Functionality After Before Result of changes
Dumping/loading configuration to files. Only access rights that have nondefault values are included in dump files. The default values are defined by the Set rights for new objects and Set rights for attributes and tabular sections by default properties. Values of these properties are default values for access rights to metadata objects and access rights to attributes and tabular sections respectively. All access rights were included in dump files, including those having default values. Improved performance of dumping configurations to files. Reduced size of dump files.
Dumping/loading configuration to files.Applied objects. When dumping a configuration to XML files, English descriptions of document journal selection types follow this convention: DocumentJournalSelection.DocumentJournalName. When dumping a configuration to XML files, English descriptions of document journal selection types followed this convention: DocumentJournalsManager.DocumentJournalName. Type names are uniform.
Working with files. When one or multiple files are obtained from the infobase using the GetFile() or GetFiles() method, the View right is checked for the attributes that store the file data. If the GetFiles() method is used and access to at least one the requested files is denied, the entire operation is canceled. This change is not implemented in 8.3.2 compatibility mode.

When one or multiple files are obtained from the infobase using the GetFile() or GetFiles() method, the View right was not checked for the attributes that stored the file data.

The behavior of the GetFile() and GetFiles() methods is uniform with other system features.
Developing tools. Before database configuration update, the check whether the Ref attribute is present is performed for tabular sections of catalogs, charts of characteristic types, charts of accounts, charts of calculation types, exchange plans, business processes, and tasks. If this attribute exists, restructuring cannot be performed. This change is not implemented in 8.3.2 compatibility mode. Before database configuration update, the check whether the Ref attribute is present was not performed for tabular sections of catalogs, charts of characteristic types, charts of accounts, charts of calculation types, exchange plans, business processes, and tasks. Eliminated this type of errors in applied solutions.
Server cluster. In the server cluster administration utility (rac), the name and cluster-port options of the server update command are removed. In the Java-based administration server interface, the setName() and setClusterMainPort() methods are removed from the IWorkingServerInfo interface. In the server cluster administration utility (rac), the security-level option of the infobase update command is removed. In the Java-based administration server interface, the setSecurityLevel() method is removed from the IInfoBaseInfo interface. In the server cluster administration utility (rac), the name and cluster-port options were available for the server update command. The values specified in these options were never used and no error messages were displayed when the command was run with these options. 

In the Java-based administration server interface, the IWorkingServerInfo interface included the setName() and setClusterMainPort() methods. These methods did not perform any actions and there were no error messages when these methods were called.

In the server cluster administration utility (rac), the security-level option was available for the infobase update command. The value specified in this option was never used and no error messages were displayed when the command was run with this option.

In the Java-based administration server interface, the IInfoBaseInfo interface included the setSecurityLevel() method. This method did not perform any actions and there were no error messages when this method was called.


Options of the administration utility (rac) and the set of Java-based administration server interface methods match the set of actions that the system can actually perform. Working server parameters can be specified during the registration of the working server in the cluster. The infobase security level can be specified while adding the infobase to the cluster.
Administration tools. Server cluster. The server cluster administration utility (rac) from the previous platform versions (8.3.1 and 8.3.2) cannot be connected to the administration server (ras) of the current platform version. The server cluster administration utility (rac) from the current platform version cannot be connected to the administration server (ras) of the previous platform versions (8.3.1 and 8.3.2). The server cluster administration utility (rac) could be connected to the administration server (ras) of any platform version. The server cluster administration utility (rac) and the administration server (ras) that have incompatible versions cannot interact with each other.
Working with files.


You can get a file mask that describes all files for the operating system where 1C:Enterprise runs. The following methods are implemented: GetAllFilesMask(), GetClientAllFilesMask(), and GetServerAllFilesMask(). This feature was not provided. You can write a source code that processes files and does not depend on the operating system where 1C:Enterprise runs.
Working with files.


You can get a file path separator for the operating system where 1C:Enterprise runs. The following methods are implemented: GetPathSeparator(), GetClientPathSeparator(), and GetServerPathSeparator(). This feature was not provided. You can write a source code that processes files and does not depend on the operating system where 1C:Enterprise runs.
Working with ZIP-archives. The behavior of the ZipFileWriter object is modified. If the user under whose account the system is running does not have rights for viewing the list of files in a source directory:
  • If a file name does not contain wildcard characters (? or *), the file is added to the archive.
  • If a file name contains the wildcard characters (? or *), an exception is generated.

