This function returns a DataCompositionGroupProcessingData object with the following properties:

  • Data. Type: a value table. The function populates this property with a value table containing the calculation results for the expression specified in the first parameter of the function for each group record of a grouping. If the grouping is hierarchical, each hierarchy level is processed separately, and the values of hierarchical records are also included in the data.
  • CurrentItem. A row in the table of current values. When called for the overall, the CurrentItem contains the Undefined value. The function populates this property with a value table row for which the function is currently being calculated.
  • ProcessingTempData. A structure that can store data subtotals. It is recommended that you assign different names to properties of different functions since a single DataCompositionGroupProcessingData object can be passed to several functions.

This function has the following parameters:

  • Expressions. A string containing comma-separated expressions to be calculated. Each expression can be followed by an optional AS keyword and a column name in the final value table.
  • HierarchyExpressions. Expressions to be calculated for hierarchical records. It is similar to the Expressions parameter but is used for hierarchical records, while Expressions is used for nonhierarchical records. If this parameter is not set, expressions specified in the Expression parameter are used to calculate values for hierarchical records.
  • GroupName. Name of the grouping where the processing grouping is calculated. Type: String. The calculation is performed in the current grouping unless otherwise specified. If values are calculated in a table and the parameter contains an empty string or is not specified, the value is calculated for a row grouping. The template composer replaces this name with the grouping name in a generated data composition template. If the grouping is unavailable, the function is replaced with the NULL value.

GroupProcessing ("Sum(AmountTurnover)")

Next page: GROUPBY

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