Functionality After Before Result of changes
Applied objects. Before restructuring an infobase, the platform checks whether user-created object attributes or tabular sections with reserved names are present in exchange plans. The list of reserved names in English includes: RefCode, DescriptionDeletionMarkThisObjectDataVersion, AdditionalPropertiesSentNo, and ReceivedNo. The list or reserved names in Russian includes:  Ссылка, Код, Наименование, ПометкаУдаления, ЭтотОбъект, ВерсияДанных, ДополнительныеСвойства, НомерОтправленного, and НомерПринятого. If any exchange plan contains attributes or tabular sections with names listed above, the infobase cannot be restructured.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.3 compatibility mode.

Before restructuring an infobase, the platform did not check whether object attributes and tabular sections with reserved names were present in the exchange plans. The system behaves as expected during infobase restructuring.
Applied objects. In the FillCheckProcessing() handler, if the Cancel parameter is set to True, event subscription execution is interrupted for the following objects: catalogs, documents, register record sets (including recalculations), document sequences, charts of characteristic types, charts of accounts, charts of calculation types, exchange plans, business processes, and tasks.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.3 compatibility mode.

In the FillCheckProcessing() handler, if the Cancel parameter was set to True, event subscription execution was never interrupted. The system behaves as expected.
Common attributes / Data separation. Managed locks.

In sessions that do not use separators, when data is being written or deleted, managed locks are set not only by reference and explicitly specified fields, but also by common attributes that serve as separators and include the object being written or deleted.

The common attributes that are not separators can be used in the DataLockFields configuration object property.

The DataLockFields list of attributes cannot contain common attributes that serve as separators in the Independently and simultaneously mode. You can specify such attributes as names for lock spaces of DataLock objects. If the separator value used in the DataLock object differs from the separator value used in the session, an exception is raised.

These changes are implemented for the following object types:

  • Catalogs
  • Documents
  • Charts of characteristic types
  • Charts of accounts
  • Charts of calculation types
  • Exchange plans
  • Business processes
  • Tasks
  • Constants
In sessions that did not use separators, when data was being written or deleted, managed locks were set only by reference and explicitly specified fields.

The common attributes that were not separators could not be used in the DataLockFields configuration object property. Such common attributes could not be used as names for lock spaces of DataLock objects.

The number of lock collisions is reduced. In sessions that do not use separators, you can modify data in any data areas within a lock space provided that the data does not belong to the area where the lock has been set. For example, a lock is set to the Products catalog in the O1 area. You can modify data in any areas where the separator value is not equal to O1.
Spreadsheet document. When a spreadsheet document is saved to a PDF file, charts (ChartGanttChart, and Dendrogram objects) are saved in the vector format. When a spreadsheet document was saved to a PDF file, charts were saved as bitmap images. The resulting PDF file size is reduced. Charts are resized when the file display area is changed in the PDF file viewer program.
Configuration repository. The history of comments entered by users when they store objects to the configuration repository is implemented. The history stores last 20 comments. Users can enter comments (which are saved to the history) when they lock repository objects. Users can select comments from the history when they store objects to the repository. Comments that users entered when they stored objects to configuration repositories were not saved to a history.

In the configuration repository, improved usability of repeated object storing operations related to a single task, such as step-by-step implementation of a single feature.

Access rights. You can specify multiple roles to be used for defining access rights when the user list is empty.

The DefaultRoles configuration property is implemented. The DefaultRole property is supported for compatibility purposes. If the compatibility mode is disabled, accessing the DefaultRole property raises an exception.

In 8.3.3 version compatibility mode, you can only specify a single role in the DefaultRoles property.

Only a single role could be specified as the default one.

Simplified development of applied solutions that can be run with or without user list.

Applied objects. For configuration objects that can contain predefined data, you can set the PredefinedDataName property to a value of a custom type, which consists of the # character and the text presentation of a unique identifier. The value of the PredefinedDataName property could be set only in the load mode (when the DataExchange.Load property was set to True). You can load predefined data from files that have custom format.
Automated testing. For user action log entries that are generated as a result of user interaction with managed form fields, buttons, groups, tables, and decorations, the name attribute is implemented. It stores the name of the form item accessed by user.

