Functionality After Before Result of changes
Information registers.

For information registers with Enable totals for retieving slice first or Enable totals for retrieving slice last property enabled, the Active and LineNumber fields are removed from the list of fields of information register slice first/last virtual tables.

If Enable totals for retieving slice first or Enable totals for retrieving slice last property is disabled, the Active and LineNumber fields are included in the slice first/last virtual tables.


The Active and LineNumber fields were included in the list of fields of information register slice first/last virtual tables. The system behaves as expected. In managed forms, the form items linked to the Active and LineNumber fields are removed automatically.
Managed locks. Managed transaction locks (the DataLockFields property) cannot be set by attributes of objects of the following types: string of unlimited length, value storage, characteristic value type, and complex types that include these types.

The check is performed during the configuration check, and an error message is displayed if any field does not comply with the limitations.

?It was recommended that you did not use attributes of the following types in managed locks: string of unlimited length, value storage, characteristic value type, and composite types that included these types.

During the configuration check, the check for managed locks by attributes of these types was not performed.

The configuration performance is optimized.

Improved quality control during configuration development.

Access rights. The IsInRole() function raises an exception in the following cases:
  • A value that is not a string and not a Role configuration object is passed as a parameter.
  • A name of a role that does not exist is passed.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.3 compatibility mode.

The IsInRole() function did not check the parameter value and returned True even when the passed role was missing from the configuration. The system behaves as expected.
Data composition system.

When data composition is performed from 1C:Enterprise script, the platform checks whether the privileged mode is enabled while getting the list of available fields.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.3 compatibility mode.


When data composition was performed from 1C:Enterprise script, the platform did not check whether privileged mode was enabled. If privileged mode is enabled, data composition can include fields that users cannot access.
Web services. The values of the WSParameterDirection system enumeration are corrected:
  • The InOut item represents the InOut value.
  • The Out item represents the Out value.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.3 compatibility mode.

The values of the WSParameterDirection system enumeration represented the following:
  • The InOut item represented the Out value.
  • The Out item represented the InOut value.

Unexpected system behavior is eliminated.
Data exchange.

A flag that specifies whether predefined data should be updated for the entire infobase is now available. It can be set both in 1C:Enterprise script and in the command line. In 1C:Enterprise mode, the predefined data update procedure checks the flag that is set for the entire infobase (in addition to checking the flags set for individual configuration objects, checking the flags set for infobase data, and checking the infobase type: master/not distributed infobase or subordinate infobase).

The global context methods SetInfoBasePredefinedDataUpdate() and GetInfoBasePredefinedDataUpdate() are implemented.

The command-line option /SetPredefinedDataUpdate is implemented for Designer batch mode.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.3 compatibility mode.

The check whether predefined data should be updated was based on infobase data and metadata flags and on the infobase type. You have the option to set predefined data update flags easily for infobases that are disconnected from distributed systems for maintenance. Also, the following scenario is now supported: exchange in a nondistributed infobase between two similar applications where predefined data is set in one of the applications and should be replicated to the other one during the exchange.
Applied objects. In the thick and thin clients, the WriteParameters parameter is implemented for the AfterWrite handler of managed form extension handlers for constants, information register records, and register record sets.

In version 8.3.3 or earlier compatibility mode, the parameter always has the Undefined value.

The description of the WriteParameters parameter is added to the AfterWrite Syntax Assistant entry.

The AfterWrite handler of managed form extension handlers for constants, information register records, and register record sets lacked the WriteParameters parameter.

The description of the WriteParameters parameter was missing from the AfterWrite Syntax Assistant entry.

Unexpected system behavior is corrected.
Dynamic list. Functional options. The main managed form attribute of Object(CatalogObject, DocumentObject, and so on) type is disabled if a functional option disables the corresponding configuration object. The main managed form attribute of DynamicList type is disabled if a functional option disables a configuration object that is used a main table for the dynamic list.

In both cases, only functional options without parameters are taken into account.

In 1C:Enterprise version 8.2, the main form attribute of Object type was not disabled even if any functional option disabled the corresponding configuration object.

In 1C:Enterprise version 8.3, the main form attribute of Object type was disabled if a functional option disabled the corresponding configuration object. All functional options were taken into account.

In the previous 1C:Enterpise versions, the main form attribute of DynamicList type was disabled if a functional option disabled the configuration object that was used as a main table of the dynamic list. All functional options were taken into account.

The system behaves as expected. In particular, the following issue is eliminated:
  • Editing a form changes a functional option parameter (directly or indirectly).
  • The new parameter value causes the functional option to disable the configuration object that is the main form attribute.
  • The disabled configuration object clears the entire object form.
Managed form. If the interface compatibility mode is set to Version 8.2, text boxes have the following specifics:
  • When a text box is activated, a drop-down list is not opened.
  • For the DropListButton property of the managed form field extension for a text box, the Auto value is interpreted as False.
  • For the ChoiceButtonRepresentation property of the managed form field extension for a text box, the Auto value is interpreted as ShowInInputField.
  • For the ChoiceButton property of the managed form field extension for a text box, the Auto value is interpreted as in 1C:Enterprise version 8.3.2.
  • Clicking the Down Arrow button opens a choice form, not a drop-down list.
In Version 8.2 interface compatibily mode,the text box behavior was identical to the text box behavior in Taxi interface compatibility mode. For users who migrated to 1C:Enterprise version 8.3 while keeping Version 8.2 interface compatibility mode, the system behavior is similar to previous versions.
System requirements. Microsoft Windows 2000 operating system is no longer supported. Microsoft Windows 2000 operating system was supported. An outdated operating system is no longer supported.
Client application. Client computers that run operating systems of Windows family require Microsoft Internet Explorer web browser version 7.0. On computers with Microsoft Internet Explorer version 6.0 or earlier, users of thick and thin clients of version 8.3.4 or later might experience various issues. Client computers that run operating systems of Windows family required Microsoft Internet Explorer web browser version 6.0 or later. The out-of-date web browser is no longer supported. The platform features that use Microsoft Internet Explorer now require Microsoft Internet Explorer version specified in the platform system requirements.

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