Functionality After Before Result of changes
Upon query execution in the infobase file mode, if a number cannot be represented with the required accuracy, an exception is thrown. Upon query execution in the infobase file mode, if a number cannot be represented with the required accuracy, a number where all digits are 9s is put in the query result. Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Administration tools.
Implemented Java 9 or later support for the administration server interaction interface from Java. The administration server interaction interface from Java did not support Java version 9 or later. Only Java version 1.8 was supported. Implemented support for modern Java versions.
Software licensing.
When running commands, the licensing utility sends unattended statistical information to 1C:Remote service by default. You can now deactivate this action when running one command using the --send-statistics parameter. The licensing utility did not interact with 1C:Remote service. New feature: you can accumulate statistical information about the licensing utility activity.
Functional options.
If a functional option is stored in a catalog, the functional option value is recalculated once a catalog item is deleted. If a functional option was stored in a catalog, the functional option value was not recalculated once a catalog item was deleted and the code could get the old value of the functional option. Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Web client.
System requirements.
When running on macOS, Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox can now be used to work in the web client. When running on macOS, only Safari could be used to work in the web client. The list of supported web browsers for macOS is expanded.
Web client.
System requirements.
Ended support of Google Chrome versions 48 and earlier. The web client is supported in Google Chrome versions 49 and later. Google Chrome versions 48 and earlier were supported. Ended support for legacy Google Chrome versions.
Web client.
On macOS, Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox now support the file system extension and the add-in extension.

Implemented the add-in adapter library for Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox running on macOS. Changes were made to development technology for add-ins (read more).

On macOS, Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox did not support the file system extension and the add-in extension. Advanced file operations on macOS using the web client.
File operations.
The following methods are deprecated and supported for compatibility purposes (in all clent applications):
  • InstallFileSystemExtension()
  • AttachFileSystemExtension()
  • InstallCryptoExtension()
  • AttachCryptoExtension()
  • InstallAddIn().

Use asynchronous equivalents of these methods instead.

The following methods could be used to create applied applications:
  • InstallFileSystemExtension()
  • AttachFileSystemExtension()
  • InstallCryptoExtension()
  • AttachCryptoExtension()
  • InstallAddIn().
Deprecated methods are no longer supported.
File operations.
Once the BeginPutFilesToServer() method or the BeginPutFileToServer() method is called, there is no need to wait for the method completion to call these methods again. Once the BeginPutFilesToServer() method or the BeginPutFileToServer() method was called, it was necessary to wait for completion of a previously executed call to call the methods again. A recall attempt led to an error in the thin client or waiting for completion of the previous call in the web client. You can now import several files (or file groups) at the same time.
Database copies.
You can now choose сonfiguration object properties to be passed to a database copy upon enabled standard replication. You can specify the following objects:
  • For reference objects: attributes, tabular sections, and tabular section attributes.
  • For registers: resources and attributes.

Other attributes (standard attributes, register changes, and common attributes included in separators) are always passed.

A query accessing attributes that are outside of the copy is executed on the main database.

If a database copy created in version 8.3.16 with restrictions on a composition of objects to copy is used, this copy will be considered deprecated when trying to use it on previous versions and refilled with data upon synchronization.

New properties for the DatabaseCopyManager object: TabularSectionsUsage, ValueStoragesUsage, UnlimitedLengthStringsUsage, and OtherFieldsUsage.

The following properties of the DatabaseCopyManager object became writable: DBMSType, DatabaseServer, and Database.

Parameters of the DatabaseCopyManager.Add() method became optional.

New properties for the DatabaseCopyContentItem object: Fields, TabularSectionsUsage, ValueStoragesUsage, UnlimitedLengthStringsUsage, and OtherFieldsUsage.

The DatabaseCopyContentItem.Metadata property became writable. The Item parameter of Insert() and Add() methods of the DatabaseCopyContent object is mandatory. This change is not implemented in 8.3.15 compatibility mode.

The database copy management standard data processor is changed.

All data of the selected сonfiguration objects was transferred to a database copy upon standard replication usage. It was not possuble to manage properties of data to transfer.

The following properties of the DatabaseCopyManager object were read-only: DBMSType, DatabaseServer, and Database.

Parameters of the DatabaseCopyManager.Add() method were mandatory.

The DatabaseCopyContentItem.Metadata property was read-only. The Item parameter of Insert() and Add() methods of the DatabaseCopyContent object was optional.

When generating data for a database copy, you can now set up content and volume of data stored in the database copy more precisely.
Data composition system.
Upgrade: you can apply conditional appearance to header areas of resource and totals fields. Conditional appearance can be managed both from 1C:Enterprise code and the selection form of the conditional appearance application area.

