New functionality and changes

Functionality After Before Result of changes
Configuration properties.
For configuration property Compatibility mode, new value Version 8.3.11 is now implemented. Compatibility with versions 8.1, 8.2.13, 8.2.16, 8.3.1 - 8.3.10 was implemented. Configurations developed using 1C:Enterprise platform version 8.3.11 or earlier can run on version 8.3.12 without any changes to configuration or to data structures. This allows for transition to version 8.3.12 in two stages: first, update the platform version (without any changes to the configuration); then, apply any required changes and disable compatibility mode. You can still access the infobase using version 8.3.11 after the transition to version 8.3.12, even if you disabled the compatibility mode (if you did, enable it again).
Client application.
On 64-bit Windows, you can set the bitness of a client application at application startup.

In the Startup window settings dialog box, the option to specify the application bitness is implemented. This value is stored to the DefalutVersion parameter of 1CEStart.cfg file.

In the infobase properties, the option to specify the bitness of the client application used with this infobase is implemented. This value is stored to the AppArch parameter of ibases.v8i file. The command-line option /AppArch is implemented for the thin and thick client applications.

This feature was not provided.

On 64-bit Windows, users could not select the bitness of client applications.

On 64-bit Windows, the option to select the bitness of a client application is implemented.

You can explicitly specify a 32-bit application in scenarios where a 64-bit application cannot work properly (for example, in a scenario where 64-bit add-ins are not available).

Configuration extensions.
The option to select the application area of configuration extensions, as well as activate or deactivate them, is implemented.

The following application areas are available: the current data area and the entire infobase.

When an extension is deactivated, it is not deleted from an infobase.

For ConfigurationExtension object, implemented Scope and Active properties.

The extension activation order is changed. Extensions that are applied to the entire infobase are activated first.

These features were not provided.

Extensions were always attached to specific data areas.

Disabling extensions without deleting them was not available.

More configuration extension management options.

You can add configuration extensions to all of the infibase data areas at once. You can use this feature to apply hotfixes.

Collaboration system.
Automatic conversion of character sequences to pictures ("smileys") is implemented.

Sound alerts for the following events are implemented: new message, incoming call, waiting for reply to a video call, and end of video call.

Links to conversations, getting links to conversations, and opening links to conversations (both interactively and using GotoURL() method) are implemented. The option to add such links to Favorites is implemented. The option to get presentations of such links using GetURLsPresentations() method is implemented. In conversation messages, links to conversations are displayed as hyperlinks.

In the thin and thick clients for Windows, taskbar blinking upon receiving a notification is implemented.

In the main collaboration system form, a context menu is implemented for the conversation list. A context menu is implemented for collaboration system messages.

For noncontext conversations, service collaboration system messages are implemented for the following events: conversation topic changed, a user joined/left a conversation. The search ignores service messages.

The conversation participant list view is changed.

Special marking for unsent outgoing messages is implemented.

The collaboration system settings dialog box is implemented.

The user picture (avatar) editor is implemented.

The message list view is changed.

These features were not provided. Improved collaboration system usability.
Data history.
Support of data history for charts of accounts and charts of characteristic types is implemented.

For ChartOfAccountsObject and ChartOfCharacteristicTypesObject objects, methods SetDataHistoryVersionComment() and GetDataHistoryVersionComment() are implemented.

This feature was not provided. Data history is now available for more objects.
Configuration extensions.
For native and adopted extension objects, the option to generate records in all adopted registers is implemented, except for turnover accumulation registers with aggregates. This feature was not provided.

Extension documents could generate records only in native information registers available in the extension.

Extended configuration extension capabilities.
Configuration extensions.
Development tools.
Settings storage.
The option to store configuration extensions in configuration repositories is implemented. All of the Designer batch mode command-line options that are related to configuration repositories support configuration extensions.

