Functionality After Before Result of changes
Configuration properties.
Version 8.3.7 is added to the list of available values of the Compatibility mode property. Compatibility modes were available for the following platform versions: 8.1, 8.2.13, 8.2.16, 8.3.1, 8.3.2, 8.3.3, 8.3.4, 8.3.5, and 8.3.6. In version 8.3.8 you can run configurations created in version 8.3.7 or earlier without making changes to the configuration and without changing its data structure. This allows you to perform quick transition to version 8.3.8 without making any configuration changes, then work with the configuration as usual and remove the compatibility mode at later time. This also allows you to use version 8.3.7 for working with the infobase even after the transition to version 8.3.7. You can use this option both before and after the compatibility mode is removed (in the latter case you have to turn the compatibility mode back on).
Internet-enabled functionality.
Support of Linux trusted certificate directories (/etc/ssl/certs and /etc/pki/tls/certs) is implemented. The OSCertificationAuthorityCertificates object enabling cross-OS certificate operations is implemented. The LinuxCertificationAuthorityCertificates object caching certificate data on Linux operating system is implemented. It is recommended that you use the OSCertificationAuthorityCertificates object.

The CertificationAuthorityCertificates parameter of OpenSSLSecureConnection object constructor accepts objects of OSCertificationAuthorityCertificates and LinuxCertificationAuthorityCertificates types.

NSS certificates are no longer supported.

On Linux operating system, the platform used NSS certificate store. On Linux operating system, in the thin client, the option to access infobases published on resources that require clent certificates is implemented.
Web client, web service, and HTTP service publishing tools.
System requirements.
Support of Apache 2.4 is implemented for Windows and Linux.

For the webinst utility, the -apache24 key is implemented.

This feature was not provided.

Apache versions 2.0 and 2.2 were supported.

Extended list of supported web servers.
Automated testing.
The About 1C:Enterprise window and the title of the client application window indicate whether the client application is a test manager or a test client.

The TestedApplication.SetFileDialogResult() method is implemented, it provides the result of an operation performed in the file selection dialog box.

The resulting collection of the TestedApplication.GetChildObjects() method now inlcudes windows that contain text or spreadsheet documents.

The TestedForm.ExecuteChoiceFromList() method is implemented, it selects a value from the list opened using the ManagedForm.ChooseFromList() method.

The TestedForm.ExecuteChoiceFromMenu() method is implemented, it selects a value from the menu opened using the ManagedForm.ChooseFromMenu() method.

For the TestedFormField object, the support of form field extension for a text document is implemented.

For the TestedFormField object, the support of form field extension for a formatted document is implemented. For the TestedFormField object, the following methods are implemented: GetHTML() (returns the formatted document content) and InputHTML() (emulates entering text to the formatted document).

The TestedFormField.WriteContentToFile() method is implemented, it writes the document file to the hard disk (same as the Save command). The method is available for spreadsheet document, text document, and formatted document extensions.

These features were not provided. Extended automated testing capabilities.
Development tools.
The option to save and restore the settings in the configuration comparison and merging window is implemented. A check box that manages automatic automatic saving of the form settings is implemented.

The module comparison and merging form is refactored. Now it includes a command bar with the editor commands.

The filter settings now include the Show only properties that were changed twice option.

These features were not provided. Improved usability for applied solution developers who often perform comparison and merging of configurations with custom settings.
Development tools.
The following operations are now available as command-line options for batch Designer startup mode:
  • Compare configurations (/CompareCfg)
  • Merge configurations (/MergeCfg)
  • Lock objects in a configuration repository (/ConfigurationRepositoryLock).
  • Release objects in a configuration repository(/ConfigurationRepositoryUnlock).
  • Store modified objects to a configuration repository (/ConfigurationRepositoryCommit).
  • Label a repository version (/ConfigurationRepositorySetLabel).