The behavior of the ZipFileReader object is modified. If the user under whose account the system is running does not have rights for viewing the list of files in the directory containing the archive file, the archive is opened in the read-only mode. This change is not implemented in 8.3.2 compatibility mode.

During the creation of an archive using the ZipFileWriter object, if the user under whose account the system was running did not have rights for viewing the list of files in the source directory, the files were not added to the archive and the resulting archive did not contain expected data. The archive could not be opened using the ZipFileReader object if the user under whose account the system was running did not have rights for viewing the contents of the directory containing the archive file. The behavior of ZipFileWriter and ZipFileReader objects became more logical. Decreased chance of creating archive files with incorrect data.
Configuration repository. The compatibility mode with 1C:Enterprise versions 8.3.2 and earlier is implemented for the configuration repository. If the compatibility mode is disabled:
  • New configuration repository database structure is used.
  • The optimized method for interaction with configuration repository server is used.

If the compatibility mode is disabled, only 1C:Enterprise version 8.3.3 or later can be used to access the repository. The command line option ConfigurationRepositoryClearCache is implemented in Designer. It is intended for clearing the local configuration cache. The option to stop the execution of repository operations by pressing Ctrl+Break is implemented (this does not depend on repository compatibility mode).

A different configuration repository database structure was used. Some repository operations were performed inefficiently. The Designer mode command line option ConfigurationRepositoryClearCache was not available. Pressing Ctrl+Break did not stop the execution of repository operations. Improved performance when accessing a configuration repository server.
Applied objects. The Filter property of the parameter structure that is passed to the formal parameter of the GetChoiceData() method or the ChoiceDataGetProcessing handler can contain elements with values of ValueList and Array types. The system applies the In list comparison type to such values (it is the same comparison type that is used with FixedArray values). The Filter property of the parameter structure that is passed to the formal parameter of the GetChoiceData() method or the ChoiceDataGetProcessing handler could not contain elements with values of ValueList and Array types. Extended filtering options when retrieving selection data. Removed unnecessary data conversions.
Background and scheduled jobs. Background and scheduled jobs can now run in the file mode without using the ProcessJobs() global context method. The ProcessJobs() method does not perform any actions. Background and scheduled jobs are executed in one of the client applications connected to the infobase. The behavior of background and scheduled jobs has some specifics (see the full list in the documentation):
  • All scheduled jobs are executed in a dedicated client application (by default, it is the first session started).
  • A background job started by a session is executed by the client application that started it.
  • Within a client application, a single background job is performed at a time (this includes scheduled jobs).

For specifying the client application that will execute scheduled jobs, the AllowExecuteScheduledJobs command-line option is implemented for the client application. The Background jobs check box, which is located in the Autoattach dialog box in Designer, affects the attachment to background jobs both at server and at client.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.2 compatibility mode.

The only way to run background and scheduled jobs in the file mode involved using the ProcessJobs() global context method.

The Background jobs check box, which is located in the Autoattach dialog box in Designer, only affected attachment to background jobs at server.

Reduced developer efforts during implementation of background and scheduled job execution in the file mode.
Applied objects. Common attributes / Data separation. In order to successfully read or write separated constants using the Constants method of the global context, values of all shared separators that split the constant must be specified. Otherwise an exception is generated. This change is not implemented in 8.3.2 compatibility mode. Reading or writing separated constants using the Constants method of the global context was performed successfully even when values of all combined separators that split the constant were not specified. The feature is uniform with other similar platform features.
Linux. The config_system configuration utility for Linux is removed from the distribution kit. The search for MS Core Fonts required by the platform is performed automatically in the following directories:
  • /usr/share/fonts/truetype/msttfcorefonts
  • /usr/share/fonts/msttfcorefonts
  • $HOME/.fonts

The system automatically searches for required dynamic libraries when functions from these libraries are used. If the required font or dynamic library is not found, an error message is displayed. The operating system setup instructions for Linux are provided in the documentation.

