The builder uses the WINDOWS_RT_MANIFEST_EXTENSIONS.XML and WINDOWS_RT_PHONE_MANIFEST_EXTENSIONS.XML files for Windows Runtime and Windows Runtime Phone, respectively. This file describes the changes to AppxManifest.xml, such as the rights that an add-in requires to access specific application components or functionalities. These files are optional. If they are not available, no changes are applied to the permission settings.

The following is an example manifest extension file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <target xpath="/Package/Capabilities/Capability[@Name='musicLibrary']"/>
        <target xpath="/Package/Capabilities/DeviceCapability[@Name='proximity']"/>

The first line is a standard XML header. The second line contains the <root> tag.

You can only add data to the <Additions> tag.

The xpath="..." attribute of the <target> tag specifies the target of "Name='XXXXX'" parameters in the AppxManifest.xml file.

For the descriptions of <Capability> and <DeviceCapability> tags, see the Windows developer documentation.

Next page: 1C:Enterprise add-in naming rules

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