The following parameters are implemented for /UpdateCfg command-line option of batch Designer startup:

  • -DumpListOfTwiceChangedProperties. Generates the list of properties that were changed twice.
  • -IncludeObjectsByUnresolvedRefs. If the settings include objects that are not in the list of objects to be merged and are not available in the main configuration, but these objects are referred from objects that are in the list, mark them for merging and attempt to continue the merging.
  • -ClearUnresolvedRefs. Clear references to objects that are not in the list of objects to be merged.
  • -Settings. Use the merge settings from the specified file.
  • -force. Automatically resolve merge issues. This affects the platform behavior in the following cases: locked objects are found; properties that were changed twice and do not have the merge mode specified are found; or a warning about deletion of objects refered by objects that do not participate in the merging is issued.

For /ConfigurationRepositoryUpdateCfg command-line option of batch Designer startup, the -objects parameter is implemented. This parameter specifies that the operation is performed for a specific set of configuration objects.

These features were not provided.

The /ConfigurationRepositoryUpdateCfg command-line option of batch Designer startup was only applicable to the entire configuration.

Simplified automatic update of applied solutions.
For the query debug, the following operations are inplemented: viewing the list of temporary tables, the structure of temporary tables, and the contents of temporary tables. The Query.ExecuteBatchWithIntermediateData() method is implemented. The TempTablesManager.Tables property is implemented. This feature was not provided. Extended applied solution debug capabilities, especially when debugging complex batch queries.
External data sources.
The ExternalDataSourceManager.TransactionActive() method is implemented. It determines whether an external data source has a transaction in progress. This feature was not provided. The option to determine whether an external data source has a transaction is progress is now available.
Web services and HTTP services.
Support of web services that support MTOM standard is implemented Read more.. This feature was not provided. Web services that supported MTOM standard were not supported. Extended capabilities for 1C:Enterprise integration with third-party systems. Integration with web services that support optimized transfer of binary data is available, which reduces the network traffic and RAM usage.
OData interface.
The following improvements to the standard OData interface are implemented:
  • Filter by composite type
  • Lambda expressions
  • New query options for filtering the received data:
    • $skip. Skips several first records in the query result
    • $inlinecount. Includes the size of the resulting selection to the query result
    • $orderby. Sets the order of records in the query result
    • $count. Returns the number or records in the query
  • More functions can be used in queries:
    • Functions that process string values
    • Functions that process date and time values
    • Function that checks whether a value has the specified type
    • Functions that convert types
The standard OData interface provided more limited functionality 1C:Enterprise object presentations better conform to the OData standard requirements.
Configuration extensions.
Development tools.
The ConfigurationExtension() method is implemented for configuration objects. It is used to determine the configuration extension where the object belongs.

For ConfigurationExtensionsManager.Get() method, the ConfigExtensionSource parameter is implemented. If specifies which list of extensions is retrieved (database extensions only; extensions available in the current session; or extensions that were disabled or did not pass the check at the attachment stage).

This feature was not provided. Simplified configuration extension operations in 1C:Enterprise script.
Configuration extensions.
The ConfigurationExtensionCompatibilityMode property of configuration extensions is implemented. This property is used to limit the extension functionality to ensure its compatibility with a specific version of 1C:Enterprise platform, while leaving the option to edit the extension using a later 1C:Enterprise platform version, which provides more features for configuration extensions.The option to create the following objects in configuration extensions is implemented:
  • Common templates
  • Common commands
  • Common pictures
  • Attributes, tabular sections, and attributes of adopted tabular sections for:
    • Reports
    • Data processors
  • Forms, templates, and commands of adopted objects:
    • Exchange plans
    • Filter criteria
    • Settings storage
    • Catalogs
    • Documents
    • Document journals
    • Enumerations
    • Reports
    • Data processors
    • Accounting registers
    • Accumulation registers
    • Calculation registers
    • Information registers
    • Charts of characteristic types
    • Charts of accounts
    • Charts of calculation types
    • Business processes
    • Tasks
    • External data sources:
      • Tables
      • Cubes
      • Dimension tables

In configuration extensions, the option to change the properties of adopted configuration objects, which describe both main and auxiliary forms, is implemented.

For adopted reports, the option to change the Main data composition schema property is implemented.

In configuration extensions, changing the Picture property of subsystems, command groups, commands, and common commands is available.