For Designer batch mode, the following changes are implemented:

  • -Extension parameter is implemented for the following command-line options: РЎonfigurationRepositoryAddUser, ConfigurationRepositoryBindCfg, ConfigurationRepositoryDumpCfg, ConfigurationRepositoryClearCache, ConfigurationRepositoryClearGlobalCache, ConfigurationRepositoryClearLocalCache, ConfigurationRepositoryCommit, ConfigurationRepositoryCopyUsers, ConfigurationRepositoryCreate, ConfigurationRepositoryLock, ConfigurationRepositoryOptimizeData, ConfigurationRepositoryReport, ConfigurationRepositorySetLabel, ConfigurationRepositoryUpdateCfg, ConfigurationRepositoryUnbindCfg, and ConfigurationRepositoryUnlock.
  • ExtensionConfigurationRepository value is implemented for -FirstConfigurationType and -SecondConfigurationType parameters of CompareCfg command-line option.
  • -FirstName, -FirstFile, -FirstVersion, -FirstName, -FirstFile, and -FirstVersion parameters are implemented for CompareCfg command-line option.
This feature was not provided.

Configuration extensions could not be stored in configuration repositories, making development unnecessarily complicated.

Simplified group development and versioning of configuration extensions.
Configuration extensions.
Creation of enumerations in configuration extensions is now supported. This feature was not provided. Extended configuration extension capabilities.
Internet-enabled functionality.
Moving email messages between IMAP mailboxes is now supported. Method InternetMail.MoveToMailbox() is implemented.

Getting and setting flags of IMAP email messages is implemented. For InternetMail object, methods GetMessageFlags() and SetMessageFlags() are implemented.

These features were not provided. Extended support of IMAP email operations.
Data composition system.
Highlighting specific chart intervals and values is implemented. This feature is available for the following chart types: stock, open-high-low-close, all types of column charts, all types of bar charts (except for bar graph), line, step, stacked line, area (all types), scatter, bubble, radar (all types), and gauge.

For Chart object, the following properties are implemented: ColorPaletteDescription, DataIntervalsColorPaletteDescription, ValueDataLines, PointDataLines, ValueDataIntervals, and PointDataIntervals.

For ChartLabelArea, the following properties are implemented: Orientation and Angle.

For data composition system objects DataCompositionOutputParameterValues,

DataCompositionGroupOutputParameterValues, DataCompositionChartOutputParameterValues, and DataCompositionAreaTemplateChartAppearance, the following parameters are implemented: ChartType.ColorPaletteDescription, ChartType.DataIntervalsColorPaletteDescription, ChartType.ValueDataLines, ChartType.PointDataLines, ChartType.ValueDataIntervals, and ChartType.PointDataIntervals.

The following properties and methods of Chart object are obsolete and not recommended for use: ColorPalette, GradientPaletteStartColor, GradientPaletteEndColor, GradientPaletteMaxColors, GetPalette(), and SetPalette().

This feature was not provided. Additional chart layout features are introduced.
Spreadsheet documents.
Implemented representable document batch export to the following formats: XLS (Microsoft Excel 97-2003), Microsoft Office OpenXML (Microsoft Excel 2007 and later), and ODT (OpenDocument). You can export each spreadsheet document of the batch to a separate sheet of the resulting document.

Implemented RepresentableDocumentBatchItem.Title property. Use it to specify the sheet name.

Implemented Write() and BeginWriting() methods of RepresentableDocumentBatch object.

This feature was not provided. You can save several 1C:Enterprise spreadsheet documents to the resulting XLS, XLSX, or ODT document.
Full-text search.
Server clusters.
Technological log.
In client/server mode, the option to set the number of background jobs that update the full-text search index is implemented. You can use requirements of functionality purpose to set the number of background jobs that update the full-text search index.

For FullTextSearchManager object, the following methods are implemented: SetIndexingJobsCount() and GetIndexingJobsCount().

For FTEXTUpd technological log event, the following properties are implemented: MinDataId, MemoryUsed, BackgroundJobCreated, JobCanceledByLoadLimit, TotalJobsCount, and FailedJobsCount.

This feature was not provided.

The update of the full-text search index was always performed as a single background job.

Improved performance of full-text search index updates (especially in scenarios with full index rebuilding).
Configuration extensions.
Distributed infobases.
Support of configuration extensions in distributed infobases is implemented.

For exchange plans, IncludeConfigurationExtensions property is implemented.

