document could not be transformed to fit the width of the small screen.

Improved spreadsheet document appearance on a small screen (for example the mobile device screen).
Metadata objects.
The option to analyze metadata, stored in .cf or .cfe file, is implemented. Implemented the ConfigurationMetadataObject constructor.

You can now get the configuration name, version, and vendor from the .cf or .cfe file. Implemented the ConfigurationDescription object.

You can now get the list of versions, suitable for the update, and the resulting version number from a .cfu file. Implemented the ConfigurationUpdateDescription object.

This feature was not provided.

The information about the configuration or the configuration update was not available.

Simplified development of automated configuration updating and distribution packages creating tools.
Configuration extensions.
The following configuration properties can now be adopted:
  • main section picture
  • splash
  • logo

You can now adopt the Picture type objects by replacing the current picture.

The following configuration extension properties can now be specified:

  • brief extension information
  • detailed extension information
  • extension copyright
  • vendor information address
  • extension information address.
These features were not provided. Extended configuration extension usage options.
Configuration extensions.
Data exchange.
The extension native exchange plan can now include adopted objects.

You can now adopt the exchange plan data (create exchange plan attributes, tabular sections, and tabular section attributes).

The extension native exchange plan could include the extension native objects only.

The exchange plan data could not be adopted.

More configuration extension management options.
Data history.
You can now override default data history forms. Added the following properties of the Configuration object:
  • DefaultDataHistoryChangeHistoryForm
  • DefaultDataHistoryDataVersionForm
  • DefaultDataHistoryVersionDifferenceForm.

Implemented DataHistoryVersionFilterDialog and DataHistoryUsersChooseDialog objects.

Default data history forms overriding was not available. Extended data history options.
Internet-enabled functionality.
Implemented the following HTML document options:
  • Delete all document items of a certain category. Implemented the HTMLDocument.DeleteByCategory() method.
  • Get a string with all readable text from the document. Implemented the HTMLDocument.ExtractPlainText() method.
  • Select all document items by a specific filter. Implemented the HTMLDocument.FindByFilter() method.
  • Delete all document items by a specific filter. Implemented the HTMLDocument.DeleteByFilter() method.
These features were not provided.

The only available option was to cycle HTML document DOM model and perform actions with its items.

Simplified and improved the HTML document performance in particular scenarios (for example if you want to delete all <script> tags)
Internet-enabled functionality.
Emails can now use OAuth2 protocol together with IMAP protocol.

Implemented the following InternetMailProfile object properties: TokenAuthentication and AccessToken.

This feature was not provided. The email servers with the OAuth2 authentication protocol are now supported.
A field with consequently increasing unique values can now be added to the temporary table.

Implemented the RECORDAUTONUMBER() query language function. It is available for a temporary table only.

The RECORDAUTONUMBER() function is not supported in the following cases:

  • there is a UNION keyword on the top level
  • query does not create a temporary table
  • outside the selection list
  • in expressions.
This feature was not provided. Simplified adding the unique field with consequently increasing values to a temporary table.
Automated testing.
Implemented the following options of the spreadsheet document extension of the TestedFormField object:
  • Getting the number of columns that contain data. Implemented the GetDocumentDataAreaHorizontalSize() method.
  • Getting the number of rows that contain data. Implemented the GetDocumentDataAreaVerticalSize() method.
These features were not provided. Extended automated testing capabilities.
Data history.
The option to handle the data version restoration in the object module and in the managed form module is now available.

If a form displays one of the older object version, the version number is displayed in the form header.

Implemented a dynamic list command that displays the selected object data history (if supported). It is available for users with ViewDataHistory access right.

Implemented the VersionNumberSwitchToDataHistoryVersion managed form parameter.

Implemented the GenerateFromDataHistoryVersionProcessing() event handler in the following modules:

  • catalog object module
  • document object module
  • chart of accounts object module
  • business process object module
  • task object module
  • information register record set module.

This handler is called when the object is generated based on the data history version.

The developer could not handle the object version restoration.

The object history could be displayed in the object form or the register record form only.

Extended data history options. Improved data history security.
Data display.
New pictures were added to the picture library: Conversations, NewConversation, Notifications. The listed pictures were not available in the picture library. More content for the picture library.
Data history.
Implemented the data history of exchange plans, charts of calculation types, and constants. This feature was not provided. Data history is now available for more objects.
Applied objects.
Implemented the ConstantValueKey object.

Implemented the CreateConstantValueKey() method of the constant manager.

This feature was not provided. Expanded constant management capabilities.
Development tools.
Implemented the option to create a macOS-compatible distribution package.

The application distribution package now includes the .zip archive that contains the distribution file and the installer executable files for each supported operating system (Windows, Linux, macOS). The executable files now have the right parameters (Linux, macOS), so you can now unpack the distribution package and install the applicaton.

Implemented the CreativeDistributivePackage command-line option of the Designer batch mode. The CreateDistributive command-line option of the Designer batch mode is deprecated.

Creating an application distribution package for Windows and Linux only was allowed. The application could not be installed on macOS.

There was no option to create an application distribution package with correct executable files for each supported operating system. You had to specify the correct parameter in the Linux executable file to install the application.

You can now install the application on any supported operating system.

The distribution package is now compatible to any supported operating system.

System requirements.
Configuration repositories.
Implemented the 64-bit configuration repository server on Linux. There was only the 32-bit configuration repository server available on Linux. The functionality of configuration repository server is now fully available on 64-bit Linux.
Data history.
Implemented the option to force the update of data history of specific infobase object. Imolemented the UpdateHistory() method of the DataHistory object. This feature was not provided.

The data history update was available for all infobase objects at once only. If a specific object data history form was opened, some versions might not be displayed.

The specific object data history form now displays the full history.

Next page: New functionality and changes in the 1C:Enterprise mode

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