The user action log conversion data processor includes the option that defines how the search for form items is performed: by presentation or by name.

Form item presentations were recorded to the user action log.

The user action log conversion data processor only supported search for form items by item presentation.

The automated testing is more reliable. Search for form items by name is available, which eliminates the dependence of automated tests on localization language, item presentation typos, item presentation uniqueness, and so on.
Spreadsheet document. Spreadsheet documents are printed with the scale specified in their print options.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.3 compatibility mode.

On some printers, spreadsheet documents were printed at 200% scale. If a spreadsheet document is printed using a scale different from 100%, the system behaves as expected.
Dynamic list. In dynamic list filters, you can specify tabular section fields of objects that are used in the query that generates the dynamic list.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.3 compatibility mode.

Tabular section fields of objects could not be used in dynamic list filters. The list of dynamic list features is extended.
Dynamic list. During the retrieval of dynamic list data, dynamic list settings that are disabled by functional options are deleted.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.3 compatibility mode.

Settings disabled by functional options were not removed from dynamic list settings. Unexpected system behavior is eliminated.
Interface. The colors of the sections panel and current section command panel in the Taxi interface are changed.

When the current section command panel orientation is vertical, its title is not displayed. The presentation of current section command panel is changed to current section function panel.

The colors of the sections panel and current section command panel in the Taxi interface were different.

If the current section command panel orientation was vertical, its title was displayed.

Better usability inTaxi interface mode.
Developing tools. Configuration repository. You can quickly view the selective change history of configuration objects. This option is available if you use a repository, and also from the compare and merge configurations window.

Selective history is implemented for the following objects: modules, templates, pictures, WS-references, schedules, register aggregates, objects included in exchange plans, styles, main section working areas, flowcharts, forms, help pages, predefined items, command interface fragments, and role rights. To view the selective history, right-click anywhere in any of the repository dialog boxes or in the configuration comparison window, and then click View selective history.

In the Filter repository versions dialog box, filter by properties of selected configuration objects is added. Viewing selective history is only available for object versions added to the configuration repository using 1C:Enterprise version 8.2.9 or later.

This feature was not provided. Only the full object change history was available. Improved usability of configuration repository. Viewing the history of items that are parts of configuration objects is simplified.
Tools for publishing the web client and web services. In Designer, in the dialog box for publishing the web client and web services:
  • You can manage execution of background jobs in file mode (the allowexecutescheduledjobs attribute of the ws tag).
  • You can specify whether web services are published by default (the pointEnableCommon attribute of the ws tag).
Managing execution of background jobs in file mode and specifying whether web services are published by default were only available when publishing was performed using the webinst utility (based on a template). The publishing dialog did not provide access to managing these features. You can specify all of the options available in the default.vrd file during interactive publishing.
Spreadsheet document. You can use the ViewScalingMode property of spreadsheet document form extension to specify how the spreadsheet document will be displayed: as in platform version 8.2 or enlarged. This feature was not provided. Reports with large fonts looked too large in the Taxi interface mode. You can scale displayed spreadsheet documents that have custom (large) fonts.
Dynamic list. In dynamic lists, presentation fields cannot be used in filters, groupings, or ordering. Searching by presentation fields is not available. In dynamic lists, presentation fields could be used in filters, groupings, or ordering. Search by presentation fields was available. Unexpected system behavior is eliminated.
External data sources. Data composition system. Working with queries. In external data sources, you can use functions specified in them. A function can return a value, or a table, or nothing. You can specify types of external data source tables: table or expression (this is required to describe functions that return tables). To call an external data source function, use one of the following query language expressions:
  • ExternalDataSource.< Source name>.Table.<Table function name>(<Parameter 1>,...,< Parameter N>)
  • ExternalDataSource.<Source name>.<Function name>< Parameter 1>,...,< Parameter N>

You can call functions using the object model. This can be performed with either external data source managers or external data source table managers.

