This article describes metadata object naming rules. All of the listed recommendations are mandatory unless noted otherwise.

No. Metadata object Naming rules



Use common metadata naming rules.
Examples: Purchases, Accounting, Settings.

See also: Using subsystems.


Common module

See Common module naming rules.


Session parameter

Use common metadata naming rules.
Examples: CurrentUser, DataExchangeEnabled, PromptForFileExtensionInstallation.

See also: Using session parameters.



Use the following rules for role naming:

  • Name "applied" roles that represent employee responsibilities by employee positions. Examples: Accountant, Salesperson, Administrator

  • Name roles that provide access to specific actions and are intended for fine tuning user rights by action descriptions. Examples: AddChangeMasterData, ReadAdditionalData, OpenExternalReportsAndDataProcessors.

See also: Standard roles.


Common attribute

Use common metadata naming rules.


Exchange plan

Use the following rules for exchange plan naming:

  • Exchange plan names for distributed |Infobases (those that have the Distributed Infobase checkbox selected) provide brief descriptions of data synchronization rules. Examples: Complete, SalesByStore.
  • Exchange plan names for exchange between different configurations include the source and target names. The exchange plan name must be the same in the source and target configurations. Examples: SmallBusinessAccountingSuite, TradeManagementRetail.

If the exchange plans differ depending on configuration revision or version, include the revision or version numbers. Example: TradeManagement110RetailManagement10 (exchange between configuration versions 11.0 and 1.0).


Filter criterion

Provide filter criteria names in the plural, based on the name of the filtered object list. Examples: RelatedDocuments, FilesInVolume.


Event subscription

Event subscription names should be based on the action performed, beginning with a verb.




Scheduled job

Provide scheduled job names in the singular. They should be based on nouns.




Functional option

For functional options linked to constants, names should be based on the functionalities enabled or disabled by these functional options. Examples for functional options of Boolean type:

For functional options of other types:
InfobasePrefix (String type),
ObjectVersioningOptions (parameterized functional option linked to an information register).


Functional option parameter

Functional option parameter names should be based on parameter descriptions. The functional option parameter name does not have to match the object attribute referenced from this parameter. Examples:

Company, linked to the Companies catalog.
ConfigurationObjectType, linked to two information registers:

  • InformationRegister.AdditionalDataProcessorPurposes.Dimension.ObjectType
  • InformationRegister.ObjectVersioningSettings.Dimension.ObjectType


Defined type

Provide defined type names in the singular, based on their purposes. Do not use the words reserved for standard type names, such as String or Number. Do not use words that can be omitted without affecting the meaning, such as Type, Object, or Reference.

Barcode, a fixed length string (13 characters) that is used in the company product catalog, vendor product catalogs, and reports and data processors related to product articles.
Contact, a composite type that includes references to several catalogs that store contact interaction data: email messages, phone calls, meetings, and so on. Examples: Users, ContactPersons, Partners.

String13, ReferenceToContactInteraction.

See also: Using defined types.


Settings storage

Use common metadata naming rules.
Example: ReportOptionsStorage.


Common form

If a form name reflect the action start the name with a verb. Then the automatic synonym, which is displayed in the form window title, will make a good dialog box name.

Do not use words that can be omitted without affecting the meaning, such as Form, Window, or Dialog.

Example: SelectMetadataObjects.

If a form name does not require a verb, it should be based on a noun.

Examples: SystemSettings, MySettings, ProxyServerParameters.


Common command

Use the following rules for common command naming:

  • if a command is intended for a form navigation panel, its name describes the list of objects that are opened. Examples:
  • in all other cases common command names begin with verbs. Examples:


Command group

Command group names should be based on nouns.
Examples: DataExchangeParameters, FileOperations.



Use common metadata naming rules.


Common template

Common template names should be based on nouns that briefly describe the template contents or purposes. Do not use words that can be omitted without affecting the meaning, such as Template.
Examples: TWAINComponent, ChangeLog.


Common picture

Use common metadata naming rules. Examples:
Find, a universal picture for all search commands that can be used in multiple subsystems.
PinReportOption, a picture for the Pin report option command.

A picture name can include its size. Examples:
Folder, a picture 16x16 pixels
SearchManagement32, a picture 32x32 pixels
LongAction48, a picture 48x48 pixels

For pictures that represent picture collections, add the Collection postfix. Example:


Do not use words that can be omitted without affecting the meaning, such as Picture, Image, or Icon.


XDTO package

XDTO package names should be based on nouns that briefly describe their contents or purposes. Do not use words that can be omitted without affecting the meaning, such as Package or XDTO.

Example: Files.


Web service

Web service names should be based on nouns that briefly describe their purposes. Do not use words that can be omitted without affecting the meaning, such as Service or WebService. Use English characters only because third-party information systems might not support other languages.

Examples: Files, Accounts, Currencies.

In web service operation and parameter names, use English characters only.

Example: GetCurrencyRate.


WS reference

WS reference names should be based on nouns that briefly describe the web service purposes. Do not use words that can be omitted without affecting the meaning, such as Service, WebService, or Reference.

Examples: ShipmentData, CurrencyConverter.


