Configuration support modes

1C:Enteprise features two configuration support modes: full support and support that allows editing. The full support mode implies that customers always work with the exact copy of the latest version of the vendor configuration. The main advantage of this mode is fully automated configuration update, and a disadvantage is that the configuration cannot be customized for user needs. You might ask why one might prefer an automatic update to getting new vendor configurations manually. There are two reasons:

  • Integrated configuration version check. Customers cannot load another configuration by mistake, and this protects them from possible data losses. 
  • The option to perform updates using .cfu files, which have small size and therefore can be quickly downloaded even through low-bandwidth channels.

Initial support mode 

The initial support mode depends on the method used to enable support. There are two methods available. First, a customer buys a vendor configuration distribution package and installs it as a new Infobase, or a customer loads the vendor configuration into their configuration using the Load from file command in Designer. In these scenarios the initial support mode is full support.

Second, a customer merges their configuration with the vendor distribution package. In this scenario the initial support mode is support that allows editing.

Viewing support mode and switching between modes

To view the current support mode, on the Configuration menu, click Support options. This opens the Support options dialog box where you can view the support mode and perform other support-related operations. The first line of the dialog box describes the current support mode. There is also a button that enables configuration editing. Once switched to the mode that allows editing, the configuration cannot be returned to the full support mode. Note that in order to edit the vendor configuration you do not have to completely disable support, switching to the support mode that allows editing is enough.

Other support management options

The support options dialog box also provides the following options: disabling support (the Disable support button), making a backup copy of the latest version of the vendor configuration (the Save to file button), specifying configuration support languages, specifying support rules for individual objects, and opening the dialog box for comparison and merging with vendor configuration.

Configuration support languages

In addition to full configuration comparison, 1C:Enterprise provides the option to compare configurations by language. Suppose that two configurations are being compared (for example, a vendor configuration is compared with a customer configuration). The first configuration includes English and German languages, while the second one includes only English. If you select comparison by English language only, lines that are identical in English are considered identical, even if they include German. There is a dialog box where you can specify comparison languages. You can also specify default languages in the support options. The default languages are used for comparison with vendor configuration and for configuration updates.

Specifying object support rules 

The object support rules are described in detail in Configuration delivery and support concept. You can specify support rules for individual objects either from the support options dialog box or from the compare and merge with vendor configuration dialog box.

Note the "Vendor object changes not allowed" rule. This rule can be set only for identical objects (vendor objects that are not modified by customer). That is why the rule can only be set in the compare and merge with vendor configuration dialog box. If you attempt to set this rule in the support options dialog box, you get an error message.

Deleting vendor objects

To delete a vendor object, you have to set the "Support canceled for vendor object" rule for this object and all its subordinate objects. In the support options dialog box you can set this rule recursively (for an object and all its subordinate objects at once). Setting a rule for a group of objects is supported, as well as setting a rule for a group of objects with their subordinate objects.

Shared development specifics

All configuration support settings are stored in the configuration root. To update support options or update a configuration, it is enough to lock the root object is the repository. But we strongly recommend that you lock the entire configuration in order to update it.

Reverting to vendor objects

To revert to a vendor object, use the compare and merge with the vendor configuration dialog box. Note the following: if a vendor object is deleted by customer and then that object is copied from a vendor configuration to the customer configuration, the copied object, being logically identical to the deleted one, has a different internal ID. And if the database configuration still stores the previous object version, it cannot be mapped to the new object during the database configuration update and some data might be lost during the update. So, if you want to restore a deleted object that is still present in the database configuration, do not merge your configuration with a vendor configuration. Instead, revert to the database configuration.

Next page: Typical balance calculation issues

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