Functionality After Before Result of changes
Client application.
Faster startup of mobile applications. Insufficient startup speed of mobile applications. Improved usability of mobile applications.
Development tools.
Data display.
The set of data stored in picture archives that include variants is modified. The manifest file manifest.xml, which is included in the archive, stores descriptions of picture variants. Custom names for pictures designed for specific display resolutions are allowed. Template pictures (pictures that have transparent background, which is displayed using the current text color) are supported. It is recommended that you store template pictures in PNG format. Picture variants were described by their file names. A manifest file was not included.

Template pictures were not supported.

You can use more of mobile application system appearance design features.
Full-text search.
In the mobile platform, you can use full-text search. The full-text search index is updated automatically upon data modification.

The search is not morphological. Additional dictionaries and text extraction are not supported. The index is updated when the mobile platform is not performing any server calls or background jobs.

The mobile platform did not support full-text search. You can use full-text search in the mobile platform.
System requirements.
The Google Play store now considers mobile applications optimized not only for phones but also for tablet PCs.

The change takes effect when you rebuild the mobile application using the new mobile platform and then republish the application to Google Play.

The Google Play store considered mobile applications optimized for phones only. Tablet PC users can see mobile applications in the default Google Play list. Searching by title is not necessary.
During the creation of data composition fields, if they include calendar or contact data, you can specify just a field name, without specifying its data type.

Creation of data composition fields with data types specified is supported forn compatibility purposes.

During the creation of data composition fields, if they included calendar or contact data, specifying the full field name with its data type was required. The system behaves as described in the documentation.

Simplified interaction with calendars and contacts in some scenarios.

Window management.
The option to handle the change of mobile device display parameters is now available.

The OnChangeDisplaySettings event handler is implemented. The event occurs when the client application display parameters are changed.

The Width and Height properties of the ClientDisplayInformation object store the actual values (which depend on the screen orientation).

This feature was not provided.

The platform could not detect the changes of display parameters.

The Width and Height properties of the ClientDisplayInformation object stored constant (canonical) values.

You can handle the display size changes caused by mobile device orientation changes or by connecting the mobile device to external displays. You can create applications with better usability.
Multimedia support.
Photo shoot and video recording quality control implemented (for Android only).

Camera control for photo shoots and video recording is implemented.

In the MultimediaTools object, for the PhotoSupported() and VideoRecordingSupported() methods, the CameraType parameter is implemented.

In the MultimediaTools object, for the MakePhoto() method, the CameraType, Resolutions, Quality, and Monochrome parameters are implemented. For the MakeVideoRecording() method of the MultimediaTools object, the CameraType and Quality parameters are implemented. For the MultimediaTools object, the GetSupportedCameraResolutions() method is implemented.

These features were not provided. Extended capabilities for mobile device cameras.
On the mobile platform, you can print spreadsheet documents. Printers that use PCL3 and ZPL protocols are supported. WiFi and Bluetooth are used for connecting to printers (only for Android). This feature was not provided. You can print spreadsheet documents from mobile applications.
Configuration properties.

The documentation now contains the description of the mobile platform compatibility mode:

  • It cannot be managed from Designer.
  • It is not changed when an infobase is migrated to a new platform version.
  • It is set during the infobase creation as its mobile platform version.
  • It is changed to the new mobile platform version when an infobase is migrated to a new mobile platform version.

The documentation also describes the correspondence of PC platform versions and mobile platform versions.

The mobile platform compatibility mode was not described in the documentation.

The documentation is updated with the latest information.
Managed forms.
Development tools.
Asynchronous dialog box operations are available to mobile platform developers.

Selecting Mobile device in the Use purposes configuration property does not change the Modality usage mode configuration property.

Only synchronous dialog box operations were available to mobile platform developers.

When the Mobile device value was selected in the Use purposes configuration property, a request to confirm the change of the Modality usage mode configuration property value was displayed (only if the change was required).

Applied solution development for the mobile platform is simplified. Developers no longer need to support two sets of dialog box operations, one for the mobile platform and the other one for the PC platform.
1C:Enterprise script.
In the mobile platform, the language of generated names of form items, form attributes, form commands, form parameters, and structure properties is defined by the value of the Script variant configuration property. In the mobile platform, the language of generated names of form items, form attributes, form commands, form parameters, and structure properties was English only if the default configuration language was English. Otherwise it was Russian. The mobile platform behavior is uniform with the PC-based platform behavior.
Development tools.
Push notification and local notification support is implemented. This feature relies on Apple push notification service and Google Cloud Messaging. The option to display the number of notifications that are not yet processed is implemented: mobile application icon badges (for iOS) or status bar notifications (for Android). Devices running Android 4.1 or later display the notifications diferently from devices with earlier Android version. A dedicated service provided by 1C Company is implemented to simplify the development of notifications for applied solutions that run on the PC platform. Notification senders can choose between using this service, Apple push notification service, and Google Cloud Messaging.

For the mobile platform, the DeliverableNotifications global context property, the DeliverableNotificationManager object, and the DeliverableNotification object are implemented.

For the PC platform, the DeliverableNotificationSend global context property, the

DeliverableNotificationSendManager object, and the DeliverableNotification object are implemented.

