


Result of changes

Configuration properties.

For configuration property Compatibility mode, new value Version 8.3.14 is now implemented.

Compatibility mode with versions 8.1, 8.2.13, 8.2.16, and 8.3.1–8.3.13 was available.

Configurations developed using 1C:Enterprise platform version 8.3.14 or earlier can now run on version 8.3.15 (without the need to update the configuration or the application data structures). This provides the option to migrate to version 8.3.15 in two stages: first, update the platform version (without any changes to the configuration), and then make the required changes and disable compatibility mode. This also gives you the option to open the infobase using version 8.3.14 after the migration to version 8.3.15, even if you disable the compatibility mode (simply enable it again).

1C:Enterprise script.

If some errors occur, a stack of calls leading up to the error (not related to nested exceptions) is now displayed in detailed error description. In 1C:Enterprise Development Tools, call stack navigation is now available.

If an error message occurred, detailed error description did not include a call stack leading to the line with error (except for nested exceptions).

Improved diagnostics of application errors.

Internet-enabled functionality.
Administration tools.
Event log.

Implemented two-factor authentication. New data for event log events: _$Session$_.Authentication, _$Session$_.AuthenticationError, _$User$_.New, _$User$_.Update. Implemented the following event log events: _$Session$_.AuthenticationFirstFactor, _$InfoBase$_.SecondFactorAuthTemplateNew, _$InfoBase$_.SecondFactorAuthTemplateUpdate, _$InfoBase$_.SecondFactorAuthTemplateDelete

This feature was not provided.

Expanded user authentication options. More secure user authentication is available now.

Data composition system.

New feature: doughnut and 3D doughnut charts. New properties for the ChartType system enumeration: Donut and Donut3D. Implemented the Chart.DonutChartInnerRadius property. Implemented the ChartType.DonutChartInnerRadius parameter for the following objects: DataCompositionOutputParameterValues, DataCompositionGroupOutputParameterValues, DataCompositionChartOutputParameterValues, and DataCompositionAreaTemplateChartAppearance.

This feature was not provided.

New chart features.

Spreadsheet documents.

Now you can specify a formatted string as a spreadsheet document header or footer. Included the FormattedString type in types of the following properties of the SpreadsheetDocumentHeaderFooter object: LeftText, CenterText, and RightText. With an editor of spreadsheet document headers and footers, you can edit a formatted string. When you start editing the relevant field with the header or footer text, the check box of output of the relevant header or footer to the spreadsheet document is selected automatically. Upon exporting a spreadsheet document, formatting of headers and footers is saved in the following formats: PDF (*.pdf), Microsoft Office OpenXML (*.xlsx and *.docx), Microsoft Excel (*.xls), and Open Document Spreadsheet (*.ods). For more information on how to use a formatted string for displaying headers and footers, see 1C:Enterprise documentation

This feature was not provided.

Expanded spreadsheet document export features.

Spreadsheet documents.

New feature: you can save a spreadsheet document to PDF/A-1 (a format for long-term storage). When you save to PDF/A-1 format, remember the following:

  • Document is written as PDF 1.4.
  • Duplex printing is not supported.
  • Transparency is not supported.

Implemented the SpreadsheetDocumentFileType.PDF_A_1 system enumeration value.

This feature was not provided.

Expanded spreadsheet document export features.

Collaboration system.

Client applications running under macOS now support collaboration system video calls.

This feature was not provided.

Implemented collaboration system features under macOS.

Data composition system.

New feature: you can save changes upon closing a form for the report settings form and the form for editing a report option. User prompt is generated before saving. The upgrade is valid only if the StandardProcessing parameter of the BeforeClose form event handler is set to True.

This feature was not provided. Upon closing the form, changes in the form were lost.

Reduced risk of losing changes made in the report settings form or the report option form in case of incorrect closing of the editing form.

Database copies.
Information registers.
Accumulation registers.
Standard functions.

New feature: you can transfer not all register data but data only for a specific period to a copy for information registers and accumulation registers. This feature is available only for a standard replication. New property: DatabaseCopyContentItem.Filter. New feature for the Database copy management standard data processor. You can set filter by a period for information registers and accumulation registers. New feature: upon defining the query place, you can analyze a period condition in addition to the existing checks.

This feature was not provided.

Extended database copy management features. Improved performance of the database copy management feature by reducing data passed to a copy.

Database operations.
Common attributes / Data separation.

New feature: you can get the data size that this data occupies in DBMS tables (including a specific data area). Upon calculating the size, the size of data history, extensions, and platform service tables (indexes, etc.) is not considered. New global context method: GetDataBaseDataSize().

This feature was not provided.

New feature: you can estimate the size of data available in a database area or table.

Configuration extensions.

New feature: you can mark a managed extension property so that a mismatch of this property in the extended configuration and in the extension will not block the extension use, but a user will get a message stating that the property value in the extension and the property value in the extended configuration do not match.

This feature was not provided.

New feature: informing of changes of some extended configuration properties is available. Changing such properties does not block extension use, but this change must be processed by the extension developer separately.

Configuration extensions.
Development tools.