In the module editor, the context help is only displayed for objects included in the current extension.

These features were not provided. In the module editor, the context help was displayed for both the original configuration and the extension. Extended configuration extension capabilities.
Development tools.
Dumping/loading configurations to files.
The option to export external reports and data processors to XML files is implemented. In Designer, the following File menu commands provide this option: Save, Save as, and Save copy. After the export, changing the object type (external report to external data processor or vice versa) is not available. The import is available using the Open command of the File menu.

In the external report or data processor editor dialog box, the options to export the report or data processor to files and import it from files are implemented. The export and import commands are available on the Actions menu of the dialog box.

The option to compare an external report or data processor with an external report or data processor stored in XML files is implemented. In the external report or data processor editor dialog box, the following Actions menu command provides this option: Compare and merge with external report or data processor.

The option to export and import external reports or data processors to or from XML files using the command-line options of Designer batch mode is implemented. The /DumpExternalDataProcessorOrReportsToFiles and /LoadExternalDataProcessorOrReportsFromFiles keys are implemented.

Export to both flat and hierarchical file structures is supported. The export is only available in export format version 2.0. The import format is determined automatically during the import.

These features were not provided. External reports and data processors could only be saved in binary format. Extended capabilities for external report and data processor operations in scenarios that use external version control systems. The option to use external tools for creating and editing external reports and data processors is implemented.
Dynamic lists.
For dynamic lists, support of batch queries is implemented. The dynamic list query builder does not support editing batch queries.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.7 repository compatibility mode.

Dynamic lists did not support batch queries. Extended dynamic list capabilities.
Development tools.
In the Syntax Assistant, more information is added to the description of the HTTP service request handler method. This includes the parameter type and the return value type. In the Syntax Assistant, some information was missing from the description of the HTTP service request handler method. It did not provide the parameter type and the return value type. Easier developer access to critical information.
Data display.
Managed forms.
For the StyleColors system enumeration, the following values are implemented:
  • ButtonBorderColor (for form buttons and command bar buttons)
  • TableHeaderBackColor (for table header background)
  • TableHeaderTextColor (for table header text)
  • TableFooterBackColor (for table footer background)
  • TableFooterTextColor (for table footer text)
The following values of the StyleColors system enumeration were used to format form items:
  • BorderColor (for form buttons and command bar buttons)
  • ButtonBackColor (for table header background)
  • ButtonTextColor (for table header text)
  • ButtonBackColor (for table footer background)
  • ButtonTextColor (for table footer text)
Extended style item usage options.
Data display.
Managed forms.
The sizes of form buttons and command bar buttons are changed.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.7 compatibility mode.

Form buttons and command bar buttons had different sizes. Improved button layout.
Technological log.
For the <CALL> technological log event, the Usr property is implemented. It stores the name of the authenticated infobase user. The Usr property of the <CALL> technological log event was not available, The <CALL> technological log event is more informative now.
ZIP archive operations.

For the conf.cfg configuration file, the FileNamesEncodingInZipFile parameter is implemented. It specifies the file name encoding in 1C:Enterprise-generated ZIP archives. It can have one of the following values: UTF8 (UTF8 only) and OSEncodingWithUTF8 (both UTF8 and the operating system encoding). If the parameter value is UTF8, the ZipFileReader object from 1C:Enterprise version 8.3.6 or later, as well as built-in decompression programs from Windows XP/2003/2008/7, display file names with non-English characters inside the archives incorrectly. The built-in decompression program from OS X displays such file names correctly.

If the parameter value is OSEncodingWithUTF8, the built-in decompression program from OS X displays file names with non-English characters incorrectly but other decompression programs display them correctly.

File names in 1C:Enterprise-generated ZIP archives were always stored in both UTF8 encoding and operating system encoding. The option to specify encoding for the file names in 1C:Enterprise-generated ZIP archives is implemented.
DBMS operations.
System requirements.
IBM DB2 11.1 DBMS is now supported. IBM DB2 11.1 DBMS was not supported. IBM DB2 11.1 DBMS is now supported.

Next page: New functionality and changes in the 1C:Enterprise mode

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