Style item

Style item names should be based on nouns that briefly describe their purposes.
Examples: CompletedTask, TooltipText, BusinessProcessDraft.

The style item name can include a description of the parameter defined by the style item.


AdditionalAttributeDeletedColor, AdditionalAttributeDeletedFont.



Use common metadata naming rules.



The language name should be based on the applied solution user interface language.

Examples: English, Russian.



Use the following rules for constant naming:

  • If a constant is linked to a functional option, its name is similar to the functional option name.
  • In all other cases the name is based on the stored object description. Examples: FileStorageType, ProxyServerSetting
  • If a constant has Boolean type, its name can be based on the verb that describes the action that is enabled or disabled. Examples: CheckDigitalSignature, ExtractFileText, AllowNegativeBalances.

Do not use words that can be omitted without affecting the meaning, such as Constant.



Provide catalog names in the plural, based on the description of the list of stored objects. Examples: CurrenciesAccessGroupProfiles, Users.

Do not use words that can be omitted without affecting the meaning, such as Catalog.



Provide document names in the singular. Examples: CustomerOrder, Transfer, Bill.

Do not use words that can be omitted without affecting the meaning, such as Document.

Use the following rules for document naming:

1. The document name should briefly describe the business task that is reflected in the document. We recommend that you keep the name short and simple. Avoid using identical prefixes that identify the business process that includes the document.

For example, an applied solution automates the shipment of sold goods, which is finalized by issuing a Sold goods shipment. Since the document describes the shipment process, simply name it Shipment.

2. If a document does not describe a process but is required solely for its print form, the document name can be based on the print form name. In this case you can use names that exactly match the print form names. As a rule, such documents do not have statuses and they do not serve as basis for generating other documents, and the process of obtaining the print form can be automated by other documents.
For example, to make a Picking list print form available, you can create a document with attributes specific to picking lists. Since the process of picking list generation is based on other documents (Invoice, Shipment), you can name the document PickingList.


Document journal

Provide document journal names in the plural, based on the list of documents stored in the journal. Examples: Nettings, SalesDocuments.

You can use the Journal word in the singular when it is the shortest name possible. Example: GeneralJournal.



Provide enumeration names in the plural.







1. Report and report option names should be based on nouns.
Examples: FileChangeHistory, OverdueTaskList, InventoryJournal.

2. We recommend that you set the title output option for reports or report options intended for printing.

This recommendation is optional

For reports that have templates, include the title in the template.
For report options that do not have templates, select the Title checkbox on the Other settings tab.

3. Use the following rules for report option presentations:

  • A presentation briefly and unambiguously describes the data displayed in the report option.

    For example, for the Income report, option presentations Cash and Accrual are not recommended (however, these presentations might be good enough for report options belonging to other reports).

    Cash basis, Accrual basis.
  • If a report option has a title displayed, its presentation should match the print form title. This ensures that users can identify the report option by its print form.
  • Avoid adding clarifications in parentheses or with other separators. This can result in messy, hard-to-read report lists.

4. Do not use words that can be omitted without affecting the meaning, such as Report.


Data processor

Data processor names should be based on nouns.
Examples: EventLogMonitor, BackgroundAndScheduledJobs, TotalsAndAggregatesManagement.

Do not use words that can be omitted without affecting the meaning, such as DataProcessor.

If a data processor form is intended for a form navigation panel or a command interface section, the data processor name should be identical to the name of the command that opens it. For example, the ScheduledAndBackgroundJobs command opens the ScheduledAndBackgroundJobs data processor.

Note that data processor presentations can differ from this pattern. For example, names of menu items that open data processors (which are technically data processor presentations) should begin with verbs for consistency with other menu commands: Delete marked objects or Find references to objects.


Chart of characteristic types

Provide chart of characteristic types names in the plural, based on the description of the list of stored objects.
Examples: AccessTypes, AdditionalDataAndAttributes.


Chart of accounts

Provide chart of accounts names in the singular, based on the noun that briefly describes the chart of accounts purpose. Do not use words that can be omitted without affecting the meaning, such as ChartOfAccounts. At the same time, the synonym can include the full description.

Examples (namesynonym):

  Corporate—Corporate chart of accounts
  USGAAP—US GAAP chart of accounts
You can use the Explanation property for additional clarifications. The explanation is displayed as a tooltip for the command that opens the chart of accounts.


Chart of calculation types

Provide chart of calculation types names in the plural, based on the description of the list of stored objects.

Examples: Bonuses, Wages.


Information register, accumulation register, accounting register, calculation register

Provide register names in the plural, based on the description of the list of register records.

Examples: ExchangeRates, FilesInStorage.

You can use the Journal word in the singular when it is the shortest name possible. Example: InventoryJournal.


Business process

Provide business process names in the singular, just like document names.
Examples: Approval, PurchaseToPay.



Business process task names should be based on verbs. Example: ApproveOrder, CancelOrder.


External data source

External data source names should be based on the descriptions of imported data. Do not use words that can be omitted without affecting the meaning, such as Data or DataSource.

Examples: CRMContacts, WarehousingShipments.

Use common metadata naming rules for external data source tables.

Examples: Addresses, Products.

Next page: Restrictions to renaming metadata objects

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