For mobile applications, the Push notifications and Local notifications permissions are implemented.

The mobile application builder supports building mobile applications that use notifications.

This feature was not provided. You can use standard user notifications in mobile applications. Notifications can be generated either by a mobile application on the mobile device (local notifications) or by an applied solution running on a PC (push notifications).
Dynamic lists.
Improved performance of dynamic list opening. The process of loading list data now has a visual presentation. The process of loading dynamic list data had no visual presentation and took more time. Optimized dynamic list operations.
Internet-enabled functionality.
The following mobile platform features support secure connection (HTTPS):
  • HTTP operations
  • POP3 and SMTP email operations

Support of IMAP email operations (including secure connection) is implemented.

Support of client certificates and certification authority center certificates stored in files is implemented.

In the mobile platform the FileClientCertificate, FileCertificationAuthorityCertificates, and OpenSSLSecureConnection objects are implemented, together with the corresponding properties of the HTTPConnection, InternetMailProfile, and InternetMail objects.

The mobile platform did not support the following features:
  • Secure connection for HTTP, POP3, and SMTP operations
  • IMAP email operations

Client certificate operations and authority center certificate operations.

The mobile platform supports secure operations with email and with other resources.

Error handling.
In the mobile platform for developers, you can obtain error details (the Details button in the error dialog box) and information for technical support (in the About 1C:Enterprise window). Error details and information for technical support were not available in the mobile platform. Improved issue diagnostics in the mobile platform for developers.
New interface for the mobile platform client application, with a large number of improvements. The most significant changes are:
  • The interface style is derived from the Taxi interface, but optimized for mobile devices to maximum extent.
  • The interface appearance is revamped. This change affects the form design, primary colors, and the look of form items. The interface now matches the modern mobile interface standards.
  • The main application menu is revised.
  • The main section command interface is revised.
  • Navigation options are revised.
  • A form and main section command interface can be both present on the start page.
  • Form command bar placement and generation rules are modified.
  • The option to display a form navigation panel is implemented.
  • The text input field is optimized for touch screen devices.
  • The form title is no longer duplicated in the form body.
  • Users have the option to create a list item when selecting a value from a drop-down list.
  • Form item context menus are supported.
  • Fields that require filling are not highlighted.
  • New display options for page groups are implemented.
  • Search in dynamic lists is implemented. It is based on full-text search.
  • A dynamic list can be sorted by tapping a column header.
  • Table operations are significantly revised, including scrolling, table item selection, and row rearrangement.
  • In managed form tables the multiple selection option is implemented.
  • The option to update a list by pulling the list down or up when the first or last row is on the screen ("pull to refresh") is implemented.
  • The approach to handling the current row of a managed form table is changed.
  • A managed form table is automatically scaled to fit displayed data by height, unless it displays dynamic list data.
  • Spreadsheet documents can be scaled using gestures.
  • User message appearance is revised.
  • Subsystems are supported (and available in the interface).
  • The radio button field and the track bar field are implemented.
  • For a managed form table the RefreshRequestProcessing event is implemented. For the FormPagesRepresentation system enumeration the Swipe value is implemented. For a managed form table the RefreshRequest property is implemented.
  • The Move up/Move down standard table commands are removed.
  • For a managed form command the Use current row and Associated table properties are implemented (not available from 1C:Enterprise script). For a managed form button the Representation in context menu property is implemented (not available from 1C:Enterprise script).
  • Many other features are implemented. The full list of changes is quite long, therefore it is recommended that you read the chapter about mobile application development in 1C:Enterprise Developer Guide.
The mobile application interface was similar to managed application interface version 8.2. The mobile application interface meets the modern requirements to mobile interfaces. Improved mobile application usability. New interface uses the same color scheme and style as the Taxi interface, at the same time it is optimized for mobile devices.
Managed forms.
For devices that run Android operation system, predictive text input in multiline text boxes is implemented (with optional automatic correction of the entered text). This feature is available when it is enabled in the virtual keyboard settings. This feature was not provided. Improved usability for text input.
Mobile application builder.
In mobile application builder, you can publish an application to Apple App Store and Google Play directly from the builder.

The mobile application builder help describes how to connect to Google Play Market.

This feature was not provided.

Mobile applications required manual publishing.

Publishing mobile applications to Apple App Store and Google Play is simplified.
Dynamic lists.
The option to specify dynamic list settings using 1C:Enterprise script is implemented.

The DynamicList.SettingsComposer property is now available on the mobile platform.

The following objects are implemented: DataCompositionSettingsComposer, DataCompositionUserSettings, and DataCompositionSettings, as well as their constructors and methods. Their methods are not available on the mobile platform.

The DataCompositionUserSettingsItemCollection object is implemented.

This feature was not provided. Работа с настройками динамического списка на мобильной платформе приближена к возможностям платформы для персонального компьютера.
Dynamic lists.
When the selection mode is on, dynamic list rows that represent parent groups have left arrows displayed. When the selection mode was on, dynamic list rows that represented parent groups did not have left arrows displayed. Improved navigation of hierarhical dynamic lists in the selection mode.

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