Functionality After Before Result of changes
Development tools.
The performance of the following Designer operations is improved:
  • Opening a subsystem editor window
  • Including an object into a subsystem
  • Setting a filter by subsystem in the configuration tree window
The performance of some Designer operations was insufficient. Streamlined execution of some Designer operations.
Geographical schemas.
The following geographical schema operations are optimized:
  • Loading and rendering geographical schemas
  • Selecting an object in a geographical schema field
The performance of some geographical schema operations was insufficient. Improved usability of geographical schemas.
Full-text search.
Improved performance of full-text search and of building the full-text search index. Insufficient performance of full-text search and of building the full-text search index. Improved performance of full-text search and of building the full-text search index. The improvement is noticeable if the infobase contains indexed objects with a large number of words.
Full-text search.
Dynamic lists.
In dynamic lists, the performance of the search initiated from the search string is improved in the following scenario: the full-text search is enabled for the dynamic list main table and filters with Equal to comparison type are applied to the main table fields. In dynamic lists, the performance of the search initiated from the search string was insufficient. In dynamic lists, improved performance of the search initiated from the search string.
When a query that accesses only tabular section data is executed, the retrieved table is not joined to the parent object table. When a query that accessed only tabular section data was executed, the retrieved table was automatically joined to the parent object table. Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
DBMS operations.
Improved performance of reading objects of the following types from DBMS: DocumentObject, CatalogObject, BusinessProcessObject, TaskObject, ChartOfCalculationTypesObject, ChartOfCharacteristicTypesObject, ExchangePlanObject, and ChartOfAccountsObject. Reading any of these objects is followed by implicit transaction creation only if the object has tabular sections and "dirty read" outside of transactions is allowed in the DBMS. Reading objects of the following types from the DBMS was followed by implicit transaction creation if the object had tabular sections: DocumentObject, CatalogObject, BusinessProcessObject, TaskObject, ChartOfCalculationTypesObject, ChartOfCharacteristicTypesObject, ExchangePlanObject, and ChartOfAccountsObject. The following values are reduced:
  • Number of data lock waits in the file DBMS.
  • Time required for loading an infobase object from a DBMS in the client/server mode.
  • Number of waits due to internal 1C:Enterprise server locks during bulk reading of infobase objects from a DBMS.
  • DBMS load (due to a significant decrease of the number of transactions).
Managed forms.
Improved performance of managed form conditional appearance. Faster opening of managed forms with a large number of conditional appearance items. Insufficient performance of managed form conditional appearance. Improved performance of opening managed forms, especially for file mode infobases and on low-performance computers.
Predefined data.
Improved performance of retrieving predefined data using the PredefinedValue() method. Insufficient performance of retrieving predefined data using the PredefinedValue() method. Improved performance of processing predefined data.
Development tools.
The configuration database update time is reduced for configurations that include a large number of roles, provided that the update does not require database restructuring. The configuration database update required significant time for configurations that included a large number of roles, provided that the update did not require database restructuring. Reduced database configuration update time.
Managed forms.
1C:Enterprise script.
The performance of opening managed forms is improved in the thin client and web client. The performance of opening managed forms in the thin client and web client was insufficient. Improved platform performance.
Platform algorithms.
Internal caching algorithms of 1C:Enterprise are optimized. This improves the performance of many 1C:Enterprise features, including the following:
  • Form opening
  • Queries
  • Functional options
  • Predefined data
  • Reusable return values
  • Data access using "." (dot)
System performance was suboptimal. Improved platform performance, especially for infobases running in the file mode and on computers with limited RAM (less than 4 GB).
Data access restrictions.
Query execution is optimized for users that do not have full rights in configurations that use access restrictions and have a large number of roles. The query execution time is not significantly affected by the number of roles assigned to a user. Query execution time was insufficient for users that did not have full rights in configurations that used access restrictions. The query execution time was significantly affected by the number of roles assigned to a user. Improved performance of configurations with a large number of roles (including form opening performance).
Dynamic lists.
Full-text search.
When a dynamic list is searched from a search box by fields that do not belong to the main dynamic list table, full-text search by source objects of the fields is performed first. Fields of objects where nothing is found by the full-text search are excluded from further search. When a dynamic list was searched from a search box, additional conditions were applied to all fields displayed in the table linked to the dynamic list. Improved performance of search in dynamic lists in some usage scenarios.
In the query language, expressions that include both comparison operators and CASE operators that return only constant values are optimized. The optimization simplifies expressions or their parts. In the query language, optimization was not available for expressions that included both comparison operators and CASE operators that returned only constant values. Improved query performance in some scenarios.
Full-text search.
The performance of the input by string feature is improved. The full-text search index data structure is modified. Full-text search index is created in the new format. To convert the index to the new format, clear the index, ensure that the Compatibility mode configuration property is set to Do not use, and then generate the index.

The <INPUTBYSTRING> technological log event is implemented, it is used for monitoring events related to input by string.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.6 compatibility mode.

The performance of the input by string feature was insufficient. Full-text search index had a different format. Improved performance of the input by string feature, which, in turn, improves the usability of all platform objects that use this feature.
Automated testing.
In the web client running in the testing client mode, the performance of test scenario commands is improved. In the web client running in the testing client mode, the performance of test scenario commands was insufficient. Improved performance of automated testing in the web client.
Data exchange.
Common attributes / Data separation.
Improved performance of initial infobase image creation in scenarios where the exchange plan used to create the initial image includes a register that is included in independent separator content (provided that separator is not used in the current session). The performance of initial infobase image creation in scenarios where the exchange plan used to create the initial image included a register that was included in independent separator content (provided that separator was not used in the current session) was insufficient. Improved performance of initial image creation in some scenarios.
Common objects.
The algorithms of the following methods are optimized: QuerySchemaAvailableTables.Find(), QuerySchemaSources.Add(), and QuerySchemaTableParameters.Count(). The performance of QuerySchemaAvailableTables.Find(), QuerySchemaSources.Add(), and QuerySchemaTableParameters.Count() methods was insufficient. Improved performance of query schema operations in 1C:Enterprise script.
Development tools.
Operations in the configuration command interface editor form are optimized for scenarios with a large number of roles. The performance of moving table rows is improved. The performance of operations in the configuration command interface editor form was insufficient in scenarios with a large number of roles. Improved usability for application developers that edit the command interface of configurations with a large number of roles.
DBMS operations.
Calculation registers.
Both in PostgreSQL and IBM DB2, in scenarios where large calculation register record sets are deleted, deletion of records storing actual action periods is performed faster.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.6 compatibility mode.

Both in PostgreSQL and IBM DB2, in scenarios where large calculation register record sets were deleted, deletion of records storing actual action periods was impaired. Both in PostgreSQL and IBM DB2, optimized deletion of large calculation register record sets.
Spreadsheet documents.
The performance of setting the size and position of spreadsheet document pictures at 1C:Enterprise server side is improved. The performance of setting the size and position of spreadsheet document pictures at 1C:Enterprise server side was insufficient. Improved performance of spreadsheet document generation in scenarios where the size and position of spreadsheet document pictures are set from 1C:Enterprise script.
Managed forms.
Web client.
Server clusters.
The performance of opening managed forms is improved in the following scenario: the web client is running in client/server mode and the server cluster is deployed on a Linux computer. The performance of opening managed forms was insufficient in the following scenario: the web client was running in client/server mode and the server cluster was deployed on a Linux computer. Improved web client performance for Linux server clusters.

Next page: Changes that affect system behavior

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