The config_system configuration utility for Linux was included in the distribution kit. If required fonts or dynamic libraries were missing, this was not detected directly and could lead to various errors or unexpected behavior. The operating system setup instructions for running 1C:Enterprise on Linux were not provided in the documentation. Simplified operating system for running 1C:Enterprise on Linux. Improved issue diagnostics.
Access rights. Working with queries. Accumulation registers. Accounting registers. Access rights for autogenerated period fields (YearPeriod, HalfYearPeriod, QuarterPeriod, MonthPeriod,  TenDaysPeriod, DayPeriod, HourPeriod, and SecondPeriod) in virtual tables of accumulation and accounting registers are obtained from the corresponding access rights of the standard Period attribute.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.2 compatibility mode.

Access rights for autogenerated period fields in virtual tables of accumulation and accounting registers depended on the state of the Set rights for attributes and tabular sections by default check box. If the property was set to True, the user was granted the right. Access right management is more consistent.
Developing methods. The documentation includes a section with recommendations for developing cross-platform applied solutions. The documentation did not include recommendations for developing cross-platform applied solutions. Recommendations for creating the cross-platform applied solutions at minimal costs are available.
Managed locks. Managed transaction locks can be set by object attributes. For specifying attributes whose values are taken into account when setting transaction locks, the DataLockFields property is implemented for the following configuration objects:
  • Catalogs
  • Documents
  • Charts of characteristic types
  • Charts of calculation types
  • Business processes
  • Tasks
  • Charts of accounts
  • Exchange plans

While objects are being written or deleted, they will be temporarily locked by all attributes specified in the DataLockFields property and the Ref field. For objects being written, attribute values available at the beginning of the writing process are used. For objects being deleted, current attribute values are used.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.2 compatibility mode.

Managed locks for the following objects could be set only by the standard attribute Ref: catalog, document, chart of characteristic types, charts of calculation types, business process, task, chart of accounts, and exchange plan. Extended managed lock functionality. When you need to perform a coordinated action on a set of objects filtered by a specific attribute and at the same time prohibit the creation of new objects that match the filter, you have the option to set a lock by the attribute, rather than lock the entire set of objects of the given type.
Managed locks. Using the DataLock object outside of a transaction or in the automatic data lock control mode raises an exception.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.2 compatibility mode.

Using the DataLock object outside of a transaction or in the automatic data lock control mode did not raise an exception and did not lead to any locks. Situations when the system seemed to work properly but actually did not perform any actions are eliminated.
Client application installation. Administration tools. You can specify whether the latest 1C:Enterprise updates are installed automatically. This is configured using the following new parameters:
  • The AppAutoInstallLastVersion command-line option of the non-interactive startup utility.
  • The AppAutoInstallLastVersion parameter in the 1CEStart.cfg and 1CESCmng.cfg configuration files.

When the client application version does not match the 1C:Enterprise server version, or when a specific 1C:Enterprise version is required to access an infobase, the new version is always installed unless the required version is already present at the client computer. The Install new application versions automatically check box is added to the infobase startup settings dialog box.

The non-interactive startup utility installed the latest 1C:Enterprise version, except the following scenarios:
  • In the startup utility configuration dialog box, a specific 1C:Enterprise version is selected for all infobases.
  • A specific version of the client application or interactive startup utility is started.
In the non-interactive startup utility, you have the option to disable the search and installation of the latest 1C:Enterprise version in the event when the required version is already installed at the client computer, but later versions are available and not yet installed. You still have the option to install any 1C:Enterprise version that you need.
Developing tools. During the database configuration update, the check for matches between the names of common pictures and the names of pictures from the picture library is performed. If matches are found, the message informing that the names are not unique is displayed and the database configuration is not updated. This change is not implemented in 8.3.2 compatibility mode. During the configuration update, the check for matches between the names of common pictures and the names of pictures from the picture library was not performed. The following scenario is no longer possible: when a common picture name matches a picture name from the picture library, in 1C:Enterprise mode the picture from the library is displayed instead of the common picture.
Managed form. The Close() method called on an additional form closes this form. If this form is active, the default form is made active, otherwise no additional actions are performed. The IsOpen() method called on an additional form that is open returns True. If the user switched to another additional or default form after opening the additional form, the IsOpen() method still returns True. If the Close() method was called on an additional form, an error was generated and the form was not closed. The IsOpen() method called on an additional form that was open returned False. The system behaves as expected.
Working with XML, XDTO. During the generation of the configuration data model, for all properties of the configuration data model that have more than one type in their type descriptions, the Can be empty property (the nillable attribute of the XSD schema) is set to True, otherwise the property value is not set.