New feature: you can map extended configuration objects and extensions by IDs. Implemented the feature helping to resolve conflicts upon rename conflicts. Mapping objects by IDs can be disabled. New property for the configuration extension: Support mapping to extended configuration objects by internal IDs. New property for adopted extension objects: Extended configuration object.

Extended configuration objects and extensions were mapped only by names.

Simplified diagnostics of renaming an extended configuration object adopted to an extension. Now there is a feature for resolving conflicts upon such rename.

Configuration extensions.

Upon creating a new extension, the Compatibility mode extension property is no longer a managed property.

Upon creating a new extension, the Compatibility mode extension property was a managed property.

Simplified development and applicability of extensions.

Data display.

New pictures are added to the picture library: Notify, DontNotify, DontDisturb, and SendMessage.

The listed pictures were not available in the picture library.

The picture library is upgraded.

Configuration extensions.

New feature: you can adapt extended configuration methods. An extended method is fully copied to an extension where changed code is enclosed by preprocessor directives. During application, it is checked whether the extended method is not changed in relation to the method in the extension. New annotation: ChangeAndValidate. New preprocessor directives: Delete and Insert. You can change one method only in one extension. If two extensions that extend the same method using the ChangeAndValidate annotation are found, only one extension will be applied to the infobase. If a method change in the extended configuration is found, three-way merge using an external application only is available. If an external application for comparing and merging modules is not configured in Designer, merge will be unavailable.

Making changes to the method with control of module source code consistency was unavailable.

Simplified extended configuration method extension if a small method change is required.

Web client.

When you start the web client on mobile devices, there is no message prompting that the used web browser version is not supported. New feature: partial support of the web client on mobile devices. Full support of the web client on mobile devices is not implemented.

Fixed problems that occur in the web client on mobile devices in main scenarios.

Web client was supported on iPad tablets only.

Web client is partially available on mobile devices.

Common objects.

New feature: upon solving a system of linear equations, you can search for connected components of various types for graphs built based on a system of linear equations. Implemented the ComponentsGetMethod parameter of the SolvingLinearEquationsSystems.GetConnectedComponents() method. In 8.3.14 version compatibility mode, this parameter value will be StronglyConnectedComponentsWithoutLinkRequirementWithinComponents.

This feature was not provided.

Advanced features for solving a system of linear equations.

Collaboration system.

New link to collaboration system messages.

Implemented the CollaborationSystemStandardCommand.GetMessageURL system enumeration value.

This feature was not provided.

Now you can obtain links to specific collaboration system messages.

Managed forms.

New feature: a flag field of a client application form can be displayed as an off-on switch. New property of the CheckBoxType.Switch system enumeration. In version 8.3.7 or earlier compatibility mode and in platform version earlier than 8.3.15, the CheckBoxType property value set to the Switch value is the Auto value.

This feature was not provided.

Extended system presentation features.

Managed forms.

The client application displays a text document, a spreadsheet document, a graphical schema, and a picture in the client application system form. This is available in the following cases:

  • When you create or open a document using the File menu.
  • When you call the Show() method of the relevant 1C:Enterprise language object or the ShowValue() method for the Picture type object.
  • When you drag a file from the operating system.
  • When you open a collaboration system attachment.

A form with a displayed spreadsheet document or graphical schema has a command bar making editing of the relevant document easier. New events for a form field extension for a spreadsheet document, a text document, and a graphical schema: BeforeWrite, AfterWrite and BeforePrint. This change is not implemented in version 8.3.14 compatibility mode.

The client application displayed a text document, a spreadsheet document, a graphical schema, and a picture in special forms. Such forms did not have command bars.

Editing platform documents is now more convenient and intuitive. You can now process saving and printing of a text document, a spreadsheet document, and a graphical schema.

Managed forms.

Implemented the option to manage the command home position in the command bar:

  • In the More actions menu only.
  • In command bar only.
  • Both (a command bar and the More actions menu).
  • Determine automatically.

New form button property: LocationInCommandBar. The OnlyInAllActions form button property is deprecated and supported for compatibility purposes only. Implemented automatic filling of the LocationInCommandBar property based on the OnlyInAllActions property. Now this mode is available for the client application form button when there is no more than one button linked to one command inside the automatically filled group. New client application button property: CommandUniqueness. New property for the picture field extension and the Picture kind decoration: Scale. This property is ignored in version 8.3.6 or earlier compatibility mode.

For a client application form command, only an indication that a command was located either in the command bar or in the More actions menu was available.

Improved options for creating command interface of the client application form.

Data display.

New pictures are added to the picture library: ZoomOut and ZoomIn.

The listed pictures were not available in the picture library.

The picture library is upgraded.

Managed forms.

The following features are available for the Planner object:

  • Control of planner item representation if there is not enough space in the field: show all items by changing the line height or saving the line height, and show the More actions menu. Implemented the Planner.ItemsBehaviorOnLackOfSpace property.
  • You can set the minimum column height and width of the planner. As a result, instead of constant reduction of planner items, it will be possible to save the minimum item size and add a scroll bar if items do not fit the form field. New properties for the Planner object: ColumnMinWidth, AutoColumnMinWidth, RowMinHeight, and AutoRowMinHeight.
  • Freeze a dimension title and a time scale of the planner. Fixed objects will be visible for a user upon scrolling the planner. New properties for the Planner object: FixDimensionsHeader and FixTimeScaleHeader.