For configuration extrensions, UseInDistributedInfobase and MasterNode properties are implemented.

This feature was not provided. Extended configuration extension usage options. You can manage the replication of configuration extensions in distributed infobases.
In charts, the option to manage automatic calculation of header, legend, and plot area sizes and positions is implemented. For ChartLegendArea, GanttChartLegendArea, PivotChartLegendArea, ChartPlotArea, GanttChartPlotArea, PivotChartPlotArea, ChartTitleArea, GanttChartTitleArea, and PivotChartTitleArea objects, property Placement is implemented.

Property ShowLegend of Chart, GanttChart, and PivotChart objects is deprecated.

Property ShowTitle of Chart, GanttChart, and PivotChart objects is deprecated.

Charts only provided the option to manage header and legend view. Improved chart customization options.
In the query language, extended support of UUID and ValueStorage types.

The option to create temporary tables based on value tables that contain columns of these types is implemented.

The option to use fields and expressions of UUID type in queries where IN is applied to a selection of multiple fields is implemented.

This feature was not provided. Extended query language capabilities.
Data composition system.
In data composition settings, the option to use a period addition in scenarios where the reporting period does not match a regular calendar period is implemented. You can specify month size, either a calendar month or "4-5-5". In the latter case, a year is divided into 4 quarters. Each quarter has two 4-week months and the third 5-week month. For system enumeration DataCompositionPeriodAdditionType, the following values are implemented:
  • YearFromBeginningOfPeriod
  • DayFromBeginningOfPeriod
  • QuarterFromBeginningOfPeriod
  • MonthFromBeginningOfPeriod
  • MinuteFromBeginningOfPeriod
  • WeekFromBeginningOfPeriod
  • HalfYearFromBeginningOfPeriod
  • HourFromBeginningOfPeriod
  • YearFromBeginningOfPeriod445
  • QuarterFromBeginningOfPeriod445
  • MonthFromBeginningOfPeriod445
  • HalfYearFromBeginningOfPeriod445
The data composition system always used period additions based on calendar beginning of quarter or year. Simplified reporting in scenarios where the reporting period does not match a regular calendar period.
Managed forms.
For managed forms, collapsible pop-up groups are implemented. When a pop-up group is collapsed, a form displays its title; clicking the title opens a pop-up window, which contains all of the group items. In a form, you can view the content of a single pop-up group at a time.

The option to toggle the state of collapsible and pop-up groups from 1C:Enterprise script is implemented.

The following system enumeration value is implemented: UsualGroupBehavior.PopUp.

For managed form group extensions for usual groups, the following methods are implemented: IsHidden(), Show(), and Hide().

For managed form group extensions, HiddenViewTitleBackgroundColor property is implemented.

These features were not provided. New options for grouping managed form items.
Database configuration update.
In the optimized restructuring mechanism (version 2), added the support of restructuring configuration objects having at least one extension (that extends data) attached in any of the data areas. This is only applicable to restructuring main database configurations. Restructuring that is performed during extension updates does not use the optimized restructuring mechanism (version 2). This feature was not provided.

For main database configurations, if any of the areas had an extension (that extended data) attached, the regular restructuring mechanism (version 1) was used.

Improved interaction between platform mechanisms.
Automated testing.
For TestedFormField objects that represent form items of radio button, input field, and label (with hyperlink flag set) types, method GetDisplayedText() is implemented. It gets the text displayed on the item.

For TestedFormField objects that represent form items of radio button and input field types, method GetChoiceListPresentation() is implemented. It gets a fixed array that contains presentations of the form item choice list.

This feature was not provided. Extended automated testing capabilities.
Mobile client.
Implemented the mobile client, which is equivalent to the thin client running on a mobile device. Its interface is similar to mobile platform interface. The mobile client supports only HTTP connections to infobases. It does not support TCP connections. The exact match between the mobile client version and the server (or the web server extension) version is not required.

The mobile client provides online access to the majority of the features available in the thin client and in the web client. The mobile client supports all mobile device-specific features, such as camera, location, and notifications.

The collaboration system uses push notifications to deliver messages. Messages are delivered even if applications that generated them are not running or inactive.