If you specify the Any ref type for an attribute (such as a resource or dimension) in Designer, the type is converted into one of the following in the configuration data model:

  • The {}AnyRef type if the configuration includes multiple metadata objects that form the Any ref type.
  • The type that corresponds to reference data type if the configuration includes a single metadata object that forms the Any ref type.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.2 compatibility mode.

During the generation of the configuration data model, for all properties of the configuration data model that have more than one type in their type descriptions, the value of the Can be empty property (the nillable attribute of the XSD schema) was never set.

If you specified the Any ref type for an attribute (such as a resource or dimension) in Designer, it was always converted to the {}AnyRef type in the configuration data model.

The XML data model generation for the Any ref type is uniform with other types.
Full-text search. Full-text search indexes include the number of 1C:Enterprise version that was used to create them. If the full-text search index is created in version 8.3.3 or later while the compatibility mode is disabled, and then the infobase is accessed using version 8.3.2 or earlier, the search by presentations of configuration objects is not performed. Full-text search indexes did not include the number of 1C:Enterprise version that was used to create them. Reverse compatibility of full-text search indexes is implemented. The full-text search indexes are now compatible with earlier 1C:Enterprise versions that have different index format.
Web services. Web links. You can specify proxy server parameters in constructors of the WSProxy and WSDefinitions objects and in the CreateWSProxy() method.

The former constructor and method syntax is supported for compatibility purposes.

Proxy server parameters could not be specified when WSProxy or WSDefinitions objects were created or when the CreateWSProxy() method was called. The proxy server settings could be specified only by editing the inetcfg.xml configuration file. Extended web service support functionality: the proxy server settings can be specified in the configuration settings rather than by editing the configuration file.
Functional options. If the privileged get mode is set for a functional option, getting the functional option value in the safe mode does not require checking the access rights. This change is not implemented in 8.3.2 compatibility mode. If the privileged get mode was set for a functional option, getting the functional option value in the safe mode included checking the access rights.  Eliminated the issues related to accessing functional options in the safe mode. The data provided by a functional option that has privileged get mode set is considered safe enough and can be retrieved in the safe mode.
Automated testing. If an object being tested cannot perform the required action, an exception is raised (except methods that search for objects, which never raise this kind of exception). It was impossible to detect situations when objects being tested could not perform the required actions. Better error detection during automated testing.
Automated testing. Methods that perform actions on objects being tested do not wait for action completion. Methods that previously returned the execution results now raise exceptions when the actions cannot be performed. Methods that performed actions on objects being tested waited for action completion. In some cases such methods returned result codes. Better error detection during automated testing.
Managed form. For managed form fields, the DropListButton property is implemented. It describes whether the button that opens the drop-down list is present. Depending on the type of the attribute linked to the text box, the list can contain the following data:
  • Choice list - from the choice list property of the text box.
  • Quick choice list - for the quick choice property of the configuration object.
  • Choice values – values matching the text entered by the user.
  • Choice history - for reference fields and enumeration fields. Note that the history is not available for fields that contain configuration objects with the quick choice option enabled.

During the text input in a text box, the platform displays unique items from all these lists (if they are available for the text box). For managed form fields, the ChoiceButtonRepresentation property is implemented. It describes whether the button that opens the choice form is present in the field. The DropListButton property of managed form fields is no longer available; it is left for compatibility purposes. The StartListChoice event of text box objects is never called. This change is not implemented in 8.3.2 compatibility mode.