These features were not provided.

New planner features.

Collaboration system.

New feature: you can define a list of selecting collaboration system users upon creating a context conversation message, a noncontext conversation message, or a video call. You can now create a form of selecting collaboration system users. New event for the ClientApplicationForm object and client application module: CollaborationSystemUserAutoComplete. New event for the ClientApplicationForm object and client application module: CollaborationSystemUserChoiceFormGetProcessing. New сonfiguration property: DefaultCollaborationSystemUserChoiceForm. You can now get a context conversation ID in the client application form (on the client application side). Implemented the BeginGettingConversation() method.

There was no option to override a list of selecting collaboration system users upon selecting a user. Earlier, you could get a context conversation ID on the server side only.

New collaboration system operations for selecting users upon creating messages, conversations, and video calls.


Updated the Taxi interface. New appearance includes the following main changes:

  • Main application window (running under Windows) has no title by default.
  • Created the main panel containing access to primary tools of the command interface.
  • Tools panel commands are reallocated between other interface items.
  • The tools panel is no longer available as a separate panel.
  • The system command bar is no longer available.
  • Changed the main menu components and location.
  • Changed the appearance of auxiliary windows and dialog boxes.
  • Created a global search bar displayed in the main panel of the main application window. Global search bar is unavailable in the following main window modes: kiosk, workplace, and full-screen workplace. You can set up search behavior using 1C:Enterprise language. Implemented the GlobalSearch global context property. New application module events: OnGlobalSearch and OnGlobalSearchResultChoice.
  • New feature: using the search bar, you can open a link, an external resource URL, perform arithmetic operations, and so on.
  • New command Search everywhere in the context menu of some form items (with supported selection). The search is carried out using the search bar.
  • New Get link button in the auxiliary window title.

Implemented the StrFindAndHighlightByAppearance() global context method that allows you to highlight some substrings in the string.

The ClientApplicationInterfaceContentSettingsItem object cannot be created for the ToolsPanel panel. The tools panel is ignored in the settings of the main application window panels.

New methods for the ClientApplication object: GetOSTitleRepresentation() and SetOSTitleRepresentation().

The Default search form сonfiguration property is deprecated. We recommend that you use global search feature instead.

The Taxi interface had different appearance.

Improved application navigation, increased usability, and developed the interface in accordance with modern trends in interface creation.

Spreadsheet documents.

Upon editing spreadsheet document headers and footers, automatic calculation of the page field size is available now if the specified header or footer cannot be placed in the current page field sizes. To calculate the size, click Ok in the headers and footers editing form and page parameter setting form. New feature: you can get the header or footer size. New feature: you can get the page field size. New methods for the SpreadsheetDocument object: CalculateHeaderSize(), CalculateFooterSize(), GetPrinterTopMarginSize(), GetPrinterBottomMarginSize(), GetPrinterLeftMarginSize(), and GetPrinterRightMarginSize().

This feature was not provided. Earlier, you could pick the size of fields, headers, and footers only manually or iteratively.

New feature: spreadsheet document page fields can be set automatically according to the specified header or footer.

Full-text search.

Implemented search by meaningful word parts. In search results, a word is now highlighted if it has a meaningful part. New feature: you can specify meaningful word parts in user dictionaries of full-text search. New item for a description file of a user dictionary of full-text search: <Roots>. To enable search by meaningful word parts, rebuild a full-text search index. It works automatically if the Russian language is selected in regional infobase settings or a user dictionary of full-text search with a list of meaningful word parts is specified for the infobase. New methods for full-text search manager: GetSeparationOfCompositeWordsMode() and SetSeparationOfCompositeWordsMode().

This feature was not provided.

Improved full-text search usability.

Dumping configurations to files/Restoring configurations from files.

If you need to dump configuration information (the DumpConfigToFiles command of Designer batch mode) in a file with objects to dump (the listFiles dump command parameter), specify the Configuration ID. There is no need to specify a configuration name.

If you needed to dump configuration information (the DumpConfigToFiles command of Designer batch mode) in a file with objects to dump (the listFiles dump command parameter), you needed to specify the Configuration ID and a configuration name (dot-separated).

Simplified configuration dump to XML files.

Collaboration system.

Now you can block a collaboration system user. A blocked user cannot interact with the collaboration system. Now you can determine a linked infobase user by a collaboration system user.

New properties for the CollaborationSystemUser object: IsLocked and InfoBaseUserID. Implemented the GetUsers() method for the collaboration system manager.

Standard data processor of collaboration system management supports blocking and unblocking of collaboration system users.

These features were not provided.

New operations with collaboration system users. Now you can disable a user from the collaboration system, for example, if a user is fired.

Data display.

New pictures are added to the picture library: ExclamationDialog, QuestionDialog, StopDialog, and InformationDialog.

The listed pictures were not available in the picture library.

The picture library is upgraded.

Next page: New functionality and changes in the 1C:Enterprise mode

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