Mobile client applications are always built to run with a specific list of configurations. Changing the assortment of configuration objects in an infobase connected to a mobile client application is not supported. You can modify a configuration without modifying the assortment of its objects. If the assortment of objects changes, you have to republish the mobile application. A mobile client application cannot run with configurations that are not in the list because of application store requirements. The mobile client uses digital configuration signatures to check whether a configuration is in the list.

Implemented automatic adjustment of configuration forms to mobile device screens. You can use new form item properties to modify the adjustment rules. In the managed form editor, implemented the form preview for mobile client mode.

In the mobile client, the list of home page forms is identical to that of the thin and web clients (but different from the list of home page forms of the mobile platform). When you start an application, it displays the first form in the list, while the other forms are available through a menu.

The mobile client supports add-ins.

The mobile client does not support interactive opening of external reports and data processors.

The mobile client can run configurations with compatibility mode Version 8.3.7 or later.

In Designer, implemented commands for interactive start of the mobile client on a mobile device.

The mobile application builder can now build mobile client applications. You can select the type of application to build: a mobile client application or a mobile platform application.

Implemented MobileClient access right. Implemented MobileClient preprocessor command. In the Syntax Assistant, implemented a new availability option for objects, properties, and methods.

For managed forms, implemented CollapseItemsByImportance property. For managed form items, implemented DisplayImportance property. It affects the adjustments of the form layout. For managed form tables, implemented CurrentRowUse and BehaviorOnHorizontalCompression properties. For form groups, implemented CurrentRowUse and AssociatedTable properties. For Designer batch mode, implemented the following command-line options and parameters: MobileClientWriteFile and MobileClientDigiSign options -MobileClient parameter for CheckModules and CheckConfig options -MobileClientDigiSign parameter for CheckConfig option

Changed the content of the mobile platform distribution package ( Now it contains the mobile client files required to develop and build mobile applications, as well as distribute them through application stores.

This feature is included for beta testing purpose only.

This feature was not provided.

The mobile platform was capable of running specialized offline applications.

Mobile devices can be used in the new way now. You can now work online with all application features that were available on the thin client and on the web client without the significant configuration refactoring.
Administration tools.
In Designer batch mode, for command-line options CreateDistributionFiles and CreateDistributive, implemented parameter WarningAsError. This feature was not provided. You can apply stricter validation rules (treat all warnings as errors) to generation of application distribution kits.
Server clusters.
Implemented new values for session and connection attributes. They indicate the duration of cluster service calls initiated by a session or a connection. They are available in all administrative tools: the cluster console, COM connection, Java administrative API, and the administration server.

Implemented the following IInfoBaseConnectionInfo object and ISessionInfo object properties:

  • durationCurrentService – the current cluster service operation time
  • CurrentServiceName – the current service name
  • durationLast5MinService – the total duration of cluster service calls within the last 5 minutes
  • durationAllService – the total duration of cluster service calls since the beginning of the session or the connection

Added the same attributes to the session list, connection list, and the connection properties dialog box in the cluster console.

Added the following parameters of connection list commands and session list commands for the cluster service command-line utility (rac): duration-current-service, current-service-name, duration-last-5min-service, and duration-all-service.

This feature was not provided. The duration of cluster service calls initiated by a specific connection or a specific session is now available.
System requirements.
Client application.
The client application for Linux needs the 1.4.3 version or higher of the webkitgtk-3.0 library installed. The client application for Linux needed the 1.4.3 version or higher of the webkitgtk-1.0 library installed. Unified the Linux and MacOs client applications operation.
Implemented the new global context method DynamicAddInInstallationSupported(). It shows whether the add-in loading is available from the current Infobase.

The dynamic add-in loading is available only on Android mobile devices. Otherwise, add-ins should be included in the mobile application and are available only from the Add-in type configuration templates.

The dynamic add-in loading is available in the thick client, in the thin client, and in the web client (this behavior did not change).

Add-ins were available only from the mobile application and you could not load them from the Infobase.

You could not define the availability of dynamic add-in loading feature.

Now you can get the availability of dynamic add-in loading feature.

Next page: New functionality and changes in the 1C:Enterprise mode

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