The DropListButton property was available for managed form fields. When a user started selecting an item from the list, the the StartListChoice event was generated. Developers could not control whether the choice form could be opened from the choice list. The choice list is designed to allow users to select values quickly, without opening the choice form, whenever possible. For that, the choice list contains data that helps users to select a value for a text box:
  • History of choices in the fields of the given type (with the given parameters)
  • Choice values
  • Quick choice list, and so on
Web client. In the web client for iPad, only the Forms in tabs mode without modal windows and the Taxi interface are supported. The webclientmode command-line parameter is no longer supported. Standard gestures for zooming in and out are now supported. Form items with content that can be scrolled have scroll bars. In the web client for iPad, modal windows were supported with some limitations, and the Forms in tabs mode was not supported. The webclientmode command-line parameter was supported. Standard gestures for zooming in and out were not supported. Form items never had scroll bars. Configuration tuning is no longer required to run applications on iPad (provided that you switch to the mode that does not use modal windows). In earlier versions of the platform, the developer had to remove a part of functionality to make an application compatible with iPad because modal calls were supported with limitations.
Managed form. Command interface. Enhanced window blocking technology introduces innovative approach to window modality. Blocking windows are used instead of modal windows, while modal windows are supported for compatibility purposes. It is recommended that you replace all modal windows with blocking windows in your applied solutions, and use new platform methods that do not create modal windows. A call of a modal form is broken down into one or more separate calls: the first call opens a blocking form instead of a modal one and the the other one contains a callback procedure that is called by the platform when a form operation is complete (it includes getting the return value). Applied solutions designed for iPad must support the blocking windows technology. The ModalityUseMode configuration property is implemented, it defines the modal window usage mode. In the extended configuration check, the search for methods related to modal windows is implemented. You can also perform this check from the command line by using the CheckUseModality option of the ExtendedModulesCheck command-line parameter. The NotifyDescription object is implemented, it passes the callback procedure description to platform methods that open blocking windows. The global context method ExecuteNotifyProcessing() is implemented. For the FormWindowOpeningMode system enumeration, the LockWholeInterface value is implemented. For managed forms, command interface commands, and common modules, the ThisObject property is implemented. This property is not supported in version 8.3.2 compatibility mode. The global context method OpenForm() is modified. The following global context methods are implemented: ShowQueryBox(), ShowValue(), ShowMessageBox(), ShowInputDate(), ShowInputValue(), ShowInputString(), ShowInputNumber(), BeginInstallAddIn(), BeginInstallFileSystemExtension(), BeginInstallCryptoExtension(), and BeginPutFile(). For objects StandardPeriodEditDialog, FormatStringWizard, FontChooseDialog, ColorChooseDialog, and ScheduledJobDialog the Show() method is implemented. For the DataCompositionDetailsProcess object, the ShowChooseAction() method is implemented. For the ValueList object, the methods ShowCheckItems() and ShowChooseItem() are implemented. For the ManagedForm object, the Open() method is modified, and the methods ShowChooseFromMenu() and ShowChooseFromList() are implemented. For the ManagedForm object,  the OnCloseNotifyDescription property is implemented. The ThisForm property of the ManagedForm object is removed but supported for compatibility purposes. The system enumeration value PostingModeUse.Ask is supported for managed forms only in version 8.3.2 compatibility mode. In the web client on iPad, the modal window support was limited, while modal windows were widely used in applied solutions and in the system part of the interfaces. The web client meets the modern web technology standards. Removed limitations on modal window usage in the web client on iPad. Configuration modification is required for applied solutions intended to run in the web client on iPad.
Technological log. The resolution of the event time output to the technological log is increased to 1 microsecond. The count of microseconds in technological log event time has six digits. The DurationUs property is implemented. It contains the event duration measured in microseconds. For compatibility purposes, filtering by Duration properties is supported. The resolution of the event time output to the technological log was equal to 100 microseconds. The count of microseconds in the technological log had four digits. Only the Duration property was available in the technological log. It contained the event duration measured in hundreds of microseconds. Decreased chance of the time counter overflow that occurred when the count of technological log events exceeded 10 000 events per second. One second can now contain up to 1 000 000 events of the technological log. It is recommended that you use the DurationUs property instead of the Duration property.
Web client. System requirements. The following browsers are no longer supported:
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer version 7.0;
  • Safari for Windows;
  • Mozilla Firefox version 16 and earlier for Windows and Linux.
The following browsers were supported:
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer version 7.0;
  • Safari for Windows;
  • Mozilla Firefox version 16 and earlier for Windows and Linux.
Improved web client stability because rarely used browsers with errors and non-standard behavior are no longer supported.
Linux. The platform supports XBase objects on 64-bit Linux operating systems The platform did not support XBase objects on 64-bit Linux operating systems Operations with .dbf files are now available on all supported architectures, except the mobile platform.
Dynamic list. The DataVersion field is removed from the list of available fields of dynamic list settings. The DataVersion field was included in the list of available fields of dynamic list settings. The field that was erroneously added to the list of available fields of dynamic list settings is now removed from the list.
Access rights. Managed forms only display data retrieved using "." (dot) if the user has access rights for all parts of the full path to the data. If they do not have the rights, the item linked to this data is not displayed on the form. If a user did not have access rights for all parts of the full path to data retrieved using "." (dot), the item linked to the data was displayed in the form, but it did not contain any data. When accessing data using "." (dot), the form item linked to the data is not displayed on the form if the user does not have access rights for all parts of the full path to the data.
Administration tools. In the Java API for server administration, the value of the RuleType property of the AssignmentRuleInfo object matches the value of the RuleType property of the IAssignmentRule object in the server cluster administration tools that use COM connection. The values of the RuleType properties differed in the Java API for server administration and in the server administration tools that used COM connection. The server cluster administration tools are unified.
Internet-enabled functionality. The OpenID pass-through authentication protocol implementation is revised. The implementation complies with the Direct Identity version 2.0 mode of the OpenID protocol. The format of the OpenID provider address in the default.vrd file is modified (the url attribute of the rely item): httрs://<address of the OpenID provider infobase>/e1cib/oid2op. The default authentication lifetime is 24 hours. The maximum authentication lifetime is 168 hours. The protocol for interaction between the relying party and the OpenID provider is modified. In the authentication dialog box, you can disable storing authentication data. For the web client, a dialog box for entering the user name and password at the OpenID provider side is implemented. The protocol implementation did not fully comply with the Direct Identity version 2.0 mode of the OpenID authentication protocol. The OpenID provider address in the default.vrd file was as follows: httрs://<address of the OpenID provider infobase>/e1cib/oida. The default authentication lifetime was 1 week. The maximum authentication lifetime was not limited. In the web client, there was no dialog box for entering the user name and password at the OpenID provider side.  The OpenID pass-through authentication protocol complies with the specification.
Add-ins. Web client. The add-in technology now supports Mozilla Firefox browser version 22.0 and later. You can use add-in adapters for Mozilla Firefox 22.0 in the later versions of the web browser without recompiling the adapters.