In the picture library, the ExternalDataSourceFunction is implemented.

External data sources did not support functions.

The external data source functionality is extended.

Data composition system. If an aggregate function is used in the RecordsFilter parameter of the EvalExpressionWithGroupArray() or EvalExpressionWithGroupValueTable() functions, an error is generated.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.3 compatibility mode.

Using aggregate functions in the RecordsFilter parameter of the EvalExpressionWithGroupArray() and EvalExpressionWithGroupValueTable() functions did not generate an error. Unexpected system behavior is eliminated.
Web client. In Microsoft Internet Explorer 10 web browser, in managed form text boxes, the Clear input system button is removed. In Microsoft Internet Explorer 10 web browser, in the managed form text box, the Clear input system button had the same functionality as the Clear button, which was added by the platform. Eliminated web client appearance differences between Microsoft Internet Explorer 10 and other web browsers.
Configuration repository. The Update configuration from repository command is executed without displaying a dialog box if new objects are found in the repository.

New objects are automatically created in the target configuration.

The Update configuration from repository command opened a dialog box if new objects were found in the repository. If a configuration was updated using Designer batch mode and new objects were found in the repository, the update was not performed. Applied solution configurations can be updated automatically (for example, using the a batch file). You can include the update in various scheculed tasks, such as automated testing. The configuration update no longer requires interactive actions, which can pause the batch file execution.
Interface. The splash screens for Designer and all types of client applications are modified: borders are used instead of shadows. The splash screens had shadows. Eliminated splash screen drawing issues in a number of scenarios.
Common objects. Checks that determine whether defined type contents are valid are performed for each defined type call in the following scenarios:
  • during configuration verification
  •  before saving a configuration.

The check is only performed when the Compatibility mode configuration property is set to Version 8.3.3 or None. If the compatibility mode is set to version earlier than version 8.3.3, defined type contents are only checked for the presence of external data source functions.

The checks whether defined type contents were valid were only performed when the dialog box for specifying configuration object attribute type was generated. When a configuration was saved, the checks whether defined type contents were still valid were not performed for each defined type call. Eliminated several potential issues that could occur during the development of applied solutions with defined types.
Managed form. In 8.2.16 version compatibility mode, if a text box does not have the selection list mode enabled, its drop-down lists do not contain the selection list specified in the text box properties. In version 8.3.3, drop-down lists in text boxes always contained the choice lists specified for these text boxes. Redesign is not required for applied solutions that run in version 8.2.16 compatibility mode.
Standard functions. Common attributes / Data separation.

The standard Delete marked objects data processor attempts to set the exclusive mode for object deletion if the configuration compatibility mode is set to Version 8.3.3 or later (including the None value of the Compatibility mode property).

If the configuration has Version 8.3.2 or earlier compatibility mode, the exclusive mode is only set for sessions that do not use separators or in configurations that are not separated. 

The standard Delete marked objects data processor attempted to set the exclusive mode for object deletion only if deletion was performed either in a session that did not use separators or in a configuration that was not separated. The compatibility mode did not affect the criteria for setting the exclusive mode.

You can delete marked objects in sessions that use separators.
Applied objects. An automatically assigned object number is reused if the transaction where the object was written is canceled, regardless of the value of the Objects Autonumbering Mode configuration property. If the Objects Autonumbering Mode configuration property was set to Do not Release Automatically, an object number was not reused when the transaction where the object was written was canceled. Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Working with XML, XDTO. When data is deserialized from XML- or XDTO-serialized files, the Predefined items are ignored for tabular sections of charts of accounts and charts of calculation types. If such items are found, no errors occur and data is deserialized successfully. During the attempt to deserialize items of a chart of accounts or a chart of calculation types, having the Predefined item in a tabular section resulted in an exception and the deserialization could not be performed. You can load data serialized in later versions of 1C:Enterprise (version 8.3.5 and later).

Table of contents

Next page: Changes that require modification of configuration and administrative settings

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