Implemented the following properties for the DataCompositionConditionalAppearanceItem object: UseInResourcesFieldsHeader, UseInOverallHeader, and UseInOverallResourcesFieldsHeader. These properties are not available in 8.3.15 compatibility mode.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.15 compatibility mode.

It was impossible to apply conditional appearance to headers of resource and totals fields. Advanced conditional appearance features for reports built using the data composition system.
Dynamic lists.
On getting data, the dynamic list checks whether all filter fields are present in available filter fields. When the first field unavailable for filter is found, an error is generated.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.15 compatibility mode.

On getting data, the dynamic list did not check whether all filter fields were present in available filter fields. Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Database operations.
In infobase file mode, unique indexes are created the same way they are created in client/server mode of the infobase.

To force generation of indexes, change the compatibility mode and test and repair the infobase with the Restructure infobase tables check box selected..

When the compatibility mode is disabled, while writing data, index keys will be checked for uniqueness for indexes that were rebuilt upon testing and repair.

Upon testing and repair (in any compatibility mode), index key uniqueness is not checked.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.15 compatibility mode.

In infobase file mode, non-unique indexes of infobase tables were created even when unique indexes were created in other supported DBMSs in the same case.

While writing data, 1C:Enterprise did not check index keys for uniqueness, which could cause problems with infobase migration from file mode to client/server mode.

Unified behavior of 1C:Enterprise in both file and client/server modes for operations with unique indexes. Reduced the number of issues that occur when migrating an infobase from file mode to client/server mode.
Dynamic lists.
When you press Enter (or double-click a row) in a row of a table linked to a dynamic list or when you call the ChangeRow() form table method, a form table extension will open a form linked to this row whether or not there is the Change command in the table commands.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.15 compatibility mode.

When you pressed Enter (or double-click a row) in a row of a table linked to a dynamic list or when you called the ChangeRow() form table method, a form table extension will open a form linked to this row:
  • In version from 8.3.11 to 8.3.15 compatibility mode – only if the Change command is available in the table.
  • In version 8.3.10 compatibility mode – whether or not there is the Change command in table commands.
Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Information registers.
If a record set of an independent information register is written to the infobase without replacement, records will be checked for uniqueness in data import mode (the DataExchange.Import property is True).

Refined the text of the error that occurs when data is not unique.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.15 compatibility mode.

If a record set of an independent information register was written to the infobase without replacement, records were not checked for uniqueness in data import mode (the DataExchange.Import property was True). This behavior could result in data inconsistency. Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
DBMS operations.
The behavior of the IN query language operator with the subquery became the same when using any DBMS.

The results of such queries using IBM DB2, PostgreSQL, or Oracle Database might change. It is recommended that you analyze usage locations of the IN operator with the subquery and rewrite these queries if necessary.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.15 compatibility mode.

The behavior of the IN query language operator with the subquery depended on the DBMS the query was executed on. The result of the IN query language operator with the subquery does not depend on the used DBMS anymore.

When using PostgreSQL, reduced the time spent on executing queries that contain the IN operator with the subquery.

Upon addition or subtraction in the query language, if the left operand of the operation could not be NULL but the right operand could be NULL, it is assumed that the operation result can be NULL. Upon addition or subtraction in the query language, if the left operand of the operation could not be NULL but the right operand could be NULL, it was assumed that the operation result could not be NULL. Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Server clusters.
In client/server mode, you can now specify roles to apply in a session for a security profile when switching to privileged mode. When privileged mode is enabled, roles specified in the security profile will be used in a session. When privileged mode is disabled, they will return to roles specified by a user. If full access to privileged mode is set in the security profile, a set of roles does not change when privileged mode is enabled.

Implemented the Privileged mode roles property for the security profile.

New properties for the AdministrationSecurityProfile object: PrivilegedModeRoles and FullPrivilegedMode. New properties for the ISecurityProfile object: PrivilegedModeRoles and FullPrivilegedMode.

The following Java-based properties are implemented in the administration server interface for the ISecurityProfile object: PrivilegedModeRoles and FullPrivilegedMode.

The following parameters of the profile command are implemented for the cluster service command-line utility (rac): privileged-mode-roles and full–privileged-mode.

Properties AdministrationSecurityProfile.PrivilegedModeAllowed and ISecurityProfile.PrivilegedModeInSafeModeAllowed (server cluster administration COM interface and Java-based administration server interface) are deprecated and supported for compatibility purposes only.

This feature was not provided.

It was impossible to explicitly specify a list of roles that would be applied in a session when switching to privileged mode.

Expanded features of security profiles in client/server mode.

Next page: Renamed objects

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