For add-ins intended for use with all supported Mozilla Firefox versions, you have to add several add-in versions to the archive:

  • For Mozilla Firefox version 18.0 or earlier
  • For Mozilla Firefox versions 19.0 to 21.0
  • For Mozilla Firefox version 22.0 or later

It is recommended that you specify only the minimum version of the web browser in the add-in manifest file.

Documentation on creating add-ins is updated. Read more. Examples are added, new versions of adapters for web browsers.

Adapters for Mozilla Firefox versions that are no longer supported by the developer (versions 3.6, 4.0, and 5.0) are removed.

The add-in technology did not support Mozilla Firefox browser version 22.0 or later. The add-in technology now supports new versions of Mozilla Firefox browser (version 22.0 or later).
Managed form. Full-text search. When a choice list is generated for the "input by string" feature (for reference configuration objects), the following options are available:
  • Full-text search
  • Search by substring or by the beginning of the string
  • Instant or background search

You can specify each of these options in Designer, in the configuration object properties. The full-text search is performed only among the configuration object attributes that are selected in the "input by string" options of the configuration object. If a filter is applied during the input by string, the filter is converted (whenever possible) to a full-text search query in order to increase the search performance.

For external data source tables, you can only select the search modes (by substring or by the beginning of the string, and instant or background). In the file mode, the background search can be performed only when any other background or scheduled job is not being executed. For the AutoComplete and TextEditEnd event handlers, the formal option Parameters is implemented. It contains settings for getting choice data and allows you to manage this process by changing the properties of the structure that is passed in this parameter.

The following options were not available in the "input by string" feature:
  • Full-text search
  • Search by substring or by the beginning of the string
  • Instant or background search

The full-text search and search by substring were available in ChoiceDataGetProcessing handlers.

New standard options for the "input by string" feature in text boxes:
  • Full-text search
  • Search by substring (as an alternative to the search by the beginning of the string)
  • Background search (the search is running while the user